Yea, the reason why seedy weed has a low thc is because once a female plant has been pollinated all of the work goes toward seed production and not bud production, no need for swelling of the resin glands etc. Chances are the seedy weed you got wasn't from hermies. It was from a commercial grower, growing from seed, and had to many plants to tend to and missed some males pollinating the surrounding females lol. You can get high off of seedy weed, I would know, Ive smoked quite a bit, but it does not come close to producing the same high as sticky, gooey potent seedless buds. And like potpimp mentioned earlier about the seeds in the seventies. Its true, Its like going to the wild west of marijuana growing, so little about cultivation of a marijuana plant was known. Indoor growing was just starting. nobody knew about hauling males out. If it came from a marijuana plant, it was sold as marijuana, simple as that. Maybe thats why acid was so popular back then, you could catch a lot better buzz from a tablet of acid then a joint jammed packed with seeds lol.