Well-Known Member
This is getting ugly.
I think we've been infiltrated.
Damn! I knew they'd find out we were talking about them.
I think we've been infiltrated.
Damn! I knew they'd find out we were talking about them.
are we still discussing the flying purple spaghetti monster?
because i really think that should be the main focus here...
Is it, Ben, Ray, and Howard Sterrrn maybe.stay tuned everybody im going to show you guys how big one family's influence is and it is searchable on the net as quoted by one of the family's most powerful hier's
this went downhill quick lucky unclebucks here
still no answers on proof that freemasons are arranging jobs and controlling money though.. but hey
still no evidence for your claims.Buck
You're Bullshitting by doing things like quoting where I did say control in terms of money, then act like we weren't talking about control in terms of power.
And many other ways.
I hear you're really old, maybe this is man-o-pause
Or Alzheimer's
That's always sad...
still no evidence for your claims.
Just sophomoric attempts at insult.
what exactly did you prove other than your utter disregard for periods, commas, exclamation points, and question marks?and thats just to start ya off uncle buck so here is your evidence now unprove it and go look on the net for my points i have given dont be lazy the only true free uncensored media left is the net so dont even try to tear that down as an argument you just have to know the proper place to look and not click the first thing you see like most sheep do ,,,,,,,,, and do some cross referencing on the points you read to prove to yourself instead of taking 1 single thing you read as the bible or what you believe in in order to understand thing fully you need to be willing to have an open mind for ALL angles as in yours and others
what exactly did you prove other than your utter disregard for periods, commas, exclamation points, and question marks?
You told me that the push for equal rights for females was funded by the rockefeller family in order to make women taxable. That is only a claim. You did not cite anything, much less enough to make me believe your claim.