Carport GreenHouse 2011

A disruptive person showed-up and kinda ruined it at the end.
But if you go back before she got here, there's some good stuff.

I hope my next grow thread doesn't end up like this one

A disruptive person showed-up and kinda ruined it at the end.
But if you go back before she got here, there's some good stuff.

I hope my next grow thread doesn't end up like this one


Yeah, I dont think that will happen. Your carport threads always picks up tons of momentum, Its after the harvest when you lose some and gain the idiots. Just to let you know, I am looking forward to 2012 if you still plan on sharing with RIU.
Take care
Wowww no lie I just cruised all 227 pages of this thread. Epic!!!. I see lots of norcal mentioned. I am from normal as well, Sacramento. Glad to see some other locals.
Amazing grow man. I grew up in the Sacramento area and now live in jackson which is an hour away, so nice to see more norcal people.
Welcome guys.. Stay tuned to our threads this season. I am planning on using DJJ's soil in a carport and 20gal smartpots. :) It's gonna be FUN!!!!
I think I'm off on my prices...don't quote me on those prices for the MaxSea. DOH! Must be my chemo brain at work! I'll check. I saw some good prices on Humboldt Hydroponics site. $42 for a 6# bucket! Nice.... You can do a search of who carries it in your area on the MaxSea website. GG
I think I'm off on my prices...don't quote me on those prices for the MaxSea. DOH! Must be my chemo brain at work! I'll check. I saw some good prices on Humboldt Hydroponics site. $42 for a 6# bucket! Nice.... You can do a search of who carries it in your area on the MaxSea website. GG's $115 for the 20# bucket. That would last you a couple years, really. It's one heaping tablespoon per gallon of water. Goes a long way. GG
Yeah, I know. Also, some people grow alot of plants. I mean hundreds....out here, anyway. Kinda screws it up for the old timer Mom and me (actually just a 'Mom'..hahaha). Flooding the supply, using bad stuff on their plants, destroying the land. They don't give a shit. I love my peeps who do a top notch job, respect the land and the animals and use good things on their plants.
If you're growing the amount that the 'man' says you can grow (I don't push it...much, and get 'em BIG!) and you alternate teas, like I do, then the 6# buckets will last you awhile. People with a shitload of way....they need 55 gallon drums of it! It's not a pissing contest for me. I don't think Mountaingarden is doing hundreds. I don't think. More power to the people who love what they do and do it with the right intentions. Just my opinion.....GG :peace:
AND...some people feed at every watering....I don't. My soil is so healthy and established and packed with all the good stuff and topped of each year that I don't need to. I'm in the ground, not in pots or grow bags. Makes a difference. Plus, I don't have that kind of money!!! :wall:
I went through about 15 20# buckets of maxsea bloom this summer and next year I will prolly be doubling lol. The stuff is unreal and seems so easy to flush out. All the smoke from this past season was super clean.
I went through about 15 20# buckets of maxsea bloom this summer and next year I will prolly be doubling lol. The stuff is unreal and seems so easy to flush out. All the smoke from this past season was super clean.

WOW!! I like a man who has that kind of money to put to that kind of use!! That's alot of MSea! How many plants are we talking about here, if you don't mind me asking? Just want to get an idea of how much you're using per plant and how often and what your outcome has been as far as size and poundage. I get an average of 3-5 pounds per plant. And they are dank. So...I must be doing something right. And I don't feed them MSea at every feeding...I alternate it up with another tea blend. That way I'm sure they are getting what they need all around and not just from one tub of stuff (good as it is). Love to see a pic of one of your big girls! Are you in NY state? GG
My biggest girl this past summer was 17 feet wide full 360 and about 8 and a half ft tall she pulled in around 7 elbows give or take small losses here and there....That ammount of maxsea was for 30 ladies but not all were as big.
I use a tea mix aswell but maxsea them 1 time a week and try and get tea in a couple times a week... water on off days. They didnt seem to mind being hit with maxsea super heavy after I broke them into it. I was to about double the ammount it calls for and they were as green as it gets. JJ knows his ish and I cant thank him enough for turning me onto the stuff.
Yeah, I know. Also, some people grow alot of plants. I mean hundreds....out here, anyway. Kinda screws it up for the old timer Mom and me (actually just a 'Mom'..hahaha). Flooding the supply, using bad stuff on their plants, destroying the land. They don't give a shit. I love my peeps who do a top notch job, respect the land and the animals and use good things on their plants.
If you're growing the amount that the 'man' says you can grow (I don't push it...much, and get 'em BIG!) and you alternate teas, like I do, then the 6# buckets will last you awhile. People with a shitload of way....they need 55 gallon drums of it! It's not a pissing contest for me. I don't think Mountaingarden is doing hundreds. I don't think. More power to the people who love what they do and do it with the right intentions. Just my opinion.....GG :peace:

Absolutely right I'm not doing hundreds! :-) I'm way too high visibility to do anything more than legal. And, kind of using that visibility (along with age) to advance medical into new areas, so need to be a damn saint. What I love about MaxSea is the instant, immediate boost it gives the plants. I've not used it regularly because the largest container carried up here is 1.6 pounds and it's nearly $20 with tax! So it's been like caviar.

Started my first grow on the advice of the dispensary that gave me the clones and you're right, GG, they used chemicals and were far more into yield than quality. After burning my plants once, went back my own good sense and the organic ways I know. But, when I saw MaxSea at a greenhouse supply I trust, gave it a try. It was an awesome shot in the arm for plants that had been chemically abused. It's not completely organic, but a vast amount of it comes from the sea. I truly do love it, really looking forward to picking up a 20# container when I'm down for the spring gathering.

Worm bin is my next project. Dirtyd's compost teas are intriguing, especially in a place where compost is continually rained on. There's gotta be a way to work that to the garden's advantage! cheers, s