Ahem, I never maintained my camera doesn't work, What I said was that the amount of activated charcoal in the gel kept roots from being evident. I am on my way to restarting the entire grow having recovered from my sickness, having a good 4 months until warm weather sets in and finally having enough living material to begin again in earnest. I will point you to the dozens of pictures, the explainations of technique and methods and the (I hope) clear demonstrations of how I got as far as I did. You will have to admit that you have not seen such a strong progression of sucess up to rooting. Now as far as rooting is concerned, we all know that the chemicals used to promote rooting are common and perhaps everyone here has grown clones from stems dipped in a solution of those chemicals - so rooting even from plantlets is not theory. What IS theory in my opinion is hardening off - this is and has always been my biggest concern. Tiny plantlets, grown in a rarified atmosphere, in highly specific environments, being as I have said "on life support" will likely not take kindly to being thrust into the real world of lower humidity and every day sorts of growing mediums will be a challenge. I am hoping that this challenge is one that can be surmounted not by difficult and technical means. If this is all I can manage then I might be able to show that it CAN be done (something that some people want, and I want simply to show everyone how utterly wonderful I am). But that is not the ultimate point here, the reason I started this is so that anyone with an interest, a few dollars and a little savy can follow along and do it themselves.
Eventually, as I have been saying, I intend to apply advanced artificial seed methods in order to make garage mode encapsulated "seeds", but we will see won't we.
This is, after all, my thread and my attempts, I have done as you said, I posted my failures as well as my triumps and will continue to do so, if for no other reason than I said I would.