Lace and Frills <3

There all over Florida now.

Havent seen any yet in FL,only a matter of time before i do though.

Here in England the worst we get are grass snakes and they're just 10cm long and don't bite lol just cat toys. I used to think America was harmless too til I heard bout brown recluses and all that shit ugh sounds horrible. Then again I imagine you would find the climate here to be equally as unappealing lol
I tell a lie I think we get adders but they're very rare

[h=1]Adder[/h]Adders are the only venomous snakes found in Britain, although they are absent from Ireland. They use their venom to immobilise prey such as lizards, amphibians, nestlings and small mammals. After striking their prey, they leave the venom to take effect before following the victim&#8217;s scent to find the body. Although an adder&#8217;s venom poses little danger to a healthy adult human, the bite is very painful and requires urgent medical attention. Adders are the most northerly distributed snake and the only species found inside the Arctic circle.
Good Morning everyone,
A bit of surreal coz just woke up then will abide by non surreal,

Mr Evans your clevics are interfering with my shevlocks! (next post non surreal)
I have no idea what clevics or shevlocks are.

Rupert,you have a train in your face! (sorry,have brekky and a smoke,return to normalcy)

Connor,farmer trumpets cows are all in your mouth.

no more!
I reccomend a viewing of Ocallis smoke show!!!cool!!

Right,im gonna cross dress my foot..

Im gonna wear some ankle stockings,oh yes i am!!!!

next post...All for in stockings for you!!!

its gonna be sexy foot time soon!!!!

just slippin em on.........oh yeahhhhh!! feels good...........B.

For Kuroi,

look at those tootsies! sex foot.plant twisted fat leaves and views 001.jpgstocking foot 003.jpgstocking foot 007.jpgstocking foot 005.jpgplant twisted fat leaves and views 004.jpgive used the scenic shots as a kind of buffer,so as not to shock too much....much like hydrolated lime in a way!!!!!
thats lace n frills my friend...HARDCORE foot scenes...

im goin all out porn next.....dogs doin chickens....chickens doin old people....old people doin dogs......dogs doin cats......cats doin dwarfs.......dwarfs doin sealions.........mice doing giants etc cte tec..........B