Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

Hey, Jin!
Just viewed the end of your last journal and popped over here and read the first 8 pages of this one. Your journals sure get lots of activity. They are lots of fun reading, so no surprise there.
Anyway, I should be high before posting, so I'll post more later after I smoke some of my remaining homegrown stuff.
But I have to say that your Tahoe photos from after you cured it a little while really blew me away. All the white trichromes covering it made it look a little like the trees here in Minnesota after a frigid, humid morning, when they get covered in light, fluffy, white frost. How does one get on your friend list, Jin? ha ha
Actually more like day 4 and a half. Like clockwork. This is the Tahoe, boys and girls. She poked first. Just I had hoped, the aggressive bend slowed Larry. I was pulling out some loose rockwool croutons that got jammed at the bottom of Larry's basket, and I glimpsed a white strand just about to poke at the bottom. So she's right behind.


Definitely a more vigorous pheno than last time. Sweet.
Hey, Jin!
Just viewed the end of your last journal and popped over here and read the first 8 pages of this one. Your journals sure get lots of activity. They are lots of fun reading, so no surprise there.
Anyway, I should be high before posting, so I'll post more later after I smoke some of my remaining homegrown stuff.
But I have to say that your Tahoe photos from after you cured it a little while really blew me away. All the white trichromes covering it made it look a little like the trees here in Minnesota after a frigid, humid morning, when they get covered in light, fluffy, white frost. How does one get on your friend list, Jin? ha ha

Thanks, Dave!

I think you're already on my friend list.
Have I ever told you that I love you?


Thanks for the encouragement! It's really special from you. When the zine is up, I respectfully request your contributions. I've long thought that you're not only one of the best growers, but also an amazingly creative spirit. I could use just a drop of your immense talent.

I really see this thing more as a community effort which I will be directing. I would be honored to feature some of your beautiful grow work as well as your art.

Thank you , it would be an honor to be in your company of brilliance.

whats that little green plastic machanical looking wind up looking space aged spider looking toy doing in on your grow box? lol
Now that was embarrassing... I went to get high before posting here last night, but passed out near my vaporizer and didn't wake up until 7am when my wife got ready for work. That LSD weed that I grew last time really puts me to sleep! Makes me really want to grow out those Tahoe seeds as soon as I can (probably next April).

Jin, when do you get a chance to take a vacation? I know you're already in SoCal, which is my idea of a nice vacation spot. But don't you need a change of scenery once in a while?

Your new grow is looking great so far. You really put in the effort and it shows. You'll laugh when you see what I did to my grow. I haven't posted yet, but will shortly after this. Now I know the real meaning of the "S" in LST. I think it's "Shit-mutha-fuck!!! I pulled too hard!" Unfortunately, I have to learn things the hard way...

When you write your MJ growing book, I have some pictures that you can use under "What Not To Do". :-)
Thank you , it would be an honor to be in your company of brilliance. whats that little green plastic machanical looking wind up looking space aged spider looking toy doing in on your grow box? lol
It's a remote controlled robot toy called Hex Bug. There's all sorts of different kinds and they're engineered to mimic the behaviors of real insects. There's an extensive review plus videos in my previous journal.

Here's the FemCult Pinup promo with a better bottle. Complete!

I wonder if Gil Elvgren or Alberto Vargas ever painted a jumbo prescription bottle in any of their pieces? If they did, I'm sure it didn't have a bud in it. Lol. Check out how a few crumbs have fallen off that jumbo nug.

I've been looking for a good way to showcase my paintings. Maybe I'll paint a serialized sexy girl comic strip as a feature on FemCult. You never know. It all depends on the weed I'm smoking. "The Adventures of Mary and Jane..." Now I know even High Times doesn't have anything like that. You think High Times would pay me like a million bucks to work for them? Yeah, I don't think so either. Better make my own magazine.
Now that was embarrassing... I went to get high before posting here last night, but passed out near my vaporizer and didn't wake up until 7am when my wife got ready for work. That LSD weed that I grew last time really puts me to sleep! Makes me really want to grow out those Tahoe seeds as soon as I can (probably next April).

Jin, when do you get a chance to take a vacation? I know you're already in SoCal, which is my idea of a nice vacation spot. But don't you need a change of scenery once in a while?

Your new grow is looking great so far. You really put in the effort and it shows. You'll laugh when you see what I did to my grow. I haven't posted yet, but will shortly after this. Now I know the real meaning of the "S" in LST. I think it's "Shit-mutha-fuck!!! I pulled too hard!" Unfortunately, I have to learn things the hard way...

