They plants seem to like the CFL's.


Well-Known Member
I was a little sceptical about the CFL's but they are surprizing me and proving to be alot of fun too. They like my own dirt/compost and did like my compost teas but I broke down and bought some AN and Fox farm stuff. Hate to admit it but they REALLY like the purchased ferts. My temps go from 95 degrees down to 50 degrees but they don't seem to be suffering. I'm not gonna get any more light in there so thats all their getting. I just maxed space wise.

I pinned these guys so many times they were crying uncle. You sure do have to watch how close your lights are to your plant cause I've burned a little bit cause they grow so dammed fast now that they have settled into a good 12/12. If only I knew what the future held.

Wondering with my own soil if I am going to have to worry about powdery mildew at some point. I know there is no where near enough circulation. wtf



Well-Known Member
LI'm running 17 x 25 watt and thru in a big ole 100 watt 27k. I think it comes out to 525 watts. I had been running 18 x25 watt 6500k. Adds up to a lot of bulbs. Can't fit no more even if i had more flexible socket extentions. They went up to $27 bucks from $20 on the extentions. The seller said it was demand. I wonder where the demand came from,lolI need a bigger box.


Well-Known Member
[h=2]They plants seem to like the CFL's.........[/h]i'd say so. nice work, and thanks for being carbon frugal.


Well-Known Member
LI'm running 17 x 25 watt and thru in a big ole 100 watt 27k. I think it comes out to 525 watts. I had been running 18 x25 watt 6500k. Adds up to a lot of bulbs. Can't fit no more even if i had more flexible socket extentions. They went up to $27 bucks from $20 on the extentions. The seller said it was demand. I wonder where the demand came from,lolI need a bigger box.
Did you buy the ones in my sig or did you buy the shorter ones? I wish I had about 10 more of the ones in my sig but at that point why use CFL... kind of a bummer I can't find them cheaper somewhere.

Edit: Just found them here in stock:

Double Edit: Also see they are ebay for even cheaper... well I guess I know where to get them now. :)


Well-Known Member
I bought the shorter ones catcher. Glad I did really because they don't hold much weight as far as keeping the bulbs where you want. I could see using more of them as well as ones of different lengths if the were stiffer. 10 seven inch extentions for $20.00 was a good deal but like you say the more you use the better off you would have been using another light source other then CFL's.
Messing around this morning I broke off a nice flowering branch. A little heartbreaking but I have zero room in my little 4x2x2 foot box. wtf, live and learn. Still interested in how this all plays out.



Well-Known Member
I bought these guys here catcher. They were $20.00 plus S&H when I bought them and now they are $27.00 with S&H. Supply and demand I guess or at least that's what the vendor says. Are the longer ones stiff enough to keep a bulb where you put it. These ones are pretty weak.

Bad link.. sorry. Looks like my fleabay homepage. wtf


Well-Known Member
Yes the ones in my link are, but only if you use one bulb. If you use a Y splitter it still works but you sorta have to curly cue the extension if you know what I mean. Still works pretty well, just takes a bit more effort.


Active Member
looking good! nice plants :weed:
I looked for extensions locally couldnt find em. I have clamp lights if i need for the sides. not as slick as the extensions though
Busy building my own closet at moment which is a similar size to yours! Was just wondering how many plants you had in there and what the pot sizes are? And whether you need any ventilation fans or if a couple holes at the top is enough?
Keep Budding :)