Would you spend $250 per seed for elite genetics???

Those prices only reflect some sort of bragging rights, that only some egotistical jack ass would care about.

unless it was grown wrong, cured improperly, or moldy, its been a pleasure to smoke ALL kind bud. Why people have to always act like their smoke is better than another's is beyond me. Just enjoy it, thats what its here for.
Logic would not post here, at least under that name. Not his style I'm guessing.

But seriously now.........$4K for a pack of seeds. And it's a manipulated auction system- with no commentary. It's about "people desperate for money", who hide under the guise they are here to help out the growing community. But do shit like this. Geeze.............
LOL............ People are so brainwashed there by the hype thinking they are getting "extreme" genetics. And they kiss the guys ass so much that NO ONE can say anything negative or they get banned. Instead of the name "THCFarmer", it should be called "THCFarmer RIP OFF"...... where you pay too much and are too stupid to know better.
LOL............ People are so brainwashed there by the hype thinking they are getting "extreme" genetics. And they kiss the guys ass so much that NO ONE can say anything negative or they get banned. Instead of the name "THCFarmer", it should be called "THCFarmer RIP OFF"...... where you pay too much and are too stupid to know better.
i heard too many horror stories about thcfarmer, i would use the forums (and i have) but i would not make a purchase from them just because of pre existing reputation.
i heard too many horror stories about thcfarmer, i would use the forums (and i have) but i would not make a purchase from them just because of pre existing reputation.

hell yea, i knew about THCfarmer and grasscity before RIU when i needed info on breeders, i still look at those sites and others since there's treasure troves of knowledge just sitting out there.
i heard too many horror stories about thcfarmer, i would use the forums (and i have) but i would not make a purchase from them just because of pre existing reputation.
hell yea, i knew about THCfarmer and grasscity before RIU when i needed info on breeders, i still look at those sites and others since there's treasure troves of knowledge just sitting out there.

im the same way. found that before RIU, and only used it to read / write on the forums, heard entirely too many bad stories and saw first hand early on how controversial threads get censored or deleted.
WOW, and I thought Doggie's Nuts were a rip-off. Those seeds would have to be brought to me on a gold platter by Taylor Swift naked for me pay to half that. I am quite happy with my 18-24% stuff. At least that is what the breeders of my beans claim, don't have the equipment to test it. I think the most I would ever pay per bean would be maybe $30.00.
90% of the people on here wont even spend $100 on an hps light and you are wondering if they will buy a $250 seed?
I'd spend $4k on a cutting having sampled said cutting first of course, but there is no guarantee with seeds. Four grand in this case might yield something special but there is always that chance in any pack of seeds.
With so much variety out there today, I sincerely doubt any strain is worth that price- unless I was a breeder and plan on using it for years to come.
NEVER, and whoever paid 4Grand for a pack of seeds should send me money cuz they obviously got money to throw away. It's seeds, a genetic pool that could be hit or miss.
I see the pack currently up on auction is currently OVER $6100........... I may have to take out a second mortgage. LOL
250 bucks for a seed lol? Id end up losing it and be bummed out the rest of the day. Ya Ive seen some pretty ridiculous priced seed strains. In the hundreds and thousands of dollars and the more expensive it got, the crazier the story behind it. A lot of the high priced strains are so high priced because a lot of them are supposed to be the only pack in existence. To grow what no other has grown is always pretty neat. I find it hard scrounging up 45-50 bucks for a pack of seeds from nirvana let alone spending hundreds on a single seed.