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Over the years I've had the opertunity to teach several people how to make "honey oil" useing the Supercritical Fluid Extraction method (S.F.E) for short. Many of these people have gone on to reaserch methods of constructing shoestring devices to do the job.
One thing that has always been a concern of mine, is the p.v.c. people use for the main body of these contraptions.
I always felt that this was not the best material for this application.
With this In mind, I went to the internet looking for equipment manafactured to perform this task
I did find one for extracting essetial oils for the holistic healing world.
It had a price tag of $1200! ouch.
The next step was to make a prototype and so I did!
After showing it around a little in the colorado medicinal comunity, I started building them! the parts are fairly expensive to have made up. Cost $380.00 per piece out the door about what a good bubble bag kit costs.
With this device I run all my sugar leaves, fine trim, node scrapings, and underdeveloped undertrash,
I can recover about 7 grams of oil from about 3/4 ounce of garbage. The oil is golden amber in color and drips off a dip stick like honey. So do yourself a favor and treat yourself every crop. Feel free to check out photo album for more pics of extractor and melungeon magic.
One thing that has always been a concern of mine, is the p.v.c. people use for the main body of these contraptions.
I always felt that this was not the best material for this application.
With this In mind, I went to the internet looking for equipment manafactured to perform this task
I did find one for extracting essetial oils for the holistic healing world.
It had a price tag of $1200! ouch.
The next step was to make a prototype and so I did!
After showing it around a little in the colorado medicinal comunity, I started building them! the parts are fairly expensive to have made up. Cost $380.00 per piece out the door about what a good bubble bag kit costs.
With this device I run all my sugar leaves, fine trim, node scrapings, and underdeveloped undertrash,
I can recover about 7 grams of oil from about 3/4 ounce of garbage. The oil is golden amber in color and drips off a dip stick like honey. So do yourself a favor and treat yourself every crop. Feel free to check out photo album for more pics of extractor and melungeon magic.