TRUE Story - I ALMOST died from smoking weed


Well-Known Member
Funny true story many years ago when I was with a couple of bro's and one of them turned out to be a total idiot at the others apartment and when the idiot wasn't looking the other took out of his kitchen cabinet about 3-4 dead cockroaches that were upside down and crispy for months, stuffed them into a one hitter bong bowl, sprinkled the top with a little pot and gave it to the unsuspecting idiot friend to smoke. The idiot took a big flame and torched that bowl sucked in the smoke and after a few seconds blew out this massive white cloud of 98% cockroach smoke tasting it in his mouth the idiot realized the other friend spiked his bong hit with something or another and went at my friend with a hammer then my friend whipped out his gun laughing and the idiot stopped in his tracks with the hammer in hand only to be able to respond with "That's fucked up". At the time, I got a big laugh out of it that's for sure!


Well-Known Member
someone would be catching a bullet if they spiked my bowl with anything. might be in the leg but that mother fucker would have a hole somewhere in his body.


Well-Known Member
Funny back then I knew two crazy brothers whereas the one brother shot the other brother in the foot because the one brother wouldn't give him a piece of chicken. True story.


Well-Known Member
Lol in all my months at riu never seen a thread be so hijacked and thrown off track and keep going hahaha its def epic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!