Powder Mildew


Any one have some ideas on how to prevent powder mildew or stop it? I have been trying to keep the humidity under 50% in the flower tent. I used baking soda and water in a spray bottle, then rinsed and that didn't seem to work either.
I have tried all of the baking soda, hot sauce, milk water, high PH water stuff and had no luck. If you are at least 30-40 days from harvest, I would reccomend a chemical systemic. I just dipped my clones and small veg guys in it. If you're late in flower you are stuck with sulfur based spray, or bomb, or you can possibly try an organic systemic. Never tried that but seen it at the hydro store. Eagle 20 is the chemical they sell in the hydro store about $50 for a super strong concentrate. At least near me, Lowes has a product called Immunox, by Spectracide. Same active ingredient as Eagle 20. Available for like $7 in a spray, or $15 in a concentrate. I followed the mixed that was advised for Tomatoes on the label. Make sure if you get Immunox, you dont get Immunox "plus", that one has an added pesticide. The fungicide is nasty enough without the added pest killer, though I was thinking of doing some research into how bad that is for weed or food. Using a product like Eagle 20 is pretty controversial, so be careful not to use it too close to flower. It's either a 2 week or 1 month systemic. I use it early in veg because PM can really mess up a grow. Smoking that mold can mess you up worse than any reminent of a fungicide that was used months before harvest. Definitely after harvest scrub down everything before you start again, and knock the mold down. If you have clones going, give them a dip early. I know people who are constantly struggling, I think maybe after a scrub down, and dip of all my young plants I may have knocked it out completely myself.
I have heard several people who say it didn't work for them but I have used milk and it worked for me. I usually mix 3 parts water to 1 part milk. I have tried chemical treatments like Dalconex ans hydrogen peroxide, but in each instance they really beat up the plants. Greenthumb831 is correct pm is like herpes you can keep it in check but it is always there, waiting.
It's my understanding that a systemic fungicide can actually erradicate the PM in the plant. The reason it is like "herpes" is because the spores get everywhere. It will always be hiding somewhere in your room dormant, waiting for a chance to find something to grow on, which is why you need the scrub down. I knocked mine down early in my grow, it actually hit my clones in a dome, so there wasn't alot of cleaning that I had to do. I treated them and months later haven't seen it, even when I let my plants get into less ideal situations. However they may still be under the effects of the systemic keeping it down. The fungicide contact sprays including the chemical ones are only dealing with the spores on the surface, not the infection in the plant, that is why you need a systemic.
I wanna know how much PM is going to affect yield and plant vigor..is it going to slow down the flowering if its only on a few leaves or what?
My plants have it yes, its on maybe 3-5% of the leaves in small patches, I spray serenade on it when i see it (daily), it never seems to go away but that seems to keep it in check, persay. I really hate this stuff and it came from a clone i bought, it wasnt due to shitting conditions. I'm thinking about pulling all my plants
Thanks for all the advise. I did wash everything down and now have new plants in the flower. We will see what happens this grow. Is there a way to prevent this in the first place or is it just one of those things?
I wanna know how much PM is going to affect yield and plant vigor..is it going to slow down the flowering if its only on a few leaves or what?
My plants have it yes, its on maybe 3-5% of the leaves in small patches, I spray serenade on it when i see it (daily), it never seems to go away but that seems to keep it in check, persay. I really hate this stuff and it came from a clone i bought, it wasnt due to shitting conditions. I'm thinking about pulling all my plants

PM is horrible, and when I had it on clones in a dome, the smell was terrible. It was always nice in the morning to smell the fresh dome when I would flick out the water droplets, but the mildew killed that treat one day. The damage to your yields is one thing, but if its in your buds and you smoke it, it is super unhealthy. Mold killed Brittany Murphy and her boyfriend :/. The contact sprays will knock out the spores for 2-3 days, and thats really the best you can do late in flower. If you have a small space and starting fresh is an option, then go for it. Just scrub down your space with a bleach mixture, every nook and cranny. The clone market is dirty, people have all kinds of bugs, and molds. I ran into a little mildew issue, and I chose the lesser of 2 evils. Mites are rampant and I'm lucky to not have them, so I used the systemic fungicide on my plants and will deal with the mildew if it ever comes back. If I ever brought an outside clone into my grow, it would be minimum 20 day quarantine, with fungicide/insecticide dip on days 1 and 10. Mildew is no joke, treat safely if close to flower and harvest as quick as you can, but if its within your means, don't pussy foot around, knock that shit out fast and hard.
i got my rh down to 40% but i still have PM in certain areas. i think i'm going to do a simple h202/water bath when i harvest this time around.
i got my rh down to 40% but i still have PM in certain areas. i think i'm going to do a simple h202/water bath when i harvest this time around.

I've personally never done a water cure myself, but if you're feeling ballsy, maybe water cure in high enough PH water that mildew can't survive in? Just a thought I would consider as an experiment at least if I was in your position.
Thanks for all the advise. I did wash everything down and now have new plants in the flower. We will see what happens this grow. Is there a way to prevent this in the first place or is it just one of those things?

The easiest way to get it is from infected clones, but its just as easy that you bring in a spore from a plant you passed down the street or especially easy if you bring in outside air to cool or freshen your room. The best you can do is keep the grow room clean and environment as good as possible.
My plants did fine in veg and flower until about 3-4 weeks before harvest when I noticed it. I threw them away :( I was afraid to smoke it. Glad to know it isn't me, I thought it was something I was doing to cause it.

well it's not a water cure. just a quick wash before you dry your plants.

I've personally never done a water cure myself, but if you're feeling ballsy, maybe water cure in high enough PH water that mildew can't survive in? Just a thought I would consider as an experiment at least if I was in your position.
Thanks for all the advise. I did wash everything down and now have new plants in the flower. We will see what happens this grow. Is there a way to prevent this in the first place or is it just one of those things?

Pretty much 'one of those things'.

In veg, or VERY early flower-Eagle-20.
Good shit and it works, but systemic and very potent. Look for 1oz on ebay, ~$15 shipped. That's enough for 7.5 gallons of solution, a several year supply.

In flower- A sulfur burner, either DIY, or ~$80 on ebay. DIY is ~$15.

Anything other than these two is just playing around. None of the *feel good* remedies really work and neither will the stuff you get at HD or Lowes or garden centers.

Spores are constant in the air, so just be prepared to deal with it when it pops up.

i always thought that gorge had a lil mexican in him lolz when the ship went back to spain lolz he is white lolz kinda strange to see him without his discize..
use usp29% hydrogen peroxide H2O2 you can get it at the grow store or from food restaurant suppliers like Gordon food service, take it and mix with water in your sprayer 3 parts water to one part hydrogen peroxide it works great let them dry not directly under a hid