Yo! Anyone wanna help out with a stoner video series?

Sup guys, so I recently got back into youtube after a year of posting no videos. Before I quit, I was posting about every few days with some sort of video. Now that I got my new camera, Im going to try to start some sort of video searies on stoners. Like some sort of fictional everyday stoner life, in the year 2012 of course :D

So if any of you have ideas just post it and Ill definitely consider your guys' ideas in making the episodes.



Well-Known Member
Basically I want the concept like the tv show 'Skins' but with drugs
Those commercials looked ridiculous.
I haven't seen the show though, so can't I really judge.

I can't wait to start makin shit.
All my weed stuff is just going to be Documentary style.
Like Super High Me, or Trailer Park Boys :D :D

Other stuff besides weed, will have different styles though.


Well-Known Member
uhhh series looks ok. but still everday life with a stoner im down. as long as you dont get board of someone who reads and sews