Free Grow Software!

1400x900 17"

After disabling a couple features it does seem to fit better. It is a viable work around for me because I wont miss those specific things right now anyway .
The txt on the buttons is there :)

Is there a way to transfer the PlantIQ file into Herb, or do i need to redo it? (no biggie, as there isnt much, jus curious)
*no need now, actually have way more detailed information in now. I really like this.

*A small recommendation i sposse, I didnt notice a spot for a air filter data. Most people would appreciate having that information available to them. like date purchased, hrs, and so on. I guess a input like the lights have in conjunction with ballasts, maybe make it a subheading of the Fans data.

some screens:


*HaHaHaHa- U funny Guy... love the comments after multiple attempts to delete the default "empty room 1"

* edit

Im still learning the software now that I can finally check it out. this is a super awesome creation, my hat off to you. I can see this being a big help.

A couple ideas:

1) Under nutrients- it would be nice to be able to save a nute mix as a general feeding.

2) it would also be nice to be able to rate nutrients used, so its easier to remember what we liked and what we did not.

3) possibly be able to create preconfigured nute mixes, with a reminder of when to use it. for the people who like to vary the strength of the nut mix as the plant goes through different cycles.

4) already mentioned being able to input charcoal/ air filter information. but ill put it here anyway.

5) under lights, it would be a good idea to include type of light, a lot of people use CFl's, T5's etc...
maybe being able to put in information like rated lumens, color temp, PAR, any of the different characteristics one might want to be able to track.

Sorry if some of this stuff is in there, I may not have found it yet.
im not criticizing in any way, just trying to toss out ideas, if you like them kool, if not, no biggie....
Just curious if anyone had an export file from one of their plants they were following? I saw an area to import files and export them? Might help to see other people's data to match their own to see what they have been doing wrong?

Anyone have any to share? just interested if such a think works and if so, how much it would help others to share?
Something I notice, when I create a clone/copy of a plant, it inputs the Date acquired, and Veg Start date get copied over also. obviously this can be confusing.
Super-liked software. Thanks for posting the screenshots which helped me to get a clear idea how exactly this software works. I downloaded it and giving it a try. I will post my review after using it :)
Took offline for a while to relocate the project to it's own site, no ETR but will post updates here when it's moved over.

Wanted to let everyone know about a project I started called HERB.IQ, is open source and completely free. We currently have 2 developers and 2 bug testers working on the project including myself. We just put out our first stable release today, you can get it on our main site at sourceforge or our backup site on codeplex:



Wont let me do anything. It says that the project hasn't been published yet.

I love your software, but I have a question. I am done with my grow, harvested and cured, so how do I stop tracking these plants now? I am getting ready for another grow and I would like a clean slate. TY
I would love to help code on this project. But being written in a microsoft proprietary language is what keeps me away. why create open source software on a closed source platform?

I love your software, but I have a question. I am done with my grow, harvested and cured, so how do I stop tracking these plants now? I am getting ready for another grow and I would like a clean slate. TY
I usually just delete mine but if you wanted to keep them for historical purposes you could move them to "dead" or create a new phase to dump them all in. If you don't want it showing up at all you could go to the install directory and rename HERB.IQ.420 to something else and it will regenerate a new data file for you to start over.

Blah Blah Blah get the fuck out of my thread hippie.

Haha.. why be so rude? I would love to join in on this project, but I am afraid for the same reasons... but why not convert it over to be able to run it cross platform?
Just think about it...

Will be back up by tomorrow at the latest! Will post new links to everything when back up, sorry for the delay and downtime. Will also be posting 0.7.3 at the same time with some bug fixes, some of the 0.7.0 code was dumped in 0.7.2 inadvertently, doesn't affect your data file but if you notice something that was there and is now missing, that is why.
