Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?


Active Member
Recent RCP National averages:
Romney = 27.8
Gingrich = 16.2
Santorum = 15.8
Paul = 12.6
Perry = 5.6
Huntsman = 3.0

SC Primary RCP AVG:
Romney = 29.3
Gingrich = 20.0
Santorum = 19.0
Paul = 11.3
Perry = 5.0
Huntsman = 3.5



Active Member

"Ron Paul Has the Crazy Nonreligious Zealot Vote Locked Up

Political powder keg Texas Congressman Ron Paul might not have a hamster's chance in a blender of ever becoming president, but he seems to have the crazy nonreligious zealot vote all locked up. (Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick "Google problem" Santorum, who according to the National Post scored a big win, placing second in the Iowa caucus, has picked up the religious whackos.)
More than the typical politically minded citizen, satisfied with spewing party rhetoric all over the Internet with little or no capacity for rational thought, Paul supporters are like rabid stalkers, willing to go to nearly any length to decry those who would dare criticize the career politician who has managed to convince millions that his is a bare-bones, grass-root candidacy. Having received threatening emails from such people, I can say this with impunity."

Too funny...and true! :clap:


King Tut

"Ron Paul Has the Crazy Nonreligious Zealot Vote Locked Up

Political powder keg Texas Congressman Ron Paul might not have a hamster's chance in a blender of ever becoming president, but he seems to have the crazy nonreligious zealot vote all locked up. (Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick "Google problem" Santorum, who according to the National Post scored a big win, placing second in the Iowa caucus, has picked up the religious whackos.)
More than the typical politically minded citizen, satisfied with spewing party rhetoric all over the Internet with little or no capacity for rational thought, Paul supporters are like rabid stalkers, willing to go to nearly any length to decry those who would dare criticize the career politician who has managed to convince millions that his is a bare-bones, grass-root candidacy. Having received threatening emails from such people, I can say this with impunity."

Too funny...and true! :clap:
Just more slander. Nothing new here.


Well-Known Member
Sister just posts other peoples opinions as facts, but they are just opinions and mean nothing. Safe to say Sistermary is devoid of critical thinking.


Well-Known Member
Sister just posts other peoples opinions as facts, but they are just opinions and mean nothing. Safe to say Sistermary is devoid of critical thinking.
He doesn't like Paul cos of Paul's "why should we help Israel?" attitude. Keeps calling Paul a bigot and posting pro-Israel comments, he's clearly a troll.


New Member
Why would that be the case? Paul is the only Pro-Israel candidate....I see he obviously has an anterior motive, he can't actually be gullible enough to believe the stuff he posts is credible. I am not so sure it is humanly possible to be that gullible.

But what can it be? Tell us SisterMaryElephant what is your real problem with Ron Paul?
Don't disrespect Dr. Paul.
I'm sure you're some smart guy who thinks we still have a two party system.
Let me make this easy for you... THEY DO THE SAME FUCKING SHIT!!! ITS A REVOLVING DOOR!!! MASK ON, MASK OFF!!!
This country is on the brink of TOTAL economic collapse and we're bitching about what candidate would best rearrange the chairs on the deck of the Titanic?!
Gee, gosh, golly... Marv... you know the ships sinking, but isn't the band just LOVELY?! :clap::clap::clap:
I'm sure you think the NDAA will be utilized against the goat herders overseas, that want to kill us because we're free and christian. :wall:
If you loved the NDAA watch out cause here comes the NEW and IMPROVED, Enemy Expatriation Act.
Which strips you of your citizenship!!!



Active Member
You don't have to LIKE the truth but you can't hide from the FACTS:

RealClearPolitics GOP Primary Delegate Count:

RCP Total - 2,286 (1144 needed)
Romney: 1473
Santorum: 267
Gingrich: 145
Ron "the bigot" Paul: 118 (REJECTED)

(Only 4th place in a 2 man race for delegates, even after all primaries.)

RealClearPolitics 2012 Republican Primary Popular Vote:

9,809,662 - Romney
3,909,460 - Santorum
2,720,135 - Gingrich
2,063,043 - Ron 'the bigot" Paul (REJECTED)

(Only 4th place in a 2 man race even after all primaries.)

Hilarious! :D