What type of cloner have you got there? Spray, Fog, Bubble?
I dont think its a fog system.
Mike: it'll probably work fine if you vent them enough and don't let them dry out. I'm just paranoid about working around glass. That's why I don't use mirrors for reflectors anymore.
For about $7 you can get a black plastic starter tray and a clear plastic humidity dome with adjustable vents on top. That's what I use and it just seems safer, simpler and easier to me. But you have shown that where there's a will there's a way. After all, necessity is the mother of invention. Please keep us posted on their progress. HSA
I always hate humidity domes or things like this as the plants have to be easily removed from the humidity domes or they will have shock and die. there is no need for humidity domes as I use none on my aero cloner and have 100% success.
This is good for you, but alas the general rule is that humidity domes are required for cloning. You are lucky in your situation but importunately most can't get away with it.
Not really it's pretty close to 50/50 who use and whom do not. It is *NOT* required for cloning.
I kind of agree over the years I stopped using the dome just out of pure laziness and I was still getting the same ratio I would get with a dome.
I kind of agree over the years I stopped using the dome just out of pure laziness and I was still getting the same ratio I would get with a dome.
How do you do your clones in dwc? or do you start them another way without the dome? I would love to feel safe in taking the masson jars off.
Yes I know... it's sad posters with 11k+ post still are blind.
You think not using a dome is weird I seen guys who are super cheap and dont even use clone powder/gel just water and a plug and they get 100% success.
We used to just let the cuttings sit in a glass of water.