Well-Known Member
Hey Lorjin! and others!!! i got my grow journal going now, would love some subscribers ey!!
cya legends
You mean these fuzz-muppets? Yeah, these are a trip. Everyone should have a look.

Hey Lorjin! and others!!! i got my grow journal going now, would love some subscribers ey!!
cya legends
Who grow those hairy phalic beasts?
was flipping through this thread cause i have this strain going right now. Nicley done man!! a TRUE og will always come out like that and those look bomb!! You got a few super huge cola's at the top of a few of those!![]()
So, i did start a new journal , & invite you to have a peek. Should be the first link in my sig. If i remember how to do this again.
Some killer buds he has, i sub'd up![]()
so since your buds are all cured and the threads come to an end...
I wanted to post up the message from my hero.......lol...
The guy who made louie what it is today...
kinda sheds light on the whole og thing... and shows why your meds are that much better than the shops...
Mind u ...this guy runs 4 shops...
hope u dont mind...
"wassap chezy
louie the 13th.......ur gonna be disappointed.
it is just a renamed og kush that was floating in the san fernando valley among a group of growers for the longest time.
i got the cut back 13yrs ago. from a friend that had it for 4 years n the person that gave it to him had it for about 10yrs.
this is a really old cut. when i got it and got the end product i was like damn some of the best stuff i have ever had. shortly a year after (i been growing for 2 years before i got the cut) i showed my friend who gave me the cut (more like paid lol i wont get into the details) he said this can't be the same plant i gave u. usually small buds n not to dense. well we got softball to baseball sized nugs with great density. we unleashed the potential what this cut can do. our growing an enironment conditions where much better than most. we had a superior product that most didn't know how to replicate at the time.
all the herb was going to strip clubs an the entertainment industry an the SFV. about 5yrs ago a friend approached me an told me a club wanted to buy all i had....i laughed it off. i just told them they dont even know how much we have etc for them to assume they can just pick it all up etc. so i never met with the club but my friend was supplying the club with it. a few months go by and he said dude the guy at the club really want to meet ya. so i was like fine. it was --- they asked me how much do i usually have etc and will i have a constant supply. i told em just tell me how much u need a week etc and i'll tell you if i can handle it etc. they told me their needs and i met them 5x fold lol. so they asked if it went to any club at all. i told em the cut is vended to clubs but not by me or my circle. other circles are but theie quality an characteristics are not the same as ours....svc said we know we been dealing with them but everyone comes back just for yours and we want to know if we can get it tested and dub it. i told em i dont care what they call it.
the birth of louie the 13th!! that is it. nothing more but an un molested well taken cared of og kush that was under a certain formula of nutes.
now u can find stuff thats close to what you had back in the day. i'll tell you most of the time why its hard to find that same thing u had back in the day. we changed our style an the nute company changed formulas. we been experimenting to try to get the characterics back but it's so tough there are so many combinations of nutes and mediums we said fuck it. we going for mass weight now. and that we have.
growers hitting 2 to 2.9 pounds per 1k light, it's no longer about quality but weight. but from time to time there is a few of us that let our personal grows hit shops usually at --- or -----. only a few know about that formula and environment needs to get it like that but it only produces 1.5-1.8 pounds per 1k. thats y hardly anyone wants to use that formula.
reason why we changed our flagship name was to many shops were claiming they had the best louie etc an i was tired of it an well just dubbed it ----- ----- since i was the supply of louie. an i know where it went to an where it didn't.
--- does have the cut but we are no longer working with them. their grower (-----) isnt as consistant of a grower. they have changing enironments all the time so its hard to perfect. but they will have good batches an eh batches.
we have manipulated this cut to have diff characters. one location will make it for cerebal while another location will make it for pain.
thats y you have
-------- ----
etc this is all the same cut.....just diff style and diff medium and nutes and lenth of crop. this plant can be rdy at 8weeks or as long as 11weeks.
8 week cerebal stoney effect
11week pain and couch lock an goodnight!!
there are so many names that this cut has been given its retarded and i dont support it but the people i was working with at the time decided this. if it was me i would just be og kush but then there would be 5 og kushes on the board and people will get confused etc.
i know your a reputable person on boards.....if you would keep this confidential
it all stemmed down to when we started we were not as commercial.....now that it's been some time....its so big now that it's hard to duplicate because the true masters are not even growing it anymore....they are just supervising.
hope this helps buddy.
You're a sad little man that shoots defenseless animals for your sick, sexual gratification.
ATTENTION RIU: Anyone who shoots defenseless animals for sport is an automatic douche.
Anything said about me or my lifestyle has no weight from one such as you. Why don't you do the world a favor and put that barrel in your mouth the next time you go on a Bambi slaughter, you stupid inbred hick?
I have to leave for the office now, but I'll continue this in a moment.
Okay I'm back. Man, I'm so fuckin' high from the wake and bake I just did before leaving, but not too baked to complete my flame Masterpiece.
Yeah, hey, bluberry? You still there? Of course you are. I'm getting to you, huh? Your continued responses just prove that you're a bitter little stalker troll who's reading this after he said he unsubbed like a little bitch. And what a fuckin' used tampon you are. It's not bad enough to talk shit about me, but you gotta disrespect everyone in this journal? What did they ever do to you? Classic shooting spree mentality.
And hell yeah I jerk off to my photos, hillbilly. What red-blooded man wouldn't? But I wouldn't expect one who favors warm, dead animals and little boys to be attracted to adult women.
And hell yeah I'm here all the fucking time. It's called maintaining a daily grow journal. Having a kushy, overpaid job with all day internet access is just one of the perks of graduating high school and going to college. But I'm betting you didn't make it past junior high or middle school. Am I right? Kinda' tough to access RIU when you're on the sidewalk flipping a sign in a sandwich costume, huh? And you're ugly too, I bet. And fat. Yeah, see? I'm hitting the nail right on the head. That's why you get so burned up and respond.
I can just see you now in your mom's basement, reading this with steam coming out of your fat, stupid head. But enought about how stupid you are. Let's get to the real issue of how bad your bud is.
"Look, everyone! I grew me a bud the size of a sody bottle! Hyuk, hyuk."
Boy what shitty weed. I would have been ashamed of this shwag on my first grow. A fifth grader can grow higher grade weed.
Only stupid noobs think they did good just because they grew something big. The growth pattern on that is all foxtailed and there are hardly any crystals. Low, low marks on jar appeal. You would get laughed at if you brought one of these nasty dry stumps into even the lowest L.A. shop.
This from a grower who thinks it's a good idea to re-introduce nutrient after flushing for a month is not surprising. What a dumb noob.
Maybe you can start a shitty, heat-stressed bud club? I've seen a few others who would be well at home in your new club.
And come on, little piggy piggy, keep posting flame in my journal. It'll be funny to watch them ban you. Then you'll come back as strawberry shortcake or some shit and start all over.
Now go on... run along with your stupid green text. What a loser.
just stepped in on your journal was doing some back tracking and stumbled upon this i just wanna start by saying dude. you are my fucking hero thats how you troll a troll. but hey you didnt need to make the kid cry
awsome journal +rep stay high![]()
i liked your flame masterpeice too...lol
yea haha i got a kick outta that i thought the part about the sody bottle was funny stuff the concept being if your bud is crap it doesnt matter how big it is a single bud the size of the lid could potentially get you higher then the whole soda bottle bud if grown to your standards![]()
(Catch you at the Louie thread, sorry I'm late!)