Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

my girls smelled horrible after harvest during hanging and after two days in the jar, they still smell nasty. i swear, if they had vaginas, i would run in the other direction.
View attachment 1970476 Now we can talk about harvesting and cure again:

my girls smelled horrible after harvest during hanging and after two days in the jar, they still smell nasty. i swear, if they had vaginas, i would run in the other direction
It sounds like you put the buds in the jars wet, then sealed it up.
I sealed up an outdoor plant I grew on Maui when I was a kid. The whole thing rot and went bad on me, so I know that smell.
What's Up? I just chopped yesterday and figured to add some extra filtration and circulation to dry my hanging cola's (short but fat!), and need to know if this would somehow decrease potency and/or flavor any. The Air cleaner is Magic Clean which is an photocatalytic and air ionizer which also has the purple UV lights inside.
I can't tell you for sure what that will do. I would rather just use a small fan on low. I have Ozone generators that do the same thing (on a larger scale), I know they will kill your plant and cause your metal parts to rust real fast. Ozone cause rapid oxidization. So blowing them right on your plant might not be the best plan. Like I said, I don't know for sure.
How many time do I need to ask you to quit trolling this thread? I would like to get back on topic.
Was hoping you would apologize for ruining a good thread.
I am all about peace and not into your PC gamer bashing contest.
Please leave now.
Still friends.

Again, I'm not trolling anything.
I'm asking you very simple questions which you cannot answer and thus you get upset.
You claim you have proof, you have showed none. All you did was link a post by some random guy who tasted your weed.
HOW is that scientifically valid information? Where are the authors back your method you claim?
Just because other people have posted the same wrong image that you have doesn't make it factually valid.
Your logic is so flawed.

If you continue to provoke by saying "back on topic", "now we can talk about harvesting and curing again" I will continue to let people know that you are talking bullshit.

You don't know what you're talking about and you are spreading false information.

my girls smelled horrible after harvest during hanging and after two days in the jar, they still smell nasty. i swear, if they had vaginas, i would run in the other direction.

Are you serious? That post is more on topic than the discussion of trichomes?
You are delusional..
Well done on bumping your thread on such a useless post...
I've bookmarked this to provide to future requests on help with harvests. Good, up to date how to.

Yeah because we don't already have a much clearer and better harvest guide, which isn't providing false information....

Also, I find it funny how nobody has really spoken up about the loss of trichomes during the bag method.
When you place bud inside bags with shredded paper and you then turn the weed around, you lose a great amount of trichomes.
Trichomes don't rehydrate, and when they're dry, they are brittle and can easily fall off.

Nice way to lower the potential potency of your bud...
I agree. The pictures are the best I can do with my Cannon PowerShot A590 (not a great cam). I do have a microscope and a loupe, but it won't work at all with this camera. If you have any tips on how to get closer (clear pictures of trichome heads) photo I will try it.

Let me see if I can do a bit better. Under the microscope, the trichome heads are in tact and stacked.
This is as close as I can get with my camera:

Years ago I took some fresh bud pictures with an older cam (sorry I gave it to my nephew). It was a lower megapixel unit, but it got in real close. I call this photo "What a way to die":
Here's what I can tell you: I start collecting kief from the moment the product leaves the drying rack. Literally. My personal process isn't all that different from yours, in concept, but I obviously don't use paper bags. I use what are in essence very large kief boxes to slow the drying process. Heh, I've got a whole apparatus going, but I digress. This wasn't cheap to have built and the hassle around the security issues was, well, a hassle, but the cost was small compared to how much kief gets collected. I have a tumbler, as well, and I get the same if not more by simply collecting what falls out, anyway, compared to running quality skuff. Granted, the scale is different, but the point is the same: you'd be amazed by how much just falls away.

I would like to see a picture of what you are trying to describe. Was hoping for some photo taking tips to get a clear picture of my trichomes.
About Kief: I now only grow for my wife who won't have anything to do with bubble hash or kief, so I have never worked hard on kief collecting. I tried to get her to try it (via a bud grinder with a screen attached), but she said it gives her the same high as bubble hash (too much for the lady I guess). Most of my trimmings go in the fire-place now days. It is kinda sad I am unable to explore other parts of this hobby of mine. I used to make bubble hash with friends that I "donated jars of bud to, but now they grow their own or have stopped smoking weed. We are in our late 40's and have very few friends that smoke herb.

I can see the point about the rough paper knocking trichomes off the bud. Even more so when it is rotated in the bags. No doubt, any handling of your bud, will cause some damaged heads.
It is very important to take your time and be gentle in every step of harvesting. It's a good idea to always be gentle with your weed at any stage. Manhandling your bud will cause the trichomes to break off (you don't want that).
After looking at the end result under the microscope, I can see very little evidence of broken heads. Most of the broken heads can be found at the places I grab the bud during trimming. I am sure some break off no matter how careful I am, but I feel the amount is insignificant and minute at best (you would have to see my stuff for yourself to really know what I am talking about). I would have built a killer drying box if this bag method was not working out so well (I have lots of tools).
I would like to see a picture of what you are trying to describe.

That's not going to happen for a more than one reason.

I now only grow for my wife who won't have anything to do with bubble hash or kief, so I have never worked hard on kief collecting. I tried to get her to try it (via a bud grinder with a screen attached), but she said it gives her the same high as bubble hash (too much for the lady I guess). Most of my trimmings go in the fire-place now days. It is kinda sad I am unable to explore other parts of this hobby of mine. I used to make bubble hash with friends that I "donated jars of bud to, but now they grow their own or have stopped smoking weed. We are in our late 40's and have very few friends that smoke herb.

You mean you don't smoke?

I have never smoked anything I have grown. I have the kinda job that checks all the time and my whole life is tied up in my career. If you knew what I did for a living you would understand why it is impossible for me to smoke. I have never been much of a drinker as well. So I'm cool with it.

My wife needs it. Her doctor asked her to look into cannabis before it was "legal" in California. I hate the idea of giving money to drug dealers and supporting violent cartels. So with the help of and some patient mentors I learned to grow my own indoors.

My father was the real deal hippy pot grower (not kidding). I grew up on Maui and watched him grow crops outdoors. I had plants of my own by age 11. But never tried smoking until high school. It was not my thing, so I moved on.

I still love this hobby and can't get enough of the beautiful plants that we all grow (or try to). I have met hundreds of growers over the years and found some great friends. I just had one guy from the forums come all the way from Kansas to hang out at my pad and talk about growing weed.

I'm sure the fact I don't even smoke weed will be used to dismiss any advice I give. Nothing I can do to remedy this fact (unfortunately).
im confused.... you said you dont smoke (job, etc), but you know how your plant tastes and smokes, etc, etc.
Do you just go by what others tell you? *shrug*
That is correct sir. I do rely on folks I have met here on the forums to review the stuff I grow. But the sad fact is I don't get to taste it myself.
I am in SoCal. You can check out a review I got last year --> here. I have a few others, but it is not something I write down everythime it happens. My wife is pretty good at telling me what she likes, and I am growing for here after all.