Insomniacs Unite!!!!


Well-Known Member
I can't tell if it's my pc that makes it lag or if it's the youtube video itself.... so if it is a crappy video just tell me and I'll post all the seperate videos.


Well-Known Member
You guys have to watch this. Well I'm off for a long bike ride :). First I need to get really baked lol. peace ladies and gentlemen.


Well-Known Member
u said it depressing lol. i dont' watch depressing. i am watching hbo and snuggling with my pup. i wish i could sleep.
True... I gotta split mary. LOL I was gonna ask what hbo stood for and then I realized you really did mean hbo lol. jeez what a brain fart haha. Count sheep ha.


Well-Known Member
So who watched the video? Come on guys.... If there was one thing you guys could do for me, it would be to watch this movie.


Well-Known Member
Bottle of whiskey, gram of nugs, and a mind full of ex girlfriend thoughts... Cheers to the lost lonley suckers


Well-Known Member
lol, i took ambien and thought i would get some rest but i am already up again. i took it at 1:30, slept from 2-3:30. nice.

where's crypt? i haven't seen him around these parts lately?


Well-Known Member
I don't know where he is.. I miss my sarcastic buddy. I slept last night, not really, more like laying down in a hazy daze for a few hours lol. Well good morning everyone.


Hello, chronic insomniac here, trying to wean myself off Vistaril and back on natural medicine only. Unfortunately my current supply isn't very sleep-inducing if very good. Although I will probably become unconcious eventually, cross eyed and drooling on myself, if I continute vaping this purple widow lol.