Sup PB, came by to check things out....Sub'd up now, hope you have a successful pollination!
I am bro, I am waiting on my buds to dry good so I can see how many beans I got....LOL I been picking through buds like a kid opening a present.
i normaly scoop it up wit sumtin like small paint brush have used Qtips have just sprinkled on
hold above and tap
and i have brushed on before if any contact at all must be gentle stroke as little as poss
we cant do nuthing now but remember for next time and keep a positive attitude for this time
i dont know if you member me saying it but i believe the pollen took
if you look back at my posts you will see it
whut im saying here dont dis believe -we will believe it took till proven otherwise
i was pickin names for my seeds and realized ther was none -but i had faith all along
never loose that -faith
and if not this time will have to wait til nekt time its happened many times to many
the good book says we walk by faith an not by site
so lets keep faith alive
mother natur is a fikle old girl and has a sence of humor at our expence
i do nutin get a seed or two
do erryting get nutin
go figure
muther must be laughin at me
happy new year one and all, havent been on for a while.
i see that the fairy has been busy, good stuff bro![]()
I went in the Makeup Department of WalMart and purchased a eye shadow make up brush and I would would get the pollen on the brush and tap like what D said but then I brushed it under the pistils too. Lets say I learned that you dont really need that much pollen to make beans!!! Thats has been the biggest lesson for me.
For some odd reason, when it comes to finishing a plant I have all the patience in the world but knowing I pollinated a plant and waiting for beans really made it hard for me to have patience mainly cause I want to know if its going to have beans or not. LOL
yo my dude
a positive attitude will take you further
we haven beans unless we find out ther is no beans -you get me
cause up until that point we have faith
if we find out there is nothing there then knowledge trumps faith