Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member

It is always harder to find ones self if you don't know who or where you come from, there will always be people who feel they don't belong, or wish they were someting else

I personaly think your exotic looks and your flair is the attraction, and where I come from that's a good thing.

buddha webb

New Member
Wow if its Trini,the puppet,then thats gonna freak me out..i will post when back later..

As for the photographs......i cannot speak anymore about them....they kill me..

"pom rak khun"...thats Thai!!

Lol Thankyou guys. I think I tried explaining this one before. I'm a Trini mutt. Kalinago native indian (south American), Indian and some distant chinese. It sounds exotic but a very common mix over there. Like Buddha Webb's Indian/south American puppet, mayb it's Trini! A whole load of south east Asian migrants came to the island a couple hundred years ago. The Indian, spanish and Chinese influence is huge in our music and cooking. I've been mistaken for Somalian, pure Indian (hair straight) and hafu. The reality is I'm just a mutt ^^;

Morning eyebags ands distinct lack of hair/makeup

I'll straighten it again one of these days

buddha webb

New Member
i tried to send but couldnt,its a song...for you.....a song for the magic women of the world...
Have a good day....
Super shattered.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz[video=youtube_share;BKpvWjPH8fQ][/video]