Need Your Help


Well-Known Member
thank you that is what i wanted to know a 22" plant is ok with me but did i read wrong u say i could only do 1 ? and what if i did a 2'x5'x6' could i do 2 then ? or did i misunderstand ?
You miss read. You could do 1 2-3 foot plant with what you said. Or 2-3 22inch plants. I would start with 3. Chances are 1 will die. Start small and keep it alive and you will learn so much. Even if they all die you will learn alot of what not to do. It's fun and addictive to grow. It is a weed after all and can live thru some harsh shit so start small and don't get to upset if things go south. I killed my first 3 grows but back then Internet wasn't a thing. Lol yes I'm old.
space available, amount of gear needed, budget, strain, security.........think them all through.
grow some heirloom tomatoes, and a pumpkin over 50 lbs.............good practice for cannabis; really. have a good reason for being seen lugging bags of soil into your November. have house plants. an outdoor container garden. don't go to home depot, and buy a "Grow Cannabis at Home Kit".......its very obvious when all piled on a cart, together. realize that you will be a slave to your grow. that's all i have for ya. come up with a loose plan, and we'll help you tighten it up.
first off not dad

and done said the space W2 H5 L can be upto 6 i have everything i need i believe may need a few loose end things, budget well lets just say it a try-to-get-as-needed am poor lol :) strain is reggie for now dont want to waste $$ if i cant do this right and security is np i have only 1 neighbor and they chief down aswell

and my plan is in process any programs i can use to make like a schem ? not sure how id do that but guess i need to try lol and thanks for all the info so far again guys :)


Active Member
Yes, as Warlock mentioned above, you've got ample space and lights to grow 3 plants in your cabinet. Make sure you've got the inside of the cabinet lined with reflective material (not tinfoil) and be sure to install intake and out-take fans to provide ventilation. I'd definitely go with an indica dominant plant as they are better for confined spaces and have a shorter flowering time as an added bonus. Also, I would suggest mixing your light spectrum if at all possible. The orange hues of the 2700K bulbs are best suited for flowering, while the blue hues of 6400K bulbs are ideal for vegetating a plant. A mixture of the two spectrums (2/3 blue-vegetation and 2/3 orange-budding) is optimal throughout the plants life. Also, CFL bulbs don't provide the intensity to penetrate the canopy, so be sure to keep your lights as close to the canopy of your plants as possible without burning them. Luckily, CFL bulbs burn quite cool so you can have them almost touching your plants.

As for soils and nutrients, I prefer to use a soil with little to no added nutrients. Actually, I use a Multiplication Substrate which is designed for seedling and clones and contains very low levels of nutrients. I mix in sand and perlite (10%/20%) to aid in drainage and aeration. Never feed seedlings or newly rooted clones. For young plants, I use nutrients with an NPK ratio of 2-2-7. The high concentration of Potassium helps root and stem development. Once the plants have matured, I switch to 7-2-2. Vegetating plants need lots of Nitrogen to produce foliage. Finally, once the initial "stretch" of flowering has finished (approx. 2nd week of 12/12) I switch to my bloom nutes (2-7-2). During the flowering phase, a higher concentration of Phosphorus aids in bud development. Hope this helps. Good luck.
You miss read. You could do 1 2-3 foot plant with what you said. Or 2-3 22inch plants. I would start with 3. Chances are 1 will die. Start small and keep it alive and you will learn so much. Even if they all die you will learn alot of what not to do. It's fun and addictive to grow. It is a weed after all and can live thru some harsh shit so start small and don't get to upset if things go south. I killed my first 3 grows but back then Internet wasn't a thing. Lol yes I'm old.
ok warlock i wish to ask u 1 more ? then i shall ask nomore till im sure of how im gonna do this this is a 2 part ? just so u know lol

ok if i have 3 22" plant would i yield more form them or the 1 2-3ft in your own opinion ? others are free to state theirs aswell and could i turn ne good female into a mother ? extra lol can a mother produce and be used as a mother at same time ?

p.s. dont answer extra if u dont want lol
Yes, as Warlock mentioned above, you've got ample space and lights to grow 3 plants in your cabinet. Make sure you've got the inside of the cabinet lined with reflective material (not tinfoil) and be sure to install intake and out-take fans to provide ventilation. I'd definitely go with an indica dominant plant as they are better for confined spaces and have a shorter flowering time as an added bonus. Also, I would suggest mixing your light spectrum if at all possible. The orange hues of the 2700K bulbs are best suited for flowering, while the blue hues of 6400K bulbs are ideal for vegetating a plant. A mixture of the two spectrums (2/3 blue-vegetation and 2/3 orange-budding) is optimal throughout the plants life. Also, CFL bulbs don't provide the intensity to penetrate the canopy, so be sure to keep your lights as close to the canopy of your plants as possible without burning them. Luckily, CFL bulbs burn quite cool so you can have them almost touching your plants.