When you write your MJ growing book, I have some pictures that you can use under "What Not To Do". :-)

Uh-oh. How bad is it? Let's have a look.

Ph very stable. One might even say rock steady. Everything looks great. AN Sensi is superb for OG Kush. Attention OG growers! Use nothing else!

I won't change the water yet. I'll gradually increase the ppm throughout the week by hand injecting. Through the course of next week, I hope to have it gradually increased to beyond 300ppm without burning.

Look how brilliant Larry is looking. Since she's more spread out than the squat Tahoe, the camera has a better range to sample white balance. That's why you see a truer representation of her color. The Tahoe's real color isn't captured as well. I can hardly wait to see the nugs on this Larry. Grow, bitch, grow!

My goal is to strike a feeding balance somewhere between the last Tahoe run (which I felt I slightly undernuted) and the massive muscle chicken of the Diablo. The target is to increase the yield while retaining (and hopefully improving in some small way) the quality of my last. But if it comes out exactly like my last but just more, I won't be complaining.
Ah, fond memories from my last. How will I do this time? Please stay tuned.

But will you look at all those three bladed leaves I had to regenerate out of? This time the cuts came from a better part of the plant without the overt pre-flower indicators that these had to be re-vegged from. That means these new ones aren't exerting as much energy reverting to veg. That means they're just concentrating on rooting and growing. This promises to be a superior run.
The larry's looking awesome!! couldn't remember if you had already mentioned a plan for how you were going to arrange these two evenly under the screen, but I'm excited to see your skills at work-

I had a question about your setup, because it looks like you have a lot of stuff that runs the air/water pumps run all the time? And you also have an A/C unit right? Which I assume is on just when the light is on...but my main question is how crazy is your electric bill?? I'm almost too poor for my electric bill and I'm only running 400 watts and no A/C or water/air pumps (just lots of fans for air-flow), so I just wonder if I move to a DWC or aero setup will I even be able to afford it? Or do the water/air pumps not use that much electricity? Thanks for any info you might have on this, and of course thank you for growing OG KUSH!

edit: also that 24/7 nutrient monitor thing looks neat, would you say it's a must-have for setups like yours? I've been getting sick of dipping my stupid probe into my solution every time to check, so I can see the value
The larry's looking awesome!! couldn't remember if you had already mentioned a plan for how you were going to arrange these two evenly under the screen, but I'm excited to see your skills at work-

I had a question about your setup, because it looks like you have a lot of stuff that runs the air/water pumps run all the time? And you also have an A/C unit right? Which I assume is on just when the light is on...but my main question is how crazy is your electric bill?? I'm almost too poor for my electric bill and I'm only running 400 watts and no A/C or water/air pumps (just lots of fans for air-flow), so I just wonder if I move to a DWC or aero setup will I even be able to afford it? Or do the water/air pumps not use that much electricity? Thanks for any info you might have on this, and of course thank you for growing OG KUSH!

edit: also that 24/7 nutrient monitor thing looks neat, would you say it's a must-have for setups like yours? I've been getting sick of dipping my stupid probe into my solution every time to check, so I can see the value

Hi, Fro.

The answer is no and yes.

No, the air pumps (running constantly) and water pumps (in my case one constant, one timed) will not seriously increase your power bill. It will some, but not massive. Just shut off your computer at night and don't watch too much tv. Lol. My electric bill is massive. I would say on average it's well over 300.00 per billing cycle. I would estimate the system draw alone results in about a 60.00 (veg) 50.00 (flower) increase a month on top of normal usage between me and my roommate. But you don't get beyond shop quality weed by growing on a windowsill.

Yes, 24-7 tri-meter a must. Not only does it save you from the hassle you speak of, it gives the peace of mind of constant, real-time monitoring. This just results in more precise control over your grow, which results in higher quality weed.

I don't know if you're in LA, but if I harvest good, I'll make some of my grow available through Progressive.

Hey, Cheeze. If you end up taking some to Progressive, I won't be a dick. I'll go easy on the price. But they have to call it LJ Tahoe or LJ Larry. And if they buy it right off my branches, they'll have to let it sit in the dark for two more weeks before dispensing... but they already know that. And my jars need lotsa burping.

