Club 600

I deleted 2 "friends" from my life as well. I have no time for ppl who are users and call u when they need something. I am a great friend, so much so that my wife says I am a sucker....but I just cant be that loser user kind of guy, and wont deal with those ppl anymore either.... Good for you for taking a stand against them. There are good ppl out there, just not as many as there are here on the 600!!

I 2nd, FUCK EM....I delete right and left even family members.
Fuck, I'm whacked outta my mind right now and was listening to some music and heard this was the same some that played the first time I used MDMA (e) and the song hit me like nothing else, tranquility. Listen to the song high, and I promise you will not regret!

Zach Deputy - Into the Morning

This guys does EVERY SOUND you hear himself... it's amazing. Look this song up on youtube... he never does it the same... EVER. Amazing to see live.

Worm those looks beautiful, now chop!!

Zibra, I have deleted my only brother

Me too sadly!!!! my only fucking brother that is blood which I protected his ass since we were little kids but the mother fucker kept his distance away when I was going through a nasty nasty nasty divorce. That's when I needed him the most for moral support and they all turned their back on me. My real family is my wife and my children and as for the rest they can all blow me.
Me too sadly!!!! my only fucking brother that is blood which I protected his ass since we were little kids but the mother fucker kept his distance away when I was going through a nasty nasty nasty divorce. That's when I needed him the most for moral support and they all turned their back on me. My real family is my wife and my children and as for the rest they can all blow me.

I did everything for my brother, and he never did shit for me. I know I am the oldest, but I need help sometimes too. Oh well, brothers arent just bound by blood, good friends can be brothers as well.
Double Sour OG, right before the chop

Alright guys and gals heres some straight up bud porn. This is my Platinum Bubba Kush yeah I know I could of let go another week or so I like to pick mine milky and alittle amber myself. She only weights in at 113 grams wet so we will see. What you think?? Some nice trics huh!! Well enjoy looking forward to some feedback. Also Have more pics on my page stroll tru sometime. Stay Lit!!!

Alright guys and gals heres some straight up bud porn. This is my Platinum Bubba Kush yeah I know I could of let go another week or so I like to pick mine milky and alittle amber myself. She only weights in at 113 grams wet so we will see. What you think?? Some nice trics huh!! Well enjoy looking forward to some feedback. Also Have more pics on my page stroll tru sometime. Stay Lit!!!

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She looks done enough to me, she looks awesome btw !!!!
Thats what I thought, oh well.

I would of liked it to have been a little longer, a lot of people complained about the disfunctionality and quirkiness of the owners, but exposure is exposure...the more people that can see the positive effects of medicinal marijuana is important, regardless of the dispensory.
Cougar Kush Harvest on my 40th......

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Here is whats left of her and will keep it going for another week, its the F2s of my Cougar Kush!!!

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Cougar Kush after the chopping

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This was my 1st real Defoliation Project so trimming was a breeze. Not much to trim but yet she left her Dirty Cougar Juice on the gloves

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Went to BC99's house for a home cooked meal and B-Day Cake. Awesome way to celebrate my B-Day!!!


It's 3am... spent the majority of the past two days bullshittin' with you guys about being stoned, and not being stoned. Times are tight, and of course everything else comes first... I can hold out, I have a good harvest to look forward to... and good friends to get me through. the wife tosses me ten bucks... says give it to a buddy to come smoke with ya, get someone to bring you a ten sack, but you better not be a dick when I get home. Well, I hit up the dude that I talked about before, that trimmed Miss Anonymous down too much, but I always smoked him out... well he of course was too busy to come smoke a brotha out.

So I hit up a couple friends from my old job... two were out... one was like ya i got you... and then i told him i would toss him ten... and he was like... "dude... sorry... out til tomorrow" COME ON!
So I hit up a couple friends from college... whom I have done multiple favors for... and have only EVER smoked MY shit with, but I have purchased a few times offa them... to come smoke me out.... they were about to be hanging out and smoking a few blunts anyways.... both of them said call you back in 30... and then ignored my one call (to each) an hour later. It's two guys so I hope they weren't doin it...

Then I hit up a few other friends... same old story... even had one that said i shoulda called him like ten minutes ago... he just took a shyt... smoked a bowl... and now he doesn't wanna roll out anywhere. THIS MOTHER... ok... calm down... he is two apartment buildings over. I can't leave cuz of the kid and oxygen, and it is winter outside! whatever...

Get on facebook... drop a rant about true friends... deleted like 20 people from my friends list.. and just as many from my phone. I don't need fake ass people anymore. Most of them only come around when the need something... and i didnt do it hastily either... i realized i constantly give and give and give... and never ask for nothin back... just toss a dog a bone, help me when I'm down... I got you as long as I can get you... ya know?

Well... an old friend from the good ol days of Camp UnderDog (the third of which I got back in touch with recently) he hits me up... i ask him like... dude... i aint tryin to be a bum... but if i toss you 10 bucks, can you burn me down? he's like sure... be there in a bit. Came over an hour later...
Good for you Camp. I am the same way VERY VERY Generous and am learning everybody you are so nice and generous to wont always return the favor. Dont know what it is but us growers are usually kind hearted, down to earth people. Anyway Keep your head up

Did you use this recipe?
I wanted to try it, but never found all the shit, and would need to order some. I didnt have time to wait for the shit in the mail....

Yea Basically i used a smaller version of the recipe
1/2 Batch:
4 bags Organic Base Soil
12.5-25 lbs. Worm Castings
2.5 lbs Fish Bone Meal
2.5 lbs Bat Guano
2.5 lbs Blood Meal
3/8 cup (1/4 cup + 1/8 cup) Epsom Salts
1/2 cup Sweet (dolomite) Lime
1/4 cup Azomite
1 Tbs Powdered Humic Acid