brewing up
Well-Known Member
i went to visit my crop today, touched and smelled all buds and now i feel high :-/
actually when harvesting if you dont wear gloves the thc can go through your fingers and stuff and maybe smelling it got you high or just lack of oxygen but no you cant get igh maybe a small buzz its like what i do at work when i cant smoke i put a little bud under my tongue it makes your tongue tingle and it gets you buzzed , dont believe me? try iti went to visit my crop today, touched and smelled all buds and now i feel high :-/
Marijuana produces THCA, an acid with the carboxylic group (COOH) attached. In its acid form, THC is not very active. It is only when the carboxyl group is removed that THC becomes psychoactive. When marijuana is smoked, the THC behind the hot spot is vaporized as the hot air from the burn is drawn through the joint or pipe bowl to the unburned material. The liquid THC and other cannabinoids have a boiling point of between 180-200° C (355-392° F). Before they turn gaseous, at around 106° C (220° F), the carboxyl group is released from the molecule as carbon dioxide and water vapor.
In other words, you cannot get high from eating raw weed, or rubbing it on your skin... it's all in your mind.. a placebo effect.
I thought THC decarbed during flower maturation and the dry/cure as well... How do the LGC labs detect different levels of THC and well as THCA? Do they perform a partial decarb before the test?
From what I have read this process takes places throughout the entire grow/dry/cure and not just when you light it...that's part of the difference between trichome maturation remember? Aside from that THCA, CBDA, CBCA do have an effect on a person albeit different than their more mature siblings.
I personally have never been higher than after a 10 hour day trimming without smoking once - it is a different high though than smoking it, more similar to consuming it. Great fucking placebo effect! And if you eat enough raw bud you'll trip - lost a bet on that one.
sugar pills have cured cancer bud...
You're telling me in one breath that decarb happens during the dry/cure..(which - yes it does to an extent). and that chopping fresh weed (which isn't decarbed at all) is getting you more ripped than anything. Why do people smoke it then? Why shouldn't I just stick a pinch between gums and cheek like chewing tobacco?
Show me what you have read that states it's decarbing while growing please - be interested in seeing that.. goes against everything I know, so you know, if I'm wrong, I'd like to stop being.
EDIT; Not to take anything away from the placebo effect... it happens -and some people swear certain things do certain things, I'm just saying what the mind believes is a powerful thing.
I'm generally put to work trimming pre dried/cured material for hours and hours on end. Are you seriously comparing hours and hours of exposure to pounds of bud the same as "sticking a pinch between gums"?
I'm not comparing anything.. I'm saying regardless of the amount you roll around in naked - if you are's in your mind. That's what I'm saying. If you get high from holding it - how come I can't compare chewing a piece? isn't ingesting it comprable to holding it in my hand?
There is quite a bit of evidence suggesting they decarb while growing. Look into project CDB - the amount of CBD (the decarbed form of CBDA) in the vegging harlequin plant is near 5%... Are you saying that other strains can't possibly contain decarbed material precure? Look into bhang - an indian drink primarily made from fresh charas and water - rarely even heated. Silly Indians and there placebo effects.
Look into my eyes... I said, originally, THC isn't very active. Remember in the first post... I'm not saying anything about strains - it's irrelivant. I said to you - in the last post, show me something I can read that says plants decarb while growing.. my understanding is that isn't the way it works. I am open to learn, but just because you say so, don't cut it with me. I know it doesn't with you. Charas is hash. Bhang is MJ. Milk is in the ingredient list and it's brought to the boil (I googled it) of the traditional drink.. I did my ya.. I guess that would do it. Water and THC doesn't bond, remember bubble hash?
Other than that.. I'll check out your link - thanks for posting it. I seriously mean it - if I'm wrong, I'd like to know better.. not a personal attack.
Are all topical salves completely bunk?
Where did I say anything topical salves? We are talking about THC only.. not orange trees, or how gravity effects tidal pools.... You wanna fight?
I'm in no way refuting the placebo effect and its powers but cannabinoids can surely be absorbed through the skin - it's just another tissue.
Here some info on harlequin -