One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

Ah i see, well in that case SweetestCheeba i'm expecting more than 6-8 zips, shooting for 10+, staying optimistic[/QUOTE]

Cool, always best to shoot for the stars. i really should start posting more, but i've been watching from the start. and i wanted to ask wat size air pot was that
Ah i see, well in that case SweetestCheeba i'm expecting more than 6-8 zips, shooting for 10+, staying optimistic

Cool, always best to shoot for the stars. i really should start posting more, but i've been watching from the start. and i wanted to ask wat size air pot was that[/QUOTE]

So many people who posted a comment in the first month i never heard from again..... I'm calling u all out!

It was a 45L airpot, i'd say i used a total of 50L of soil though
Epic job man! I'm about to start my grow and am stealing your idea for the cab. You did awesome man, I really nope I can recreate your results. Cheers bro!
Fucking beautiful.
Damn, looks like u did a good job!

Saying that though i've never been a huge fan of kief aka green hash, i duno, its good to sprinkle into joints but never found it amazing to smoke on its own. Maybe i never got a good batch of the stuff.

Also, 10g of hash outta 24g of trim is mad, i had a big box of trim last time and only got like 7g's by the end. I did mess things up a little but still

yea i dont smoke it straight you just rub some off the brick of hash sprinkle it on top a packed bowl/bong. its like supercharging ur rip 5x. it was some trim but it was mostly small scragly buds i used u should have seen the pile of keif when i was done shakin i was like daaaam. very quality hash one milk off the bong that shit had me buggin!
i gotta see the rest of the pics man i wanna see how much that bitch gives up and now im getting really fucking giddy about putting my girls into flowering
Cool, always best to shoot for the stars. i really should start posting more, but i've been watching from the start. and i wanted to ask wat size air pot was that

So many people who posted a comment in the first month i never heard from again..... I'm calling u all out!

It was a 45L airpot, i'd say i used a total of 50L of soil though[/QUOTE]

Ok and u had the hydroton on top of the soil
Ok and u had the hydroton on top of the soil

Yeh man, just to protect any exposed roots on the surface from light, would've used soil but ran out, had some hydroton lying around

ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6921232 said:
you are a inspiration. i honestly think this is the world record for most bud growin on one plant indoors

Thanks very much. Don't think its a record for an indoor plant, i'm SURE people have grown bigger, but i do reckon its a record for the footprint/height of the plant. I'm proudest of its density, i think i managed to achieve this through the way it was trained/grown through veg. Laid the foundations.
oh believe me i drooled over those but i wanna see ur total harvest and final yield im saying lol

Coming soon to a screen near you, just stuck the camera on charge for the big occasion.

Hey LI, how much longer r u gonna dy

Started Hanging it all up to dry on monday morning, just now (friday night) the outside 90% of each branch was crispy, so i decided to jar up 90% of the harvest, with 10% still drying, partially because it was still a minor bit moist, but also because i ran out of air tight jars! never thought i'd see the day... The only cola's left hanging are the biggest fattest ones, makes sense they're taking the longest to dry.

Anyway tomorrow morning i'll probably take them all out the jars again and inspect them, they should've re-moistened a bit by then. I'll also go shopping for more jars for the rest of the bud so i can jar that up tomorrow and leave sealed for 12hrs before inspecting those ones too.

I was under the impression that it would take longer for the buds to turn crispy with such a low temp in the drying cab (15-20C) and perfect humidity (50-60%), i had no fans on to circulate the air, only an inline fan to bring in cold air and a RVK to extract humid air out, both were on EXTREMELY low settings, barely even on! God only knows whats been going on behind those sealed doors... I'm still looking to draw out this drying process for as long as possible, and dry/cure it at a snails pace, in my opinion dry and curing is as much of the cycle as vegging and flowering, and more of an art that growing the stuff in the first place!

Bout to try an airy dry nug... could still be moist on the inside but i hope not.
What time period you hoping to do on the dry and cure and.any particular reason?

