No one sounds cool saying "MotherFucker"


Well-Known Member
Try it.
Out loud...


Unless you're black. Then you're probably confused right now.
Because if you're REALLY REALLY black, it probably sounded pretty cool when you said "Motha Fucka"

But everyone else.

Did you see what I meant, when you said it out loud?
Don't do it when you're mad, it just makes you sound stupid :lol:


Well-Known Member
well if you are going to throw the word stupid around, ahem.

if you ever noticed, most of your threads are stupid when i read them...

also, i aint not pussy with a pussy ass voice... when i say mother fucker and i am mad, it will scare you...


Good luck.
Next time you're mad at someone, call them a motherfucker.
Weather or not YOU hear it, you sound stupid saying it.


Well-Known Member
well if you are going to throw the word stupid around, ahem.

if you ever noticed, most of your threads are stupid when i read them...

also, i aint not pussy with a pussy ass voice... when i say mother fucker and i am mad, it will scare you...

You can't scare anyone by calling them a MotherFucker.

The only good way to say it is "Motherrr...Fucker" with a tiny pause. But that isn't really saying it, that's too thought out to be what you say when you're mad.

People just say "You MotherFucker" or "This is a motherfucker" real fast. Not drawn out.

And that's funny that you automatically assumed I was talking about voices, and tone, and thought yours was scary.

You're a funny dude :D


Well-Known Member
yeah, that'd be nice...

it'd be cool if you could experience for yourself...

and i aint funny on the internet... being funny on the internet is stupid...

im funny in real life


You can't scare anyone by calling them a MotherFucker.

The only good way to say it is "Motherrr...Fucker" with a tiny pause. But that isn't really saying it, that's too thought out to be what you say when you're mad.

People just say "You MotherFucker" or "This is a motherfucker" real fast. Not drawn out.

And that's funny that you automatically assumed I was talking about voices, and tone, and thought yours was scary.

You're a funny dude :D


Active Member
Didn't you all know fin is the be all end all? If he says you sound stupid, then you do. Just like if he says the sky is red then it's red.


Well-Known Member

damn it, cant get the embed code right for the correct time,,, jump to 1:38 fukn classic, dont think its ever been beat...Muddafuka

apparently youve never seen kick ass movies....


Active Member
Shit, I say Mother Fucker about 200 times a day.... I didn't realize how stupid I sound.... and being a Director at a college as well...... I should find a new job...


Well-Known Member
I tend to put a little asian/ninja spin on it even though I'm a white guy, maza fucka. with the pause too for affect. There was this kid in grade school who had a speech impediment and he said it like "muggerfucker" without the pause and I was like "wtf did you say?" but anyway, I thought that was funny.