Help Whats Happening To My Plant


Well-Known Member
hiya everyone my plant has been in flower for about 5 weeks now and this has started happening to my plant IMG_0205.jpg the pistals are turning orange also some of my leaves are like this IMG_0207.jpgIMG_0208.jpg i don't know whats wrong some one said its fungi should i cut these leaves off before it take over the whole plant its happening from the middle of the plant down. and the leaves are dry and brittle any help would be great and im also been giving it mollases could this be the prob thanks agian. it has also been in flower for about 5 -6 weeks also i have been feeding it total bloom .


Well-Known Member
sorry dude, this one's a goner, not even worth keeping till ripe.. harvest it now and think twice even about smoking it if it is a mushroom - which i don't think it is, looks more like very poor growing conditions and genetics. try again and do everything as different as you can from what you have done so far. like, the opposite.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a combination of rootbound, lack of nutrients(could be because of being rootbound), and lack of light, but the only way of knowing is IF YOU GIVE US ALL THE INFORMATION ;) We need type of lights, medium used, pot size, etc, etc, of the entire plant including container...etc...more info bro to get an accurate analysis ;)


Well-Known Member
Well it's in a 5cm bell pot it's the only large pot I could get
It's in the same type of mediam a as what I veg in soil with perlite can't
Remember the name of the soil. It's under a halogen 60w light about an inc way
From the top of the plant and I put 5ml of total bloom in to a 2 litter bottle of water
I flush with plan water every other feeding hope this helps


Well-Known Member
yeah that's what i thought
there's no point growing under halogen lights
that's pretty much like growing in darkness
next time use cfl or hid

that is your main problem, however not the only one.


Well-Known Member
its defo not a hermie there no signs of lil football male sacks any where and why is useing a halogen like growing in the dark? also its in the widow with the sun shining on it until it goes overcast and then it goes under the light .:leaf: the pistals are orange but all the trics are clear i just don't know whats happening iv just gave it some veg nutes to see if its just where the plant is useing up nitro if this don't help i will flush and continue giving flower nutes


Well-Known Member
so that is not a bunch male flowers growing in pic 2 in the center of it where it looks like its startng to grow a cluster of them? i looked it over a ton but you could be right.


Active Member
its defo not a hermie there no signs of lil football male sacks any where and why is useing a halogen like growing in the dark? also its in the widow with the sun shining on it until it goes overcast and then it goes under the light .:leaf: the pistals are orange but all the trics are clear i just don't know whats happening iv just gave it some veg nutes to see if its just where the plant is useing up nitro if this don't help i will flush and continue giving flower nutes
LOL are your eyes painted on ofc its hermie.

OP id scrap this, seriously.

sorry for the loss.


Well-Known Member
so that is not a bunch male flowers growing in pic 2 in the center of it where it looks like its startng to grow a cluster of them? i looked it over a ton but you could be right.
i reckon it's just flowers with no hairs on them.. but could me male or seeds


Well-Known Member
here is a drawing that i did of what they look likeIMG_0214.jpgsorry that its on its side dose this look like a hermie flower or am i ok and its a female thanks to every ones help:leaf:


Active Member
Ditch these plants. It's not worth your time or $$$ running lights and feeding. Your nuts look way out of wack from your pics.


Well-Known Member
There are no football clusters any where just lil pre flowers with two small orange hairs but I heard they are orange
When that first pop out and then they go White and then back to orange as they muture


Well-Known Member
There are no football clusters any where just lil pre flowers with two small orange hairs but I heard they are orange
When that first pop out and then they go White and then back to orange as they muture
I think your missing the point here...

From what I see, it does look like a herm, even with all your doubt we would atleast need another picture to verify. Also, you are going to have to get rid of it. its going to amount to nothing more than a bowlpack of hairs and a contaminated grow room.

Do your research this time and start over. best of luck.


Well-Known Member
here are some pics of what the bud sights look like close up IMG_0220.JPGand if you think that the bits at the bottom right are male flowers there not there just the steam from the fan leaf on the over side here is a close up pic of the top budIMG_0218.JPG and in this pic can you really see any clusters of male flowers.


Well-Known Member
The plant is finishing up, it is done brother! Herm or no herm, you need to get the environment fixed (tons of tutorials out there) and start over, ideally with some light this time ;)
Sorry for the loss!
