Big ass fan leaves!


Well-Known Member
from what i've been told, cutting the tips off forces the plant to focus its energies repairing itself rather then bud production. i did it and heard plenty for it.


Well-Known Member
Those big ass fan leaves are helping feed your plant providing energy

As long as they are green and healthy then leave them on

If you are worried the their so big that their blocking light for lower bud sites then just try bending them down or tucking them under another branch

You could also incorporate lst`n some which will expose more light to your lower branches and it will fill out more


I CUT MOST OF MINE FAN LEAFS OFF A WEEK PRIER TO HARVESTING THE COLAS AT THE SAME TIME I flush them and have had nothing but the best results. I don't cut them all off cause I like to re-veg them from my two nice trees if you know what I mean. Stronger yields from a re-vegged plant if you ask me. All maters on the food and when you give it to them... little hint a brick or two of dry ice in a bucket of warm warm water after you clip the plant will help out greatly in starting the recovery process for the plant as it is a strong doss of CO2.:bigjoint: peace peeps bongsmilie

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Yeah, OK whatever works for you.

OP why on earth would you wanna do that? Unless it's blocking a bud from getting light, then you can always tie it off somewhere to expose the bud. That fan is critical for food production.

DQ Blizzard

Active Member
Learn something everyday LOL

I removed several fan leaves that were covering the center of my topped plant, I didn't think it was a bad thing.... oppps!!!


it wont hurt your plant at all... it will promote growth of more fan leafs I have done this many times. If you are gong to kill of the plant when it is time to harvest I would cut all the fan leafs a week prior to the chop. :leaf:;-)
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Might I add I cut the fan leafs three times so far during the life of these plant... Never had a brown leaf since first started out as clones. Proper nutts and light and leave them alone and you will be a happy camper.


Tiny buds cause they were just put under 12/12 a few days ago... Fan leafs will grow back faster then you think and NO you don't need to have so many fan leafs if you are feeding them correctly and have proper lighting with proper CO2 flow your plants will be just fine.Also the buds take in co2 as well so you are not killing your plant by removing some fan leafs.


Give it a week and you will see the difference and how much faster and stronger the plants turn out.. I also add egg shells right before I cut the fan leaves. I do this one or two times during the veg state and one last time right before I put them into the flowering cycle. They come out way stronger from what I can tell. I have tried it both ways and this is my 12 grow and way better results when you clean out most of the unneeded leafs. They are weeds, they will survive and grow back faster then you think. Way stronger stems so you don't get to much leaning over from the weight of the colas as they get bigger and bigger. That is one reason people clip the fan leafs when you clone plants to promote go solid growth and a strong root base. You lose a lot of needed light to the lower parts of the plants without cleaning them up a little here and there.


I aint trying to be a dick here, But exactly what in the pictures is so impressive? All I see are scraggly plants & tiny buds?

These are about a couple of weeks into flower, but that's what healthy plants look like.

Give it a week and you will see the difference and how much faster and stronger the plants turn out.. I also add egg shells right before I cut the fan leaves. I do this one or two times during the veg state and one last time right before I put them into the flowering cycle. They come out way stronger from what I can tell. I have tried it both ways and this is my 12 grow and way better results when you clean out most of the unneeded leafs. They are weeds, they will survive and grow back faster then you think. Way stronger stems so you don't get to much leaning over from the weight of the colas as they get bigger and bigger. That is one reason people clip the fan leafs when you clone plants to promote go solid growth and a strong root base. You lose a lot of needed light to the lower parts of the plants without cleaning them up a little here and there.


Learn something everyday LOL

I removed several fan leaves that were covering the center of my topped plant, I didn't think it was a bad thing.... oppps!!!

it's not a bad thing.. get a spray bottle and put a little molasses or honey with some big bloom and lightly spray them in the AM and again in the PM but make sure you have good fan movement cause you don't want mold to set in... Trust me they will love it and you will end up with fat resin filled colas. From clone to full size tree's I have never had a brown or discolored leaf as long as you check you PH before ever watering and don't over do the nutts. Egg shells will toughen your plans stock and stems so you don't have week plants that you have to tie up just to keep them from bending to their death. I will post more pic's next week to show you how fast them fan leafs regenerate.


Active Member
Here u go girls. Check out this video. My 1st grow 250w hallide 70 degrees. 8 weeks veg and i trimmed a shit load of fan leaves between week 4 and 6 abot 30-40%. As u can see I left some. I have a plant that is 2' tall and about 4' wide.



Here u go girls. Check out this video. My 1st grow 250w hallide 70 degrees. 8 weeks veg and i trimmed a shit load of fan leaves between week 4 and 6 abot 30-40%. As u can see I left some. I have a plant that is 2' tall and about 4' wide.


whats the good of loading a video if it is set to private and no one can watch it.... This video is private.... waste of space on this page.


Active Member
Ther did that help. How do i change that. Remeber i am new to chats and growing. I posted this for help. I wonder if I have to take the privacy off of my utube account. U have to understand i am a grown man with who is responseable with a life. This is just a hobby. Let me know if u were able to view it or tell me how.


Ther did that help. How do i change that. Remeber i am new to chats and growing. I posted this for help. I wonder if I have to take the privacy off of my utube account. U have to understand i am a grown man with who is responseable with a life. This is just a hobby. Let me know if u were able to view it or tell me how.

ya remove the privacy on your account and if that still does not work you can upload it to youtube then paste the URL in here for all to watch.. I would love to see what you have going on there. Thanks again and happy growing.


Active Member
I excepted that friend request. I looked all over utube and couldnt't figure out how to take off the privacy. I hope better at growing than I am at posting. wat a dumbass


Give it a week and you will see the difference and how much faster and stronger the plants turn out.. I also add egg shells right before I cut the fan leaves. I do this one or two times during the veg state and one last time right before I put them into the flowering cycle. They come out way stronger from what I can tell. I have tried it both ways and this is my 12 grow and way better results when you clean out most of the unneeded leafs. They are weeds, they will survive and grow back faster then you think. Way stronger stems so you don't get to much leaning over from the weight of the colas as they get bigger and bigger. That is one reason people clip the fan leafs when you clone plants to promote go solid growth and a strong root base. You lose a lot of needed light to the lower parts of the plants without cleaning them up a little here and there.