i know not lookin good just wanna know why???


Weed Modifier
for the record...cowboy you did not reply to the op?

only to say how you disagree with other posters trying to help? everyone is just trying to help, and its ok to disagree,and to be wrong, but come on man.

then insulting too...Wow. how come you did not give your advise to op before making statements to others?


Well-Known Member
mjeh, im not gonna partake in this, i usually just feed the plants a bit of urine and then water as normal if anything is wrong (it works and is not a hassle in anyway)

but how about you guys have a civil discussion about this?

its not about being right, its about growing great plants, overgrowing the people that are at war with us..

im pretty sure you all could learn something from one another, some more than others, but hey who cares.


Well-Known Member
No need to respond to the OP until he is willing to post more info on his grow as you already know and asked. So spent the time to nip the spread of inaccurate forum crap........learning from what you read is fine to a point. Nothing like actual, practical experience. You know the folks that will rarely say lockup, lockout, runoff pH ect... knowing these things only distract(and rarely occur in container/soil grows) and confuse new growers even more.


Well-Known Member
what i see is over watering. i wouldnt flush. also anther reason mg isnt very good. is that its got alot of filler. wood and sawdust. if you read on composting. these things take nitrogen to decompose using it up. so in one hand you have to much when the tim release is released with water burning your plants then. and then in the next week you dont have any cause the wwod chips eat it all. it works when you find the perfect watering schedule. but its not easy to use. so im saying its both no nitrgen then to much then no then to much.


New Member
No need to respond to the OP until he is willing to post more info on his grow as you already know and asked. So spent the time to nip the spread of inaccurate forum crap........learning from what you read is fine to a point. Nothing like actual, practical experience. You know the folks that will rarely say lockup, lockout, runoff pH ect... knowing these things only distract(and rarely occur in container/soil grows) and confuse new growers even more.
Well, did you ask the OP for more info so you could dole out your wisdom to him? No, you just started bashing like the trouble starting hate mongering troll you are. Oh yeah I was going to ignore you!


Well-Known Member
No need to respond to the OP until he is willing to post more info on his grow as you already know and asked. So spent the time to nip the spread of inaccurate forum crap........learning from what you read is fine to a point. Nothing like actual, practical experience. You know the folks that will rarely say lockup, lockout, runoff pH ect... knowing these things only distract(and rarely occur in container/soil grows) and confuse new growers even more.

basically its like this, get the best soil you can and then most if not all problems are solved (good black/dark brown nutritious fluffy soil of the right ph or close to it)


Active Member
Ok so fed em w GL 12-55-6 twice once 1/4 strength then half they r in bout wk 4-5 and i always use rain water and last time i watered them w molasses


Weed Modifier
My soil is jungle growth flower and vegtable not sure the ph first grow nxt Im using all foxfarm products
that soil already has nutrients in it!

Thie jungle growth flower and vegtable mix provides a healthier home for flowers and vegetables - with disease prevention qualities and the appropriate PH. A unique blend that will help flowers and vegetables thrive. Enriched to feed for up to 4 months.

Ok so fed em w GL 12-55-6 twice once 1/4 strength then half they r in bout wk 4-5 and i always use rain water and last time i watered them w molasses
then you added more nutes!!! too hot they are burning, like I stated, flush soil, with only water, 3x amt normal, until runoff runs clear and don't feed anymore nutrient...just water and hopefully she will finish up without getting to much worse.


New Member
To the OP: please accept my apology for my behavior last night. I did not wish to jack your thead. Your post and others like it are why I love spending time on RIU. I know it is not my job to be a troll exterminator and mostly I hold my tongue. I feel RIU is our internet home a way from home so to speak. And I despise those who take pride in being insulting, hostile and down right humiliating. Sometimes, I let my emotion get the best of me. We are all human right? Well, most of us anyway! LOL! best of luck to you and listen to Lime73, guy KNOWS his shit.


Active Member
Ok well i flushed em i used 3x++the amt..the run was still a little dirty but nutting like the first time i dumped the water
should i flush again after a good drought???


Weed Modifier
Ok well i flushed em i used 3x++the amt..the run was still a little dirty but nutting like the first time i dumped the water
should i flush again after a good drought???
nope.... just a normal water, until about 10% runoff comes out should be fine :)

bet it started coming out a dark piss color, when you first started the flush ;)


Weed Modifier
Hell yea it was dark as shit
lol...yah i figured that....it was all the extra nutrients that were building up in your soil. but now you know your soil is better now, and should not get worse. :)

one plant got hurt the worst hey? other one not so bad.