H2O2 will kill any beneficials in an organic grow. unless you use trace amounts, but then, what would be the point of using it? The only time you should use H2O2 in an organic grow is if the nasties start up on the roots.How often do you guys feed with molasses and hydrogen peroxide? I want to start adding both but not sure when. I am thinking molasses every other watering, adding it when I am not adding the other nutes. But for the peroxide, do you add every watering?
pothead.....this is the organics forumDepends on your growing method soil,hydro,aero?? Soil add 2 table spoons molasses every other feeding.I dont reccomend h202 in soil. In hydro 2 table spood molasses per gallon once a week during flower.H202 once a week to the res use the grotek super h202 and not the store bought pharmacy kind as it has harmful additives.In aero never use molasses and add h202 once a week at res change use 2-5 drops per gallon oif the 30% h202
molasses is the main ingredient in all the top quality sweeteners for a reason. it's good stuff. molasses for organic/nonorganic, sweeteners for never (or aero).would Sugar Daddy be equivilant to using mollasses? or is mollasses better? using ebb n flo with higromite.