Just came across this and thought it was spot on.

Eskobar's Drying/curing advice: Confirms everything i thought on the topic


U can chose how u cut the plants, the way u clean them, how u do that does not matter.
U can clean and keep them on long stems, or u can keep the buds lose. I do both, it depends how many dry screens i have left over at that point.

It is after u have harvested,next u dry them that they must be in a dark room for up to 7 and 11 days, theoritical to kill chlorofyl.
U must kill the chlorofyl because this makes u have a headach when u smoke it.
Thats why speed dried buds after harvest give a certain presure in the brains/body when u smoke it.
Wait ... have patience, have a good first impression and do your job good by slow drying.

Slow drying does seem to have a nicer bag apeal, personal experience.
Also the slower u dry, the more pale the buds will come.

Do certainly not exagirate this to, iff u aim at a slow drying then it takes 2 weeks before u jar them.
2 weeks is not rare for me. I cut the buds lose from the stems, sometimes i let them on stems, then i can take up to 3 weeks.
As soon the stems inside the buds are almost dry (they may not break) but when the buds do feel crispy (after pulling test it comes lose, but not yet totally dry)

At that point i put them in a jar for one night to have a look how they are, i use tighpack jar types myself, i love those.
The rest of the moist inside the 90% dried buds, will spread again during this night due to it is in a closed jar. Thats normal thing.
(rolling tabaco is kept in boxes to, the smoker adds drops of water to the tabaco, to make it as moisty or dry as he want, in big lines i do the same, but i do not ad water,
i only use a jar to get the moist level perfekt, so taste and smells stay superb)
The next day i check them, grind some buds to check the moist level. Iff still to wet, i let open the jar for a day + softly steer the buds so moist can spread better.
The trick is to not let dry out your buds totally, or they are ruined.
most taste stays when u do it slowly.

When the buds have reached the level that make me happy, i do not let the jar open.

From the moment u harvest, to the moment u smoke. u must have patience.
Never sacrifice your precious grown buds by doing the speeddrying thing (oven, drying under hps light, with loads of heaters)

A gentle wind from a ventilator is allready enough to make it perfekt.

After the buds are like u wish, in your jar. The curing can start.
U can allready start smoking them, but the taste and smell will change a bit after curing.
Not to something totally different, but the smells will become more refined, kinda.

Light kills the power of your buds. So u do not dry in light envoriment and u also do not jar it in such conditions.

Speed drying is invented by commercial growers. These guys have no time and risk to lose.
They cut (around here they even sell wet cannabis, fresh harvested, so they can add weightmakers or glucose crap things to sell for more ... sand? also)
and they force the weed to dry in 2 or 3 days. Mostly they go almost bonedry.
A big disrespect for the hobby people like us, it does also messes peoples mind up, that this is normal. It is not.
Commercial growers are like a factory, produktion above all.
We do not look at them, since we have totally other mentality in this cannabis world.

When u take the time to pop seeds, to grow them, to harvest them. Then why not do it all good and make the drying perfekt to.
Iff u have spended so many weeks to nurse the plants, slow drying(wich i call normal drying) does not make a big deal.

Grdz e$ko,"

He also stated:

I want to say it loud and clear, i do not write tutorials.
Only my method, my view. Yea, i dont want to sound as guy who say to u how u 'must' do things.
I share my things, thats all. I accept there are better methods, i do not say this is it. I say this works, its good"

I think that kinda sums up why i'm trying to do what i'm trying to do. As i have said before none of this is going on sale to anyone or anywhere, yes i'm a greedy bastard and what? Time is/has never been a factor to me for this reason.
You know somethin lilindian ur a sound as fuck dude... Total rrspect for your griw n ur method matey. Av been a total stoner for bout 17 yrs now n dnt hve the patience to dry and cure as long as you do,wish it was me goin to taste that goodness after your patient process. Think I'm goin to at least try do it with a few grammage of ma cotton candy,after reading that a kinda feel obliged to lol.

Take it easy bro