Whats Wrong With the Edge of These Leaves?


I have been growing a single plant successfully for the past 12 or 13 days. This morning the plan was fine; after work I came home and found the edges of the 1st true leaves have turned white. The plant is close to the light, but wouldn't it burn the 2nd set of leaves first?


It has also had a small dose of Alaska Organic Fish Fert and few days ago. None the less I still moved my 400w mh a few inches up just in case.

Oddly enough I did notice that the places where these white "burns" appeared had that resin (Im not sure of the name, someone help me out) that is between the outer shell and fake leaves right when you pop the plant from its shell. This plant grew quite fast and started to grow its 1st true set of leaves before the outer shell had even popped completely open.

I eventually popped it open myself and was surprised by 4 leaves, two of which had that clear resin on.

Can someone explain this and hopefully tell me everything will be fine lol


Excuse my terrible grammar, its hard to describe


Active Member
One of my plants was doing the same thing at about that age, pretty sure I've found out it was from overwatering. How much H2o have you given it?


Well-Known Member
You probably burnt the tips of the first leaf's having the lights to close? so the tips got crispy
or slightly light stressed with the 400 so close
that plant should be a bit bigger at 2 weeks, so thats why I'm thinking heat or light stress

anyone else? :leaf:

Edit: The second set of leaf's look fine, just keep the lights up, I don't think your nutes are to blame :leaf:


New Member
no nutes for the first time of a plants life the soil will have nutes in it for first 1-3 weeks flush with clean 6.5 ph water and relax


Thanks for the quick reply. Heat is no trouble it varies from the high 70's to low 80's during the day and the low 70's during the night. Il keep this updated.

Edit: that is a bad angle for actual size, il get a better shot soon


One of my plants was doing the same thing at about that age, pretty sure I've found out it was from overwatering. How much H2o have you given it?
I did water it quite heavily yesterday, its not the frequency of water that is bad, its the amount I add. It was about one litre I think.


Well-Known Member
doesent matter on the amount you use if it drains out also it only matters if you dont let the soil dry out a bit.... as in the pot being light to the lift etc keeping the soil constantly wet starves the roots of oxygen etc...
I did water it quite heavily yesterday, its not the frequency of water that is bad, its the amount I add. It was about one litre I think.



I can't tell; it may look exactly the same as a few hours ago. You guys take a look. Il let u know tomorrow morning though.


Yep its mainly coco coir but I experimented with a little perlite to help drainage. I have a ph meter for the water too.
~This is nothing major in my opinion. stop feeding it any of the fish fertilizer tho. if growing in coco remember you cannot over water with coco so dont worry about that. try invest in some Canna nutes, expensive but well worth it. mzybe i agree with the post earlier regarding the plant being really small for this stage.

If you have any questions then please just ask, im also growing with coco.
