Well-Known Member
Word on the digilux, and yeah I have a digital ballast.
So good news and bad news, I've been picking seeds the last couple of days and I got 30+ from the Querkle plant I already dried (still have two others), and probably around 60-70 from the Qleaners. Of course I want more haha, but I'm really happy with the amount of beans I got. So that's the good news, nearly 100 beans...
Now the bad, last night we had a little BBQ here, and my girlfriend got a little rowdy and knocked my bong off the table.... When it happened we all got silent and just stared at it, it didn't even shatter or anything, but when I went over to lift it up, the part that holds the downstem stayed on the floor, that piece broke clean off... I was like "FUCK!" I had thought we got away with a bong that fell but didn't break, but it did break... sucks.
Oh well, things break, just gotta get a better one now!
Congrats on the beans bro, thats always a good thing! Sucks about the bong but on the flip side you now have an excuse to buy a nice new one! Are your beans F2s or??
@wyte nice job getting 250 beans, thats a lot! I am waiting on beans to finish up as well, couple crosses and some F2s.