Making BHO With An Organza Cloth Instead Of A Coffee Filter Or Silk??


Well-Known Member
title pretty much sums it up. went to fabric shop, silk was way to thick, so i picked this up. seems like it will work. if this isn't good enough what is the best material to use as a filter when making BHO? i have an open ended glass tube. i just picked it up and i wanted this because the plastic Honey Bee Extractor i have been using is small and ive been using it for years and years. any suggestions or advice?


Hehy bro. When I make honey oil I don't use a filter I usly just grab fat nugg anduse that as a filter then I fill it up with trim and stuff its has always come out honey gold. Just be super careful. I use a 12 inch pvc tuce that is two inch thick. I easly fit one oz of trim. My bad I know it did not answer what u asked but I just put my two sense into it. Haha. Good luck and honey oil a good way to go.I love to take three good hit and be blown.


Well-Known Member
yeah, sorry that really don;t help me much. but cool cool!! ill be waiting.... i have always used the pvc Honey Bee Extractor with a coffee filter. sometimes have been better then others. im looking for a consistent and every time method. something where im not always shooting in the dark. i used to always use Mexi bud. not your average brick weed, but better grade of shitty pot, lol! sometimes i get more then others and then the color isn't very consistent either. the end result is always decent, but now that i am using "better" buds, i would a sure shot method for a superior end product every time.


For some reason I think that useing a filter media don't let all mythc go threw. But that just me and I might be wrong but then again my final product is always top gold.


Well-Known Member
if you seen my extractor, you would see why i HAVE to use a filter. its a huge glass extractor and is open ended. it needs a cloth or coffee filter. it has to have on or shit will fall out. ill upload pics later. but basically, its an opened ended piece of glass, filter on the end supported by a rubber band. i wanted a cleaner extraction then with plastic. i have used the shit out of my little 1oz. extractor. so it was time for not only an upgrade, but a bigger unit. lol, unit...


Well-Known Member
I have a decent sized glass extractor tube and I use coffee filters. Not sure why you would want anything else. I have used lab grade paper filters and they work no better than coffee filters.


Well-Known Member
coffee filters are great but i hated having to iso wash them to get the oil left and i like reusable things compaired to disposable

i have like 5 diff grinders and i took my old diamondstone 5 inch keif compartment grinder

grabed the screen outa it (its stainless steel) washed it

then bent it around my stainless steel extraction pipe fits nice and slides right on and i just need a pipe clamp to clamp it down

makes for a really durable reusable extraction screen


Well-Known Member
i have heard about that. and some of the extractors they sell on ebay actually come with a metal type of mesh screen. coffee filters are Great! however, i know there is something a lot better then a bleached white paper filter. and to the person who said im making this hard on myself, im not! in fact if you would have read my post fully you would know i have used coffee filters before, and have been making this stuff for years. i just would like a census on whats the best and what do most people use. if everyone that posted a reply would have given more then a sentence or 2 then maybe your reply would have a little bit of merit. but frankly, if you have made BHO 100 times and used a coffee filter 100 times, i don't think you could help me. i personally think input from someone who has more info, and more experiences is what im looking for. im looking for someone who has made BHO 100 times, but 10 times this way and 10 times this way. i would really like to stir up a conversation with someone who has experience with making the stuff many different ways, many different times. no offence, just what im looking for. so please don't be offended. im a very in depth person, and 1 way is not necessarily the best way.


Well-Known Member
it's just a filter. i think you might be over thinking this. ;)

i used the paper filters that came with my honey bee extractor until they fell apart. i cleaned them several times because i thought they were "special". then when they no longer worked someone said "use a piece of a dollar bill". so i did. it was very hard for the oil and butane to pass thru the paper. then someone said "use a coffee filter". i have been using coffee filters ever since. i can get 100 for a couple dollars and each filter makes two extractor filters for my tube. i simply place half of one over the end of my flared tube and lash it down with a rubber band.

IMG_4213.jpg it's really that easy. ;)

i HOPE this helps. :cool:


Well-Known Member
it's just a filter. i think you might be over thinking this. ;)

i used the paper filters that came with my honey bee extractor until they fell apart. i cleaned them several times because i thought they were "special". then when they no longer worked someone said "use a piece of a dollar bill". so i did. it was very hard for the oil and butane to pass thru the paper. then someone said "use a coffee filter". i have been using coffee filters ever since. i can get 100 for a couple dollars and each filter makes two extractor filters for my tube. i simply place half of one over the end of my flared tube and lash it down with a rubber band.

View attachment 1991561 it's really that easy. ;)

i HOPE this helps. :cool:
yerp done the same damn thing till i decided i didnt wanna have to clean the left over oil out the paper and just MADE a reusable lol


Well-Known Member
I just bought a small glass extractor off ebay and it came with a 50 micron wire mesh that you put over one end after you have put the weed in the tube. Then you put a clamp around the screen and shoot the butane through and wala! BHO! I would think that you could find some wire mesh like that at any hardware store.


Well-Known Member
yerp done the same damn thing till i decided i didnt wanna have to clean the left over oil out the paper and just MADE a reusable lol

"clean the leftover oil off the paper", what?

i just throw mine in the garbage and grab another one. what is left on the paper i doubt is less then half a hit. hardly worth worrying about. :)



Well-Known Member
I just bought a small glass extractor off ebay and it came with a 50 micron wire mesh that you put over one end after you have put the weed in the tube. Then you put a clamp around the screen and shoot the butane through and wala! BHO! I would think that you could find some wire mesh like that at any hardware store.
50 micron seems huge. sounds like room for a lot of contaminants, such as leaf debri. :(

i grind my trim in a coffee grinder and mix in several grams of kief. i need as fine as screen as possible. i don't think a wire screen would work for the application i am applying it to.


Well-Known Member
OK! the ORGANZA cloth has far less microns then a 45 micron Bubble bag. it is made out of silk and is the best thing i can think of. and i never have anything left on on my filter that came with my HBE. and i have used that tons of times and haven't used anything else ever. i was hoping someone would have used silk or the organza. and the wire mesh screens he speaks of DO come with some of the ones on eBay. i have bought practically the same one at a hydro shop here locally in town. didn't have the patience to wait for eBay. and i wanted to see one with my own eyes before buying. i supposes i should just fucking go for it. i mean the whole point of the filter is to just hold the herbs in, correct???


Well-Known Member
50 micron seems huge. sounds like room for a lot of contaminants, such as leaf debri. :(

i grind my trim in a coffee grinder and mix in several grams of kief. i need as fine as screen as possible. i don't think a wire screen would work for the application i am applying it to.
and see thats another thing... how fine should fine should it be? if grinding in a coffee grinder, then YES! the wire mesh screens wouldn't work with your application. i think i see a lot of tests being done and recorded in my future.


Well-Known Member
"clean the leftover oil off the paper", what?

i just throw mine in the garbage and grab another one. what is left on the paper i doubt is less then half a hit. hardly worth worrying about. :)

hrmm might be just me but it seems when i use the filter paper the oil/tane slides up the cofee filter

might be my fault might not half tightened the rubberand enough but the clamp and stainless took care of the problem

i ended up getting atleast .15 .2 in my filter every run

after 8 runs thats 1.6g's stuck in paper after a session with them i pulled close to 2.5 grams outa the paper

again might not happen to everyone as i might have not tightened the rubber band well enough

could explain why the clamp stopped the problem to :D