Answering Newbie questions...


New Member
"Hi! Welcome to RIU! I would like to suggest reading, studying, planning, and acting before you begin"
"Look at the first page of the Growing marijuana forum, you see those first several threads? Those are stickies, great info start there"
"Oh, you want to know how to start actually doing it hands on?"
"Ok, first you want to germinate your seeds...Huh? What is germination? take your seeds and place them in moistened paper towels"
"What's that? No I have no idea which of your bag seeds are females"
"Ok, now that you see the tap root, pour some soil into your container"
"Oh you have no soil? You have 15 ingredients too make your own soiless mix, ok mix it up"
"I do not know how to mix that, I grow in Ocean I do not have my plants in the water at the beach, Ocean forest is the soil I use"
"ok, now dig a small hole in your soil about 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep and gently place the seed into the medium"
"No I did not say a medium size hole, the medium is the soiless mix you just made"
"Now moisten the area around the seed"
"No 1/2 a gallon is too much"
"When do you put in the 26 different nutrients you bought? Right now your medium has what they need for a couple of weeks"
"ok, now that we see a seedling sprouting, it is time to add some light"
"Uh, nope I don't think those 2 incandescent bulbs are gonna be of much value in growing. You need at least CFLs...Compact Fluorescent lights"
"No I cannot answer that, no one can tell you what strain your seedlings are from bagseed"
"I know the first leaves do not look like cannabis leaves, those are called cotyledons and assist the newborn plant in getting and using light"
"It's ok, calm down the first set of leaves are not supposed to have 9 fingers"
"Good you got some HID lighting, what did you get?"
"3 1000w MH bulbs is a tad bit of over-kill for 2 seedlings in party cups"
"What kind of ventilation do you have going?"
"You say you have two 6" pc fans in your large cardboard box?"
"ok, do you have a fire extinguisher in the house?"
"Ok, now we have some seedlings standing about 2-3" above the soil"
"They are brown and laying on their side?"
"You were supposed to put drain holes in the bottom of the cups!"
"I did'nt tell you that because some small hopeful part of me thought you knew that!"
"Those plants are dead time to start again"
"What you think I am an asshole for killing your plants?"
"You want me too reimburse you for the money you have spent and time you have wasted listening to my suggestions?"
"Instead of that you want me to come to your house and grow your plants for you?"

"Oh wow, ok let's start again...first I suggest reading, studying, planning, and acting...."


Active Member
lol bkbbuds

i was laughing the whole time i read that
in my opinion it doesnt mattern if you have grown for 30 years or more if you dont learn new things often then your not looking ive been studiing for 4 maby 5 years now and i still learn things no one person knows everything and if they do (think they do) then i suggest you go open up shop somewhere and tell me how things realy go

but over all funny thread you got going

p.s. nobody take affence to what i said its just my opinion that people are always learning even if they thing they know it all its not possiabke to know everything


New Member
Well, I guess that was not as comical as I thought. Only 1 like and only 40 some odd views...gonna go hang myself now, LOL!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
What I don't understand sometimes, is that some people post threads with questions that if they actually googled it, the top results for their search comes from this site with relevant answers in the threads...also the use (or lack there of) 'of the rollitup search many new threads with one liner questions lol


Weed Modifier
yah or the ...ive searched everywhere with no luck....??? lmao yes simple search can bring you where you need to be.

but they are not looking to learn on there own...just a handout to the question, but then it turns into a thousand how do i water and how much? what lights nutes blah blah blah

imo---read read read read read read read ....can i say more....yes....oh yah if you can't read watch this.....


Well-Known Member
I thought it was pretty funny, but I grew my first plants with incandescent bulbs. :( Oh well, my grow tent and 400W HPS are just about ready to go, just gotta get my carbon filter in and GROW TIME BABY!


Active Member
Now you know how doctors and nurses feel. "you did what? Even when the instructions specifically said not too?! And you are pissed at me?!" "I don't want to hear how it got up there because I already know, you put it up there." "and what made you think you could operate on your self" " yes vaccines must be terrible, that's why polio has almost been eradicated" "So what part of take all of your medication did you not understand?" " so your stomach pain was a 10/10 yet you continued to stuff your face?"

Common sense just ain't too common


Active Member
lol if my doc asked all thoes questions ide laugh at them

and if people were to accualy read the number of threads on thissite would prolly be cutt in half maby more


Active Member
I agree about reading the treads but sometimes it's hard to sort through all of them. The way I look at it is if you don't want to answer it then dont


Weed Modifier
I agree about reading the treads but sometimes it's hard to sort through all of them. The way I look at it is if you don't want to answer it then dont
I have sat here allot and did nothing but read ...for days on end....a bunch of threads, still do.....way i see it is to prevent an incident from happening you have to know how a plant ticks...knowledge is the key. wisdom is applying the knowledge, and not make the same mistakes over and over.

yes there is allot of bs in most threads, but the info is there just have to take all the little bits....and put them together your own way... and learn from them.

first time is a learning experience....its only a mistake if you do it again, and have not learned from it.


Well-Known Member
My god, Thankyou! And Thankyou for making your point whilst keeping it light hearted. I just left the noob section alone after a while because I was afraid I'd lose patience and end up giving grouchy, snappy replies. I don't understand, It's etiquette on any forum to read the FAQ and take the time to at least browse existing topics before charging in with YOUR questions YOU want answered immediately, without even a 'hello' or posted in the right section ~_~ I understand you may need advice pertaining to anomalies in your grow or particular conditions you're working in from time to time but just about every scenario is covered in the vast archives of this forum. Growing with my parents was more about common sense- then I hadn't even been on a forum.


Well-Known Member
i keep having to hit the delete button on everything i wanna say here because i don't want to sound like a dick. stay the hell away from those questions and posts if you don't have the time, patience or inclination to help them. i tried to tell you privately when you PM'd me about this. i gotta walk away like a mature adult now.


New Member
i keep having to hit the delete button on everything i wanna say here because i don't want to sound like a dick. stay the hell away from those questions and posts if you don't have the time, patience or inclination to help them. i tried to tell you privately when you PM'd me about this. i gotta walk away like a mature adult now.
Dude, lighten up. I was just makin a funny. I love helping newbies. That is the main reason I am here., beside learning from others. Sorry if I offended you. The thead was meant to provide a little comic relief.


Well-Known Member
i know you meant no offense and i take none. i see this, ppl who aren't computer savy come here and ask questions that some may think are stupid, did anyone ever think maybe they do not know how to search? what to ask the search? i am 45 years old, an engineer, i have used and been around technology all my life, but this forum stuff is totally new to me. this is the first one i have ever been on. if, when i came here i didn't know how to search for the things i did and KNOW what to do, i would have asked the very same questions. i think you are assuming they are asking questions because they are lazy and don't want to look for themselves, when in fact, they may not know how to.

just think about the other guy for a second and put yourself in his/her shoes. i am bold and i don't give a fuck what anyone says to me but some people will either be put off by these short, curt answers ("see the videos in my link") and not want to continue here OR will be assholes and, along with the others that pile shit on them, turn their "can you help me thread" into a free for all of us vs them. does that makes sense to you guys?

i don't mean to be all preachy and shit or be a debbie downer but let them ask their questions and help the best you can by TALKING to them. :peace: