The Weed Nerd Tshirt Concept Thread and Promo

Thanks for the input from everyone. I havnt really seen anything new yet though just remakes of the old guys designs

The sliloettes been done already
I haven't tried drawing it but if someone else wants to take a try go for it...I was thinking on the front a front view of a nerdy cartoon version of you (Sub) reading a calculus book or something and then on the back have it looking at you from the back with your ponytail and hat on backwards and you can see over your shoulder and inside the book instead of math stuff its a weed book or magazine. Kind of like kids do in school hiding comic books inside textbooks in class... maybe with a caption on the front under the image saying "Nerd..." then under you on the back " WEED Nerd"
Possibly because the UK is a bit different with regard to the open nature of pot, but i like t-shirts which are themed around pot but not emblazoned with pot leaves and such, that is to say a grower will understand the t-shirt if he see's it, but not your average joe. Which can also then build upon the idea of weed nerd as it takes a true weed nerd to understand what the t-shirt is about :) Such as the molecular model for THC, i love that but wouldn't like to have dank or weed of THC or cannabis written in bold underneath etc.
Here's something I've been working on... lots of cleanup to do on that one yet, and more of the subtle graphics to add...

1a52d63e.jpg this a little closer to what you're looking for? :smile:

This is a rough idea, but let me know if you like the conceptnewweednerd.jpg
Typically when dealing with silk screen most printers allow you to have up to 6-10 colors so i tryed and keep it simple color wise. and the more colors you add the more your production costs.
Ok thats a nice effort for sure and in the right direction.

Here are some things to keep in mind.

I wont put my image on anything thats what cost the last guy his gig.

Shirts have to be inked and while I didg where your goiing with the design ( for TGA not the weed nerd re-read the last pm) the cost to print a shirt with this much art on it would make the cost of the shirt more than anyone can afford.

For the weed nerd I am looking for a small clear logo design that would become the look of the weed nerd.

Ctz we will talk more next week its sunday :)

Hey sub whats up. Dont know what your previous designs were but that there is from two public domain base images.
the erlenmeyer flask
the thc molecule
with transparent backgrounds (best for shirt design). was thinking of maybe a design that says "TGA" with the A being a beaker with the molecule in it. Or just rotating the beaker there to the right 90 deg.
Cant draw but maybe you could have a scientist that transforms into a green avenger dude or both characters . best of luck anyways later

Ps that chronic leaf in my avatar is a public domain DEA photo of a cannabis leaf doctored up. haha the nerdy weed leaf is the shit
I actually like the concept of the molecule very much.
But dont give up so easy If I had made only 2 or three attempts with Ed I wouldn't have the book of Dank :)
Your actually on to something with this design.
Maybe since I am running 3 companies and writing you could cut me some slack on being really busy.
A smart man would figure out my email its been the same for 10 years :)

here is another attempt at it. i'm currently also working several jobs so I understand sub, and I'm also currently doing some detective work trying to figure out your email :D

I made a weed nerd molecule. Probably my last submission unless sub talks me into more.
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Like the idea but feel designing it nicely will be difficult but a few tokes and you will make it, killer unique idea.

I am not a shirt designer, but the closing quote, "have a dank day" always makes me grin as i'm sure goes for some other and I would be proud to wear those words so I feel that should definitely be incorporated in any design, that is my opinion which as we all know varies