Oh, and this Tahoe is curing up a storm, brother. If you're done with that sample I gave you, the next phase awaits.
Thanks jin! Your answers always seem to be exactly what I was looking for plus a little extra, that's why I keep coming back (your info/knowledge is like crack). And if your bud is ever at progressive I think I will have to make the trek from orange county to check it out
Thanks jin! Your answers always seem to be exactly what I was looking for plus a little extra, that's why I keep coming back (your info/knowledge is like crack). And if your bud is ever at progressive I think I will have to make the trek from orange county to check it out

Then I'll make sure to set aside a little bit for PO (that is if they don't have a strict vend minimum of more than a QP). I would be flattered if you drove all the way from OC to try it. And they'll have to call it LJ Tahoe or LJ Larry so RIU journal readers know what to ask for and will know what they're getting. But Cheeze would have to warn RIU readers ahead of time because a QP of my top nugs never sit very long in any shop. And be prepared to reach into your wallet! Shop people always find it necessary to put my stuff in their jars with the golden lids. They did it with Ghost, they did with Platinum, and they would do it with this Tahoe too. Maybe I've never won a Cannabis Cup, but consistently growing bud that ends up at the top of LA shop menus is no small feat. I wouldn't be caught dead in a jar with a silver lid.

Cheeze, PO should be paying us. I'll even throw in my beautiful photos for their promotional use. And all this for just a modest compensation package. Lol.

Progressive Options rocks! Their genetics are beyond legit! Sorry Sunset Supershop! Progressive wins!
Smoke this dope, prepare to prune. Fucking incredible. You actually feel like you left this earth for a few minutes to spend some magical time in a hot, wet, steam wonderland.

Just be glad I didn't post a photo of my wrinkled nut sack or my dick. I'd probably be banned for sure if I did that. And if you have access to a crime database, my prints aren't even there because my dui was expunged years ago. And if I ever perform a cat burglary, I always wear gloves anyway. All good cat burglars do.

And I still look great in a catsuit. Rowr!
hey jin ... your shits dank man ...but long gone...haahaaa
just to let u know po doesnt sell meds ...they only deal with clones...
Essentially they are just a group of breeders/growers....Three main guys..
But basically its not there genetics its everyones genetics..
Everyone contributes ...sources out cuts/phenos... and mothers are selected and kept....
You should see alll the mothers they have....

I try and give them samples from time to time.....

edit... nutsack.... catburglars.....????.. very funny jin.... crazy man!
hey jin ... your shits dank man ...but long gone...haahaaa
just to let u know po doesnt sell meds ...they only deal with clones...
Essentially they are just a group of breeders/growers....Three main guys..
But basically its not there genetics its everyones genetics..
Everyone contributes ...sources out cuts/phenos... and mothers are selected and kept....
You should see alll the mothers they have....

I try and give them samples from time to time.....

edit... nutsack.... catburglars.....????.. very funny jin.... crazy man!

Wow, I didn't know that. It's a clone only house? No wonder their cuts are so good. That makes me feel even more special now. Now I know what to say if I try to hock any of this to a shop myself.

I'm smoking bowl after delicious bowl today. It's actually pleasure and pain to see just how much coughing I can take. The cure is setting in nice. It's a real pure OG flavor now. I just can't stop smoking this stuff. It feels really good.

I can hardly wait to see Larry. I have a strong feeling about this one. I was a little worried at first, but Tahoe is kicking ass, so I'm starting to feel excited about seeing the two different types.

That OG 'gum-pulsing' mouth sensation is there too. It feels really good. Y'know that OG 'mouth vibration?'
Subbed up lordjin.. I see what u did with that Tahoe now lets see what up with the Larry. + rep


The first Tahoe run was great practice. Cheezy was good enough to get me better pheno's plus I'm more experienced with these after what I observed from the prior grow... I'm feeling that rookie excitement all over again, but it's great that I know exactly what to do now.

These are tough to grow. That's how I judge an OG's legitimacy. And I love a challenge as much as I love a real OG. It's a good thing the two seem to go hand in hand. If it's too easy to grow, it's a cross.
I think we call that good lung expansion ....but those may be two different things..
You gotta try out my stuff ... illl admit i only smoked pre nugs that werent cured with ya..and unflushed
Now the stuff has a couple days in cure is so much better,,, and picked after

Im also kinda excited about larry...
looks like larry needed a head start .... couldnt of planned it better...

Edit :
Same pheno ....just more vigor ...
I think we call that good lung expansion ....but those may be two different things..
You gotta try out my stuff ... illl admit i only smoked pre nugs that werent cured with ya..and unflushed
Now the stuff has a couple days in cure is so much better,,, and picked after

Im also kinda excited about larry...
looks like larry needed a head start .... couldnt of planned it better...

Edit :
Same pheno ....just more vigor ...

That's good. I want the Tahoe to be just the same, and if Larry is on the same level, we're golden.