I'm assuming by the way you talk you are Scott from Stone Mountain??? If so kudos to you sir on a fine strain!!!
If not why do you care and feel as though you have any rights over this strain?
Same here. And that Wms Wonder cut came from me as a gift with the understanding that it wouldn't be shared without my consent. I suspect that the "Orange Crush" you have is ae77 Cali-O that was shared with the same conditions.
I'm assuming that you're the one who donated it to AZCS?
And the Wms Wonder isn't an exclusive cut. I've shared it with growers all over N. America. Making a buck is fine, but at the end of the day it's about spreading love more than it is about lining pockets. Now that you have the cut, I hope you'll do the right thing with it and with the rest of your garden.
It's very curious how often some Arizona growers pull the "I'm more compassionate than you" card. If you knew my work, you wouldn't accuse me of lacking compassion. This isn't about strain hoarding. It's about me preferring to not share my gifts with douchebags, if I can help it. I don't get the impression that you are a d-bag, Bird Gymnastics, but I prefer to know a little something about the people who end up with my gifts. It's not a personal law... it's simply a preference and the person I gifted the Wms to knew that, so it's disappointing.
I'm assuming that you're the one who donated it to AZCS?
And the Wms Wonder isn't an exclusive cut. I've shared it with growers all over N. America. Making a buck is fine, but at the end of the day it's about spreading love more than it is about lining pockets. Now that you have the cut, I hope you'll do the right thing with it and with the rest of your garden.
It's very curious how often some Arizona growers pull the "I'm more compassionate than you" card. If you knew my work, you wouldn't accuse me of lacking compassion. This isn't about strain hoarding. It's about me preferring to not share my gifts with douchebags, if I can help it. I don't get the impression that you are a d-bag, Bird Gymnastics, but I prefer to know a little something about the people who end up with my gifts. It's not a personal law... it's simply a preference and the person I gifted the Wms to knew that, so it's disappointing.
we use Delta 9 and AZ Med Testing so we have two independent sourcesPlan on making hybrids?
Where do you get testing done at?
And my apologies if this is true. What he told me was that he HAD asked you not to share but that you didn't care. You know the truth and I don't.
There is the truth about the WMS. I hope my orange stays true to the people I shared it with. Dignan, I feel the disappointment you do especially when thinking you can trust someone. Feeling bad about this situation..its great to have genetics for just us growers that can appreciate the history and pure dankness about those strains. I know how to keep stuff to myself and then give gifts to those IMO "worthy." if you ever want to talk genetics I'd be grateful to hear what you have to say about certain ones I've acquired. Much respect!sorry!!!!! i was the first perp in spreading the forbidden fruit and i knew the conditions dont banish him from the garden of eden. he is still holding it against me to this day
You have got to be kidding me. If you're going to use google in an attempt to make it look like you know the history of strains, at least do a better job of it. Williams Wonder is an heirloom strain from the Pacific Northwest that was first released in seed form by SSSC in '87. Stone Mountain Wellness is a club that sold Wms buds to someone who wrote a review online, which is what you found by googling.
I claim no rights to the strain and don't care at all if other people have it. What I care about is who has it when it was a gift from me. I would be equally annoyed if I gave you $50 for groceries for your family and you took it and spent it on cigarettes and beer. Like I said, good people are welcome to my genetics. The knee-jerk responses to my post demonstrate why I don't share with just anybody. I would be really bummed if I gifted to someone the plants and seeds I've put love into only to log into some online cannabis forum to find the person treating others the way some of you are. It's only spreading love when the next person is passing on love and not hate.
It was not my intent to start any kind of argument. I have loads of folk sharing genetics with me and vice versa. I am just really new to all of it and couldn't understand for the life of me why any grower would be upset over who has what strain and how it was acquired. though it's probably not that good; I have heard of a clone only strain called FFA that was shared like a two dollar Saigon whore. What seperates strains like that from heirloom strains like Willie's Wonder. Though I understand why a grower would want to be wary of who he shares his choice genetics with; I am not sure if I completely agree. Maybe I'll have a different thought when I get some decent genetics passed to me with a "no pass on" clause. Until then I really would like another explanation (from bird if possible) one that doesn't involve money and is a tad more holistic in it's explanation.
Spreading the Genes is the way to get your Mix out there...
Someone has to hear your noise!!!
Watch this video and then read below!!!!
Well where do I begin without offending anyone. Please take this post with the upmost respect, I feel everyone deserves great genetics it's just some don't know how to use them. Let me elaborate; most people in this industry are here for the money, and some are here for the love. Until a grower has a certainty as to what another growers purpose is, then that is when these "elite" genetics are shared. Most pro growers have "personal" strains and in order to keep them "elite" you can't have it flooding the market. In California, from my experience, you have to "earn" these "elite" strains. Money is obsolete to growers with these "special" or "elite"strains so why give it to every Tom, Dick, and Harry? Like I mentioned before, you have to know someone before sharing, Tom and Dick might want them for themselves and for the love of the strain, but Harry is in it for the money, so if he can receive $1000 per clone then he will continue to clone making this strain like every other strain. I'm not saying Harry is in the wrong, but everyone has their own purpose. Put yourself in a breeders shoes...if you spent years (im talking 5-10) to make the perfect strain FOR YOURSELF and it did come out perfect, would you be sharing it with everyone? After all the time, energy and even money put into a project like that, would you want just anyone to own it? Probably not; with that being said, I only share the ones I have personally grown. If a breeder asks me not to clone out his strain then I do so. Just respect for the common man. It's kinda like taking your shoes off before entering a home, if the owner asks that of you, respect it, otherwise dont enter their home.
Where you been old man I was wondering about ya a couple days ago.i'd hire him!
we have males available at request but only once a monthwe will have Vortex, Plushberry, Dr Grinspoon, Jack the Ripper, Apollo 13-BX, Agent Orange, Chernobyl, Deep Purple, Dairy Queen and a few more less known genetics. We have been known to give these away folks. "Spread the word, and then spread the seed"
Where you been old man I was wondering about ya a couple days ago.
i rarely post anymore. i pop in and out! i'm sitting here looking at my 4 bags of soil, 32 seedlings and my smart pots and thinking, maybe i'll put it off until tomorrow...![]()