It's 3am... spent the majority of the past two days bullshittin' with you guys about being stoned, and not being stoned. Times are tight, and of course everything else comes first... I can hold out, I have a good harvest to look forward to... and good friends to get me through. the wife tosses me ten bucks... says give it to a buddy to come smoke with ya, get someone to bring you a ten sack, but you better not be a dick when I get home. Well, I hit up the dude that I talked about before, that trimmed Miss Anonymous down too much, but I always smoked him out... well he of course was too busy to come smoke a brotha out.
So I hit up a couple friends from my old job... two were out... one was like ya i got you... and then i told him i would toss him ten... and he was like... "dude... sorry... out til tomorrow" COME ON!
So I hit up a couple friends from college... whom I have done multiple favors for... and have only EVER smoked MY shit with, but I have purchased a few times offa them... to come smoke me out.... they were about to be hanging out and smoking a few blunts anyways.... both of them said call you back in 30... and then ignored my one call (to each) an hour later. It's two guys so I hope they weren't doin it...
Then I hit up a few other friends... same old story... even had one that said i shoulda called him like ten minutes ago... he just took a shyt... smoked a bowl... and now he doesn't wanna roll out anywhere. THIS MOTHER... ok... calm down... he is two apartment buildings over. I can't leave cuz of the kid and oxygen, and it is winter outside! whatever...
Get on facebook... drop a rant about true friends... deleted like 20 people from my friends list.. and just as many from my phone. I don't need fake ass people anymore. Most of them only come around when the need something... and i didnt do it hastily either... i realized i constantly give and give and give... and never ask for nothin back... just toss a dog a bone, help me when I'm down... I got you as long as I can get you... ya know?
Well... an old friend from the good ol days of Camp UnderDog (the third of which I got back in touch with recently) he hits me up... i ask him like... dude... i aint tryin to be a bum... but if i toss you 10 bucks, can you burn me down? he's like sure... be there in a bit. Came over an hour later...

This is what he brought me... no... correction. He smoked three bowls with me, packed a volcano and smoked like 4 bags with me... denied my ten bucks... and left me this to smoke on... minus the two bowls i smoked while taking pictures before i thought to take the overall picture. LoL. There are four different types of "larf"... some Black Indica, Pineapple Kush, Blue Dream, and some Jack somethin.. Jack berry I think... no clue which is which... don't care. I am fuckin BAKED!
THAT is the TRUTH. That's some fuckin UnderDog love man... just wanted to share... since it seems I always share downer stories... this one ended on a happy note.

UnderDog... 5 weeks or so... ish... i don't know... it aint done yet.

Fat Bud, Weird Picture. Miss Anonymous... a couple days older than the one above...

The Clones

Durban Poison

Hollands Hope