Need Help With "Attitude"


Well-Known Member
Trying to take advantage of the promo they're running but my bank wont let me use my card.... I didn't want to ask too many questions but they said they don't allow dealings with the company... I have an American Express giftcard I could try but it of course doesn't have my name on it so I dont think thats going to work either:( any suggestions??? I don't know how comfortable I am sending a money order.... they can just say..."what money order?" lol


Well-Known Member
That's bull shit it's your fucking money; who the fuck does the bank think they are telling you who you can spend your money with... get a new bank my friend.


Well-Known Member
I agree 100% tpsmc!!! But as you can imagine I didnt want to go into to many details with!!! and as for Paypal... I have a paypal account... I didnt see that as an option when trying to checkout... did I miss something???
no you didnt, they dont accept paypal, norr should anyone for anything, they are crooks... im no shill but nirvana has good seeds at a good price and my prepaid credit card works fine there


Well-Known Member
I looked into the visa gift cards.... has to be international... I'm in the states... and have no idea where to buy one locally.... found them online but NOT


Well-Known Member
Try these:

These are Visa cards that are accepted worldwide. You have to activate it for international use by registering it online. You can use any name you want, but you must use a real street and zipcode somewhere. Keep this info too because if there is a problem with the order, the company that issues the card will want this info from you. This is the way I ordered my T-shirts from the Attitude Gift Shop the last time. Walgreen's sells them too. Good Luck!
i feel u pimpin my bank tryed that to day so i was in fck this mode and asked the guy if they like to hold my money next month they better figger out y i cant get my fresh tee shirts and contacts lol he was like yes sir and got my order fix right away with no questions asked and a promp any thing eles i can do 4 u sir lol dont let a bank or anyone one tell u how to spend your cash fuck that !


Well-Known Member
Hmm...our bank card won't let it go through either...I think it has something to do with sagepay more than the bank or attitude...but it will take our credit card...I don't know why...used to use my bankcard, now it says I use another card


That's bull shit it's your fucking money; who the fuck does the bank think they are telling you who you can spend your money with... get a new bank my friend.
Lol. When joining a bank you agree to their terms and conditions. He'll be using their service and they have the right to decline transactions if they see suit, especially if it doesn't agree with their ethics. After all he did deposit the money into the account thus givin control of the money to the bank.