LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

IDK, send him a PM, he will respond to you.

You have to start from Advanced reply. There you will see an icon which will take you into your picture folders. It says "select file" (you can select something like 4-5 pics). When finished, the button next to it downloads them into your Reply. hth
thanks for the help again guys

i dont have rapid root or the cash to get ne i just spent all my money on new equiptment abd bags for the garden but i do have jiffy pellets that i can use and a humidity dome


The humidity will kill them. Humidity is only neede for clones. With the pellets, barely get them wet. They retain water forever. Their ok for seeds but not good for clones. They retain water dor too long and rot the stem. Rapid rooters are te best. Ph balanced and a buffer. Discount hyrdro has themm for 12.95 a 50 pack. Plus shipping. I would use straight soil instead pellets. Get an insert for a propagation tray and put soil in a square. run water through the square. Let it dry. Then water a litrle again then put the seed two seed lengths down in the square. Probably should wait til seed cracks open from sitting in cup of water for that method
Wow, good to see Hyroot and PetFlora still truckin'! I just caught this thread at about midnight here on the left coast. Got to page 44 and it's 5:42 hahaha decided it's time for some shut eye, thought I'd see when the last post was in this epic thread of cumulative knowledge, low and behold, the usual suspects here posting it up. Cheers to you gentlemen, and cheers to the Prof!
lol that pic is about right! Wave Point will be feeling it as soon as that bulb is available!

Nice find Hyroot! this Ultra Growth Wave bulb definitely looks like the One


Honestly, I would love to see what an 8 bulb BadBoy filled with 8 of Ultra Growth Waves entire cycle could do

It was July, I think, back on page 44, so have bulbs advanced that much since then? I hate to be the guy that asks the same question that has been answered numerous times by et.al., but there is still alot of reading to do!
hyroot - i wasnt realy going to use thewhole dome just the bottom and a heat mat to add warmth to the cups im accualuy going to get rapid rooters when i order stuff again after i save some cash but thanks for the advice on not ueing them for clones trying to do this with limited suplies realy sucks

but in anouther story im realy likeing the ultra growth wave it looks like it will be a realy good bulb to use
You stupid morons that is a pink bulb, you people really have no clue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

speaking of not having a clue, finally down to ignore your annoying @$$ too. Never seen someone project so much on a forum. Seriously impressive bro, now find a mirror
all im going to say is ...... WOW..... FUCKING WOW

on aniuther note we all kno by now you like the pink bulb OK WE FUKING GET IT now we are all trying to helpe achouther out with information OBVISULY they like the ultra groth bulb cuz it ives higher spikes than you beloved pink bulb

i was happy as my last post calmed the attitude and ego talk but yet again it is back

Please if you dont have anything to share dont post arguements its not worth nebodys time to read unless they are backed with good information

Momma sez no more feeding the troll kids. Just ignore it and the tantrum will eventually stop when there's no audience. *deep breath, boobie hug* Now, are well all better yet?

Side note: okthanks2 I don't dislike you per se, but you aren't being constructive. As such you're on ignore for at least a week. Being disagreed with is frustrating, but when everyone disagrees with you they likely aren't ALL the ones with the misconception/misperception. The common denominator in these posts you're making is your anger. I'd suggest a good cognitive behavioral therapist to help you find out who you're really angry at. Did/do your parents never take your ideas seriously? I struggled for a long time with anger and resentment over that one.
Nice, another for the ignore list. Get phosphor blend listings and you can make claims like that, start in on me about me health and you've already penned "THE END" to your story bro.

obviously superPAR is okthanks2 or a little buddy (join date Jan 2012, coming to okthanks2's rescue...number of posts correlates to posts on this thread etc etc)
its so cute that he invented an alter ego to protect himself from the "bad" guys and assail the legal patients of states that adhere to modern medical findings.
Sorry to everyone else for adding to the smut but I think i've got some good contributions under my belt

p.s. you can legitemately use the 'report' function for okthanks2 and superPAR's posts if you feel that he is harassing, fighting, abusive etc. just fyi I wouldn't get excessive, but report a post of each and cite your logic and I think the point is made.
for everyone who just chimed in im not disagreeing with nebody im trying to keep peace in here so we allcan help eachouther out and shar are experiences to let eachouther kno how things went when everyone is all hyped up over disagreements nothing can be talked about but if everyone chills out then talks about everything and shares information that we have found then we can accualy get somewhere
I did suffer myself to read your comment and I believe it goes against the basic principles of this WHOLE forum, consider yourself warned. You are making this personal
Oh great, okthanks is back... Just another name for the ignore list, and a PM with a transcript of your contributions here sent to Potroast, have fun with a blocked IP
Very off topic here, but I asked in the seed threads with no help, if I order from Attitude and ask for re-packaging, how can I tell which is which if theyre not in breeder packs? If they send em in the wallet, are they labeled? PM me pls to help, I'm ordering later today :) finally good genetics :)
Very off topic here, but I asked in the seed threads with no help, if I order from Attitude and ask for re-packaging, how can I tell which is which if theyre not in breeder packs? If they send em in the wallet, are they labeled? PM me pls to help, I'm ordering later today :) finally good genetics :)

lol i mean... man... you couldnt have chosen a better name bro?
To get back on topic....im gonna repeat some questions

how do we know the LUMENS of these aquarium bulbs? Say they only output 2000 lumens instead of our 5k lumens from our GE bulbs

I am really looking forward to do a side-by-side veg with 4 6500ks and 1 veg combo (ati blue plus + uvl super actinic + aquafloro x2) the aquafloros can be replaced for a better bulb as soon as I find one, or maybe one Florasun. heres Aquafloro:


Just to clarify.. the new CORAL WAVE GROWTH doesn't seem to be a copy of any bulb except a close copy of the Aqua Medic Planta Bulbs which are now discontinued, here's the chart:


So the teak they made to the Aqua Medic Planta bulb is unfavorable to us. Here's the new chart, we see a lot less red and higher peaks of other colors. There IS a difference between these two.

Aqua Medic Plant Grow (NOT discontinued) imo they effed it up, it was halfway decent before. either way the peaks of blue and green are way high, at least it peaks highest at like 440nm so the blue light is PAR. just too narrow of a red band and too high of a green spike:

The ultra growth wave looks promising because roughly 45% of the band is red, there is very little green AND the blue seems to be PAR. I can't see the exact numbers does anyone have a higher res picture of ultra growths spectrum?

These are the Florasuns everyone is using for their 660nm, this bulb emits the most at 660nm out of all the bulbs we've talked about but the green spike is very high, although narrow. Also lots of blue.
View attachment 1982324
lumens measures what humans see, not actual light emission photons (which can be different wavelengths = different colors)

more relevant is this info from wiki (trying to be helpful):

The lumen (symbol: lm) is the SI derived unit of luminous flux, a measure of the total "amount" of visible light emitted by a source. Luminous flux differs from power (radiant flux) in that luminous flux measurements reflect the varying sensitivity of the human eye to different wavelengths of light, while radiant flux measurements indicate the total power of all light emitted, independent of the eye's ability to perceive it.

(MPP to lazy to change font/bold---this is why the pink bulb comments are asenine, as what we see has less impact on effect than..well..effect---assuming you have all other growth related variables dialed in it should be noticeable)

((also my earlier comments about light quality changes and morphisms come in with this logic, you want your pinky's to be there from the get go for best results. again just a theory, following logic, not trying to market anything to you))