Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Ew woodsmaneh, what's with all those ugly airbrushed bimbos.

frills corsets, I'm a guy where the f am I going to get me some live ones, no one I know dresses that cool, except xK so, trying to add frills too, I'm sure you would kick them out for eating crackers in bed LOL as he looks down at crackers

I like pictures, pictures are nice, but much nicer when they are compleat and beside the ladies make comments some times......

buddha webb

New Member
Im not sure where to post these pics so hope ok here?
I went for a walk and found a puppet near the does look like ganesh on one side,but the locals dont think its Thai or Malay,but not sure about the face on the may be Indian,or....or not sure???any ideas....
Quite enchanting and enthnic.
And a little bit of monsoon rain....
puppet pictures 004.jpgpuppet pictures 006.jpgpuppet pictures 011.jpgpuppet pictures 007.jpgpuppet pictures 010.jpgpuppet pictures 001.jpg



Well-Known Member
[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]Yeah, examples of Malay/Thai puppets I saw were closer to the Indonesian wayang. Alot were shadow and stick puppets rather than marionettes... I've seen carvings outside people's houses like that in Trinidad but not a big puppets. Wow, It's pretty one of a kind. Maybe it was just the personal project of a local or traveller inspired by the crossover of cultures in the region-India meets the orient. Asia is so culturally diverse and confusing 0_o but awesome. The other side of the head confuses me... Nepalese? I'm no expert on these things. Perhaps you should let a museum check it out- it's cool and could be valuable, you never know!

Don't mind small tits do you? I have a nice pink bra with black lace stretched over the satin I could show but I still want to know who the fuck put a picture of me in the purple lace bra on a porn site @_@ It wasn't even a nice picture, I was showing the bra but I looked like shit XP I trust you guys with my boudoir... In the meantime, more playing cards.This was taken as I first walked in and saw myself. The photographer thought 'unsure' looked 'cute', told me to hold it right there on my tippy toes and she took photos. *shrug*

NO TITS HERE! Yet. I'll have to think about it.


Matt Rize

... but I still want to know who the fuck put a picture of me in the purple lace bra on a porn site @_@ It wasn't even a nice picture, I was showing the bra but I looked like shit XP I trust you guys with my boudoir...
Are you high on something other than pot? Why on earth would you trust random dudes on a message board? Know that every picture you post or PM is going to spread like wild fire across the net. Half these guys are old enough to be your dad. Don't you find that somewhat creepy?

This is to all the ladies out there who are naive enough to "trust" dudes online.


Active Member
Are you high on something other than pot? Why on earth would you trust random dudes on a message board? Know that every picture you post or PM is going to spread like wild fire across the net. Half these guys are old enough to be your dad. Don't you find that somewhat creepy?

This is to all the ladies out there who are naive enough to "trust" dudes online.

well thank god your hear to cast judgment....geeez Now that youve dropped that knowledge bomb she is for sure going to change her ways......hey can you tell the rest of us how to act too thanks. you should change your title from moderator to judgmental buzz killer who accomplishes nothing with uninvited criticisms


Ursus marijanus
In my considered opinion - Matt says something very wise. Posting on the 'Net isn't like phoning a friend. These posts will last, and I for one would counsel Kuroi to NOT risk any personal revelations that she won't entirely like 5, 10, 20 years from now. This young lady has her life ahead of her yet ... career, family, community ... so given a choice between being a member of the L&F Rut Squad or possibly someone counseling as a friend would ... I'll select option B, every time. cn


Pickle Queen
Kuroi there's a reason i told u to never include ur face in ur naughty pics ;) As i told u a while ago ur pics ( a few ) have been posted on other sites, here in canada if i use gooogle to search "lace and frills" ur pic comes up, and not related to RIU.
Ya trusting the wrong dude online can really screw u over, just saying ;)


Well-Known Member

Okay, I said I wanted to post this set of photos ages ago and I have so, nothing more to see. I'm not quite sure why someone would want to take a photo off of here and post it elsewhere, but you're right, they could.

As for guys here being old enough to be my dad, that didn't really cross my mind. Never had daddy, or any other guy for that matter, have anything nice to say about the way I look before; so I liked it and got carried away. I'm sorry.

Jadeey and BiBi can take over from here if they want. Bryon, it's ok, I don't want to make trouble again.

People got bored when I started talking about art history and fabrics anyway.

I've got a half ounce and a few blunt wraps saved over here; I'm off to make best use of them.


Ursus marijanus

Okay, I said I wanted to post this set of photos ages ago and I have so, nothing more to see. I'm not quite sure why someone would want to take a photo off of here and post it elsewhere, but you're right, they could.

As for guys here being old enough to be my dad, that didn't really cross my mind. Never had daddy, or any other guy for that matter, have anything nice to say about the way I look before; so I liked it and got carried away. I'm sorry.

Jadeey and BiBi can take over from here if they want. Bryon, it's ok, I don't want to make trouble again.

People got bored when I started talking about art history and fabrics anyway.

I've got a half ounce and a few blunt wraps saved over here; I'm off to make best use of them.
Not all people! cn


RIU Bulldog
Why is it that all girl with small tits seems to be really perky/bubbly/hyper? I think that's why I really like girls w/ small chest.
I really admire people who are unshakably upbeat and optimistic and happy in the face of this evil, morbid, corrupted and cynical world. They make me happy...give me hope.

....God bless small tits....