Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

Kinda like this paranoia i got right now.. It comes and goes. Right now its been hitting me hard, feeling like EVERYONE is out to get me, even those that are friends and family...
yeah not a good feeling but it passes

i luv the way the tsd grows so spread and airy
im not to fond of a plant so thick wit leaves no air can pass through
has one of the best overall structures
Kinda like this paranoia i got right now.. It comes and goes. Right now its been hitting me hard, feeling like EVERYONE is out to get me, even those that are friends and family...

carful bruh that sounds a little serious there
you need to deal wit that especially the fam and friends thing thats all you have
you might not agree wit them you are very opinionated
but im sure they mean well
and are not out to get you
so let that shit go bro
I live that kind of structure too, good air flow which helps prevent the rot down the line. My Cougar is like that. That TSD you got is a crowd pleaser.
Kinda like this paranoia i got right now.. It comes and goes. Right now its been hitting me hard, feeling like EVERYONE is out to get me, even those that are friends and family...

Bro you have a lot going on right now. My door is always open for you and you know that.
carful bruh that sounds a little serious there
you need to deal wit that especially the fam and friends thing thats all you have
you might not agree wit them you are very opinionated
but im sure they mean well
and are not out to get you
so let that shit go bro
I know it isnt healthy, and thats the part that scares me. I think once the plants are gone the P-noya will go too....
This Purple le Pew is no Joke

That songs brings up some raw emotions in me.

If you get the time, you should peep his whole cd, lots of good songs in there with emotion like that.
i might check it out bruh

now is da time you should be talkin to da creator whoever he she it is to you

and there is this
Bro you have a lot going on right now. My door is always open for you and you know that.


gota find a pressure relief valve in life like a boiler or a hot water heater or man preessur is bad if builds up

i dont think my son has found his and the words mean nuthing -he had his usic now needs sumtin else -he had a big afro intering colledge bald intering airforce

has a sefl destruct feature hair to a man is nutin but sum pay wit organs heart, stomach, skin ,facial expressions, attitude , pay in many ways

the mocho thing is to shut down dont talk on it an eat yourself away -the way our fathers dealt qit it - not advised or healthy today --from an old man wit 80% health and 98% of his hair
That's a fact, and I am living proof. That's why I teach my little ones only focus on things you CAN control and let the stuff go that you can't control.
that is whut our creator is for

like if you workin on a job someone or sumthing is stopping you from performing you have to inform yo boss of the delay and maybe ask him to step in =called escalate

when sumtin is out of your controll pass it up put it in the creators hands and ask him for help

dats his line of business

dont have to be every day acquaintance like us

dont have to be sumone dat talks to him every day

just call on him when things are at peace and still
explain it to him the area you need help in
and you must believe he can help right the wrongs

and put your faith and trust in the fact that he will help to guide you
over and around your hurdles

that is whut we do - go by faith
it is whut we grow by - faith

we germ the seed -faith it will pop
we plant below earth -faith it will come up

all about faith

the book says we walk by faith and not by sight

stan true soldier

boy i dont like fox-tailing and my fn sour d is tailin all over da place !!

i wonder if sum weed hard to pollenate like sum clones hard to root ? - humm
foxtails - i dont know why i dont like them - i just know if you offer me and one without is on the other side i will reach over the with to get to without - maybe just my own prefrence
some dont like crowded places - sum dont want to be home alone
sum can eat ther pizza out da frig - othes gotta be burnin their moufs
to each his or her own - i know we all have our list of things we dont like and things we do

an im sure the whole list under both catagories wont make sence to all its readers

seeds - Bucu Kush


that one center let wit the split in the air looks like its gona pop as we look at it -they look so fertle dese two seperate yields or the same yield - before an after