My balls hurt


Well-Known Member
damn, pulled to hard on the starter cord of a machine at work, and now my balls hurt. How do you know if you've got a hernia? nothing comes poking out if I turn my head and cough. It just feels like a back ache in the nut sack.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Is a hernia not in your stomach / abdomen??
ya but depending on the damage and where and how sever, i mean its a muscle(exstend into groin i believe?) it can be hurt in different places, the pain and be in different places and at different levels . . . .

im accident prone!


Well-Known Member
I thought a hernia was a tear in the abdomen wall repairable with keyhole. Didnt know you could get them on your balls, didnt even know they could be connected. I would have just put it dwn to twisting the wrong way a little strain


Active Member
Give it a couple of days, if it aint better go see a doc. A hernia can be in abdomen or stomach. You'll know when you get one, there will be a protrusion and you can feel the soft spot in the muscle. Welcome to the world of getting older!


Well-Known Member
Worst is after the doctor felt up your ball and say its NOT a hernia, its just hurt a bit.


Well-Known Member
You sprained your clit! I've done it. I don't think it's a hernia, and if it is, as long as you don't do any heavy lifting, I don't think it will get worse. So if you don't want a doc fingerfucking your nuts, give it a couple of days to see if it goes away. If not, you gotta turn yourself in.