Seedy Weed


Active Member
How come people say seedy weed has no THC? When I first started smoking I got seedy weed all the time. I can understand the concept of you have 10 plants and 8 are female and 2 are male so pull them before they pollinate females. Is it hermie weed that has THC? Because I've def smoked seedy weed that has got me quite baked.


Active Member
it lowers the thc% focuses on producing seeds and not green and takes time to beable to smoke it cause u gotta clean out the seeds its not as potent as sensamilia


Well-Known Member
seeds are suppose to reduce potency, but iv smoked some top grade bud with seeds in it and it seemed potency was unaffected. iv smoked brick weed plenty of time and it still gets me high, just takes more


Sector 5 Moderator
When I started smoking in 1970, there was no such thing as sensimilla; it all had seeds and it was, by far, the best bud - the most potent bud - I've ever smoked. There were no "Cannabis Cup" competitions and no designer strains, just pure landrace Mexican, Jamaican, Colombian (my fav!), some occasional Panama red and Acapulco gold and they were all better than todays trash weed. Say what you want; if you didn't smoke it in the 70's you can't dispute it.


Well-Known Member
everything was better when you were younger. starwars and your moms meatloaf are great examples of that.


Well-Known Member
When I started smoking in 1970, there was no such thing as sensimilla; it all had seeds and it was, by far, the best bud - the most potent bud - I've ever smoked. There were no "Cannabis Cup" competitions and no designer strains, just pure landrace Mexican, Jamaican, Colombian (my fav!), some occasional Panama red and Acapulco gold and they were all better than todays trash weed. Say what you want; if you didn't smoke it in the 70's you can't dispute it.
Ok I never smoked in the 70s so I won't dispute that. BUT my dad did smoke plent of weed in the 70s. And he would argue that statement. When he started smoking again (with me) while I was in highschool, he was amazed this shit was from the same plant. The ONLY thing he still goes on about being potentially better is Thai stick. Have you ever considered that you are just fondly remembering the good ol days? And having transference? Like it was the best time of your life, therefore in your minds eye you see the pot as being better just because t was a magical time? Food for thought.


Active Member
Yea but ppl say it contains NO THC. I knew it was BS from first hand exp. I tried acapulco gold and that is fkn amazing! I got it off my Columbian friend when we were like 14. He brought a shit ton over with him! It burns yellow and is by far the smoothest ive smoked! I wouldn't fuck with thai stick. Opium is very addicting.LOL


Well-Known Member
It all depends on wen and how far in flower the females got pollinated obviously the further in they got without being pollinated the more qualitiy of weed it will produce and visa versa!!


Sector 5 Moderator
Ok I never smoked in the 70s so I won't dispute that. BUT my dad did smoke plent of weed in the 70s. And he would argue that statement. When he started smoking again (with me) while I was in highschool, he was amazed this shit was from the same plant. The ONLY thing he still goes on about being potentially better is Thai stick. Have you ever considered that you are just fondly remembering the good ol days? And having transference? Like it was the best time of your life, therefore in your minds eye you see the pot as being better just because t was a magical time? Food for thought.
I agree that that time of my life was indeed magical, absolutely! I did approximately 60 acid trips, not to mention the mescalin, mushrooms, uppers, downers, airplane glue, Bactine, MDA, and anything else I could get, so I wasn't exactly a neophyte. For two solid years the only time of day I was not fully baked was first thing in the morning when I woke up. The first thing I did was fire up a big bowl. I was renowned among my friends for being able to roll the most perfect joint. There is no telling how many lbs of weed I smoked back then. I remember one night, sitting in my dads big Pontiac Bonneville, seeing just how much Colombian gold I could smoke. I swear I was tripping just like on acid; it got to the point that I wanted to come down. Another time, my cousin gave me a little doob about the size of a wooden matchstick; it was Acapulco gold. There were 6 of us stoners that worked where I worked and every day at lunch time we would get ripped. When first break came I told them to keep their stash, that I had something special. We all piled into the van at lunch and they looked on in anticipation of what I had. When they saw the tiny little doob, they all broke out laughing. But, what the heck, they indulged me and we smoked it, getting one toke each. About 15 minutes went by and we suddenly noticed that we were all sitting there zoned out completely and just totally fucked up. For years later they all commented on that little doob.
i call bs i didnt smoke in the 70's either but its proven that thc percentage in weed today is way higher than back then, seedy weed is not as good as sensi but still can be very tasty


