Things my mom taught me :)


New Member
Hate to break it to ya, that squirting you think tastes so great is piss.
Didnt taste like piss to me. But w.e idgaf i was fingering her and fucking her it was crazy. Shower, bed, counter, floor everywhere couch. Getting handjobs while finger her after an hr long sex session was pretty fucking amazing. I must like piss xD
LOL @ this thread. The only thing my mom ever taught me was how to flip out and be irrational. I grew up in a house that was constantly yelling and arguing. I'm surprised at how well I have turned out, considering. Everything I am today, I attribute to myself.


Well-Known Member
LOL @ this thread. The only thing my mom ever taught me was how to flip out and be irrational. I grew up in a house that was constantly yelling and arguing. I'm surprised at how well I have turned out, considering. Everything I am today, I attribute to myself.
I grew up in a similar household, except I am the father figure for my much younger brothers.
And I have Cannabis to thank for much of who I am. Shiva helped me be a good father, stoner, thinker, and doer.
Even years of battling the law, and struggling through family problems helped me.
Cannabis gave me a thoughtful mind, and gave me an outside look on everything happening to me.
Time in a cell was infinite. When you're in a cell you have always been there, and will always be there. There is nothing else, and never will be. You only hope for "The Free". But you don't think it will ever come.
So there is plenty of time for reflection, review, and planning. :D


New Member
In your youtube vids you look white, sound white,and appear to be like 18-19?

I grew up in a similar household, except I am the father figure for my much younger brothers.
And I have Cannabis to thank for much of who I am. Shiva helped me be a good father, stoner, thinker, and doer.
Even years of battling the law, and struggling through family problems helped me.
Cannabis gave me a thoughtful mind, and gave me an outside look on everything happening to me.
Time in a cell was infinite. When you're in a cell you have always been there, and will always be there. There is nothing else, and never will be. You only hope for "The Free". But you don't think it will ever come.
So there is plenty of time for reflection, review, and planning. :D


Well-Known Member
My mama was an interior designer. What she taught me was that a good wife hangs fan leaves in a nice picture frame in the bathroom.

Defend yourself rationally and calmly Fin. I've had to produce difficult explanations for my state of being on many an Otherkin circle XP *reassuring paw on shoulder*


Well-Known Member
My mama was an interior designer. What she taught me was that a good wife hangs fan leaves in a nice picture frame in the bathroom.

Defend yourself rationally and calmly Fin. I've had to produce difficult explanations for my state of being on many an Otherkin circle XP *reassuring paw on shoulder*
It's fine.

She gets violent, but I just use the fact that I'm a dude, and naturally stronger to force the women in my family into submission (Hold arms for punches, hold to ground for clawing, throwing, batting, etc), whenever they start slapping, clawing, throwing, punching, or swinging. Which they LOOOVE to do. I'm pretty sure they're all bipolar. I'm Manic.

And I don't have to worry about it, I've got everything worked out with Shiva.
This petty bullshit, is just that.


New Member
Hard for me to explain. Its just how i interpreted some of your post when your talking about "when i was growing up" and "i was older role model" yada yada. Just how i concluded things with what i gathered


Well-Known Member
Ha, Fin, we're two of a kind. Someone here thought I was a 50+ year old man until I posted a picture X3

I'm curious to see your hot family now, though. Are you like the Cullens?! Inexplicably beautiful and tempestuous?


Well-Known Member
Ha, Fin, we're two of a kind. Someone here thought I was a 50+ year old man until I posted a picture X3

I'm curious to see your hot family now, though. Are you like the Cullens?! Inexplicably beautiful and tempestuous?

The girls in my family are pretty, but it's not like crazy vampire lust...
And girls just have a primal urge to want to make babies with the guys in our family...Because they "Think the babies will be REALLY cute" :D


Well-Known Member
Actually my mother asked me if I was into my cousin. She'd never allowed me to date, she could watch our every move and be talking to his mother every day. He is actually a guy who is interested in all the same things as me, takes care of me and such but the who inbreeding thing and fact mama wants us to hook up for the convenience of HER piece of mind offends me. Like there 'he's a guy, isn't he? That'll keep her busy... And a virgin possibly...' *puts feet up to relax*