COD Black Ops or Battlefield Bad Company 2 anyone?


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Gaming all day because I've worked a long ass week.
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My PS3 name is domeigotaids.
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No, seriously...definitely do.
I'm the best medic ever. :leaf:
I agree I'm not a kid but poor Xbox 360 player haha. But I dont get to play nearly half as much as I used to due to work restrictions etc :(
How about some MW3 on PC? LOL way better than playing with a bunch of kids on PS3.

i have mw3 on pc... i suck online though...still a noob... i also use xpadder on an xbox control... i'm kinda good with the mouse n shit but i'd rather use the remote and sit in my couch instead than on the computer chair....
if your playing battlefield on any console your getting half the experience

battlefield was meant made and is for the pc
Hey for all of you who got both mw3 and bf3, which one is better? If you can, please add your reasons for choosing one over the other. Thanks lol
pc bf3

console mw3


pc gameplay for bf3 is diff and alot better console version of bf3 are watered down

console gamplay for mw3 is great and it should be as it was made for console

and outa personal preference bf3 as i like strategy, mouse and keyboard, and my pc is a beast and can run it at ultra max res
what do you have? i got 12gb ram,i5 processor and a a 5770 graphics card i think... it'll run FSX on high settings in most areas... bit of lag in cities though....
12g's ddr3 (oc'ed) , hd67770, two sata 6gbs drives a 120 and a 500, acouple old SSD's, and a i7 2.93ghz lynnfield (oc'ed)

teh 120 is dedicated gaming
Hey for all of you who got both mw3 and bf3, which one is better? If you can, please add your reasons for choosing one over the other. Thanks lol

Everything is better about mw3 I have both games.I bought bf3 cause of all the hype on riu and was disappointed.But there gonna be a million people arguing about what I said.Try renting both games then decided yourself.I'm playing dead island right now its pretty fun.
Gaming all day because I've worked a long ass week.
I'd like to game w/some fellow stoners out there enjoying this sweet activity.
My PS3 name is domeigotaids.
Hit me up!
No, seriously...definitely do.
I'm the best medic ever. :leaf:
You really REALLY need to get Battlefield 3, MW3 isnt too bad either, WAY WAY better then Blackops.
xbox is nothing but kids... and poor people. ;)

And consoles are nothing but chavs who can't afford a decent PC :lol:

I'm rather entertained at all these pc specs being thrown out there. I run hardware that is over 5 years old and was middle of the range at the time, none of it overclocked and play the likes of BF3 on full setting full HD wihtout an issue. I don't buy anything over an ATI 4850 because not a game on the market, even at full HD has required me to buy anything more powerful, even at stock with a "lil" 2.4ghz cpu and a "measly" 4gb of ram. Friends ask me to upgrade their computer with near unlimited funds, i buy them a 512mb 4850 off ebay for £30, i never get a complaint
Hey for all of you who got both mw3 and bf3, which one is better? If you can, please add your reasons for choosing one over the other. Thanks lol

I just got MW3 like two weeks ago, Had bf3 since it came out in oct.

BF3 is alot more realistic. Has vehicles and destruction way beyond whatever Mw3 tries to do.

Then MW3 has its own benefits , I like the smaller run n gun scenarios that it gives, the killstreaks and packages are cool. It all depends on my mood, but at the end of the day I like BF3 alot more, Its a real team game, and gets pretty bad ass during multiplayer!

edit : nothing is better then you and a buddy, witha few joints rolled, Jumping in a apache and raining hell for 20 minutes, Smoking and doing gun runs is fucking awesome, try to do that in MW? Doing aerial combat maneuvers to avoid being shot down, you and your gunner working in sync w/ flares and repairs at the same time while still Droping massive automatic gun fire and missles to your enemies front door.
And consoles are nothing but chavs who can't afford a decent PC :lol:

I'm rather entertained at all these pc specs being thrown out there. I run hardware that is over 5 years old and was middle of the range at the time, none of it overclocked and play the likes of BF3 on full setting full HD wihtout an issue. I don't buy anything over an ATI 4850 because not a game on the market, even at full HD has required me to buy anything more powerful, even at stock with a lil 2.4ghz cpu and a measly 4gb of ram.
What 5 year old hardware you using to run Bf3 on high !?!?!?
mine runs 3.2ghz w/o overclocking it...

i'm sure you can run the games, but you won't get high FPS... i get 30-60FPS playing FSX with REX and Orbx scenery.... on max settings all the way....
Q6600 B3 stepping, 512mb ati 4850, 4gb ddr2. All at stock. All run at 1920x1080 full spec. Not an issue or slow down, other than in supreme commander whe you have a multi-thousand unit warzone :D :D It used to be the case that i'd be spending a few hundred pounds every couple of months keeping up with things, but in the past many years, hardware ability has FAR surpassed software requirements. I own 3 4850's and don't even have a need to consider putting any in crossfire
I'm down for bfbc 2 on ps3 bro I can add you when I get home, I just got bf3 and I was really disappointed with it I still play the old one most of the time
Gaming all day because I've worked a long ass week.
I'd like to game w/some fellow stoners out there enjoying this sweet activity.
My PS3 name is domeigotaids.
Hit me up!
No, seriously...definitely do.
I'm the best medic ever. :leaf:
I have onboard gfx :( i can even run my psx emulator without big framerate drop

I want to upgrade but dell designed them not to be upgraded:(