Sector 5 Moderator
i call bs i didnt smoke in the 70's either but its proven that thc percentage in weed today is way higher than back then, seedy weed is not as good as sensi but still can be very tasty
Call it what you want but since you have no experience, it's only conjecture and opinion, but don't call someone that's been there and done it a liar. BTW, welcome to RIU; I'm a moderator of this forum.

Also, the way they measured THC content back then has changed. I think they used to include the fan leaves. Hell, we used to smoke the fan leaves!! :)


Well-Known Member
Yea, the reason why seedy weed has a low thc is because once a female plant has been pollinated all of the work goes toward seed production and not bud production, no need for swelling of the resin glands etc. Chances are the seedy weed you got wasn't from hermies. It was from a commercial grower, growing from seed, and had to many plants to tend to and missed some males pollinating the surrounding females lol. You can get high off of seedy weed, I would know, Ive smoked quite a bit, but it does not come close to producing the same high as sticky, gooey potent seedless buds. And like potpimp mentioned earlier about the seeds in the seventies. Its true, Its like going to the wild west of marijuana growing, so little about cultivation of a marijuana plant was known. Indoor growing was just starting. nobody knew about hauling males out. If it came from a marijuana plant, it was sold as marijuana, simple as that. Maybe thats why acid was so popular back then, you could catch a lot better buzz from a tablet of acid then a joint jammed packed with seeds lol.


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm pretty certain that there are other factors in getting "high" other than just THC. Those landrace strains (pure sativa) were just amazing all around; I wish you young guns could have smoked some of that! I think I'm going to PM some of the other "old dudes" here and ask their take on the weed of the 70's. I'll collate the quotes and post here in the General Growing forum. I may push to turn the tide to pure landrace strains again, or at least have them available. Sativas take a LOT longer to flower; they do not produce as much in weight and, from a commercial growers vantage, the Cannabis Indica is much more desirable.


I don't doubt your experience potpimp, but I saw this on reddit a while back. Some of the best strains according to high times in the 70s!



Sector 5 Moderator
I don't doubt your experience potpimp, but I saw this on reddit a while back. Some of the best strains according to high times in the 70s!

Fantastic find!! See all those seeds? That's what it was like back in the day. I could get well over 100 seeds out of a "lid". Bag appeal: -8; High: 10.


Well-Known Member
Yea, the reason why seedy weed has a low thc is because once a female plant has been pollinated all of the work goes toward seed production and not bud production, no need for swelling of the resin glands etc. Chances are the seedy weed you got wasn't from hermies. It was from a commercial grower, growing from seed, and had to many plants to tend to and missed some males pollinating the surrounding females lol. You can get high off of seedy weed, I would know, Ive smoked quite a bit, but it does not come close to producing the same high as sticky, gooey potent seedless buds. And like potpimp mentioned earlier about the seeds in the seventies. Its true, Its like going to the wild west of marijuana growing, so little about cultivation of a marijuana plant was known. Indoor growing was just starting. nobody knew about hauling males out. If it came from a marijuana plant, it was sold as marijuana, simple as that. Maybe thats why acid was so popular back then, you could catch a lot better buzz from a tablet of acid then a joint jammed packed with seeds lol.
The plant infact will continue producing resin glands even after seeded. The resin glad is present to protect the seed pod from UVB damage. I'm WAY to stoned to post any links right now. Jesus I'm to high for Internet tonight guys, I'm out!

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
Fantastic find!! See all those seeds? That's what it was like back in the day. I could get well over 100 seeds out of a "lid". Bag appeal: -8; High: 10.
stems and seeds brother ,so many burns in my car seats due to a seed popping out of a pinner it wasn't even funny