As for soils and nutrients, I prefer to use a soil with little to no added nutrients. Actually, I use a Multiplication Substrate which is designed for seedling and clones and contains very low levels of nutrients. I mix in sand and perlite (10%/20%) to aid in drainage and aeration. Never feed seedlings or newly rooted clones. For young plants, I use nutrients with an NPK ratio of 2-2-7. The high concentration of Potassium helps root and stem development. Once the plants have matured, I switch to 7-2-2. Vegetating plants need lots of Nitrogen to produce foliage. Finally, once the initial "stretch" of flowering has finished (approx. 2nd week of 12/12) I switch to my bloom nutes (2-7-2). During the flowering phase, a higher concentration of Phosphorus aids in bud development. Hope this helps. Good luck.
it helps to know lol altho i understand it not :) but i will in time just for example when u say 2/3 blue or orange did u mean like 2 6.4k cfl and 1 2.7k cfl for vegging and vise versa ? and i hope noone feels like im just trying to use them just i dont understand it fully and ive ben reading on like 12 dif fourms and this is the one i felt was better so plz dont hate me cause i ask alot of ?'s


Well-Known Member
ok warlock i wish to ask u 1 more ? then i shall ask nomore till im sure of how im gonna do this this is a 2 part ? just so u know lol

ok if i have 3 22" plant would i yield more form them or the 1 2-3ft in your own opinion ? others are free to state theirs aswell and could i turn ne good female into a mother ? extra lol can a mother produce and be used as a mother at same time ?

Start small it's to soon to think about mothers. Think you should get a few grows under belt. Mothers are a pain on there own. And as for yeild. This is your first grow so chances are your going to lose a plant or 2. That's why I said start with 3. If 3 live you did great, 2 you got some good some and learned, 1 stays and you can grow to the 3" if you want. But if you try to start with 1 hoping for the 3 footer your almost always going to fail on the first run. 33% of something is better then 100% of nothing. And I'm cool with any ? You might have. If I don't see something just PM me I will do what I can or send you in the right direction. Well it's bed time. So I'm off to watch a vidio listed above. Good night.

chicken bob

Active Member
lets talk more about secrurity .... your one neighbor that burns... he is actually the enemy the very most important thing u can do w this and all future grows is not tell him....this is rule number one if u cant keep your mouth shut your better off not to grow u will end up robbed at the very least .... ever play the telephone game?

and the second s in kiss is stupid keep it simple stupid........ such nice guys to leave that part out


Well-Known Member
I seen the last S stand for so many things. It just depends on how the person is intending it. Security is a big thing. I have alot of people that know I grow. Some know where and some don't. Keep it on a low key and only let people you realy trust in the room. But I have a house in the middle of know where so getting robbed isn't a issue. I see them comming long befor they get there. Then pass the dogs, camras, then me and a .223. If that happens they can have it. Not worth it.


Well-Known Member
That ebay listing does not appear to provide enough information on its actual contents.
No NPK listing. You may want to go with something that has been proven by other growers first.
You dont want to F around with unknowns especially on your first grow.


Well-Known Member
^^^listen to Lokie . Get best nutes you can. If it has to be cheap. Go to lowes and get Alaskan fish emulsion. fine for vegging.
i see that cfl's give off some heat when on a long time what kind of fan should i use ? and u think i could use a metal filing cabinet as a grow room ?
ok if i have a 40" x 40" x ?? how tall should i make my room ? and how many cfl's would i need ? and if i remember right the 2.7k are for flowering ? and 6.5k for vegging ? and any sites where i can get cheap cfl's

chicken bob

Active Member
probably a clamp light the thing that plugs into the wall but i think u should make a fixture w cfls 2 much of a pain in the ass moving bulbs around

cfls do make heat but not much..... i think t5s make less......... what kind of fan? are u still in the closet or now its a wardrobe what? might get by w a box fan and the door left open in the closet but its going to stink someday ... maybe...hopefully.... i have seen people use filing cabinets

i dont know y u would want to make the ceiling lower at this point ... maybe someday ....... u got the color temp right