Will Cops Show up at my House??!!! Help


Active Member
I live in Indiana and ordered some beans last week......today i saw this from a post back in 2008.
  • if your seeds are taken by customs....in most states customs sends you a shitty letter...in indiana customs contacts the state police..and out they come to your home with the dogs......​

is this true? if anyone knows anything plz let me know asap


Well-Known Member
First things first, deep breaths...
Your seeds haven't been confinscated have they?
Most seeds make it because the companys do this for a living, they are good at what they do.

Now that your relaxed a little, where'd ya see it, 5 years old might not be true any more. If theres an author, try to track him down.


Well-Known Member
Calm down first of all, I dont know what the deal is in Indiana, but did you get a letter to begin with? If not, dont start worrying, dont get lazy but just calm the fuck down....Your seeds will more than likely show up with no problems unless you ordered them from a total idiot, but the package would literally have to fall apart in transport for you to get caught, it happens but very very unlikely. So just slow down and take a bong rip or 2, they'll be ok.

If you did get a letter, call a lawyer, I'm imagining that Indiana isnt a legal state? Seriously, go buy a high times or go to hightimes.com and look under the legal section for Indiana or better yet go to norml.org and search for a lawyer in Indiana and give them a call and go in for a visit, ask them. If you get arrested do not admit to anything, all you want is your lawyer, matter of fact have a lawyers card ready and just hand it to the arresting officer. I really doubt you'd do any jail time for ordering some seeds dude, but if they are coming to your grow house, as well as got a customs letter, you'd better start doing some cleaning. However, I really hope no one would order seeds having them delivered to their growspot, thats just not a good idea.

But seriously, no letter??? Calm down. They'll show up


Active Member
First things first, deep breaths...
Your seeds haven't been confinscated have they?
Most seeds make it because the companys do this for a living, they are good at what they do.

Now that your relaxed a little, where'd ya see it, 5 years old might not be true any more. If theres an author, try to track him down.
im not gonna lie...im really freakin out....i dont have anything grow wise in my house...except a bag of soil....but my roomates always have weed...i dont think its been confinscated...at least not yet....last time i checked the tracking...it was on its way over seas. idk what to do :/


Active Member
Calm down first of all, I dont know what the deal is in Indiana, but did you get a letter to begin with? If not, dont start worrying, dont get lazy but just calm the fuck down....Your seeds will more than likely show up with no problems unless you ordered them from a total idiot, but the package would literally have to fall apart in transport for you to get caught, it happens but very very unlikely. So just slow down and take a bong rip or 2, they'll be ok.

If you did get a letter, call a lawyer, I'm imagining that Indiana isnt a legal state? Seriously, go buy a high times or go to hightimes.com and look under the legal section for Indiana or better yet go to norml.org and search for a lawyer in Indiana and give them a call and go in for a visit, ask them. If you get arrested do not admit to anything, all you want is your lawyer, matter of fact have a lawyers card ready and just hand it to the arresting officer. I really doubt you'd do any jail time for ordering some seeds dude, but if they are coming to your grow house, as well as got a customs letter, you'd better start doing some cleaning. However, I really hope no one would order seeds having them delivered to their growspot, thats just not a good idea.

But seriously, no letter??? Calm down. They'll show up
haha im trying to calm the hell down....i dont have anything set up....like nothing....all i have is a bag of fox farm soil. i ordered my seeds first....this is all for my first grow....so if they come in...they will see a bag of soil.....im just worried cuz i have weed in the house....well my roomates do...usually just like an oz
If you're this paranoid already, I cant imagine you actually growing.

I don't know about Indiana, but state police showing up at your house with dogs over a few seeds doesn't sound right. I would be willing to bet IF your seeds dont arrived, then you will recieve a letter, not police at your door.
Dont worry about it man.

Heres my advice: Smoke a bowl, chill the fuck out, wait patiently.
Good luck.


Active Member
If you're this paranoid already, I cant imagine you actually growing.

I don't know about Indiana, but state police showing up at your house with dogs over a few seeds doesn't sound right. I would be willing to bet IF your seeds dont arrived, then you will recieve a letter, not police at your door.
Dont worry about it man.

Heres my advice: Smoke a bowl, chill the fuck out, wait patiently.
Good luck.
im not paranoid....just not trying to get fucked lol. i saw that post and went :O ....but you all are right.....ima go take a few rips and chill out
ya like buddy said if ur this paranoid over a few seed what the fuck are u gonna do when those 10 seed turn into 20 oz of stinky ass dope. u need to chill out or get out of the grow room cause u gonna have a stress induced heart attack soon. CHILLLLLLLL bro



Well-Known Member
You sure you trust all your roommates can keep the secret? I doubt it. Just sayin. Be careful broseph.
Don't worry about the seeds man. No worries you should be fine.


Active Member
damn i didnt think ppl would hate so much...i was just wondering if anyone knew any information about it.....obviously i saw it...and got paranoid...so thought i would ask you folks....once its safely here....ill be fine..ive never grown before..u guys are right about that...but like i said...once i know its here and no cops showed up...ill be a happy camper lol


Well-Known Member

just fuckin with you bro your good im 100% sure seeds are legal to posses germination is where you start to break the law even if you had a full growroom setup nothing would happen if you have no plants no proof you could just be a indoor gardener its more common then you think believe me. the oz is in his posession so he would be fucked first they would need to get a warrant and they're not gonna waste a judges time over a few little seeds

i would be extra careful tho during your first grow (if the seeds don't arrive) make sure there is no smell get some uv blocker and try not to nuke the e bill


Active Member

just fuckin with you bro your good im 100% sure seeds are legal to posses germination is where you start to break the law even if you had a full growroom setup nothing would happen if you have no plants no proof you could just be a indoor gardener its more common then you think believe me. the oz is in his posession so he would be fucked first they would need to get a warrant and they're not gonna waste a judges time over a few little seeds

i would be extra careful tho during your first grow (if the seeds don't arrive) make sure there is no smell get some uv blocker and try not to nuke the e bill
thanks for the advise man.....i probably was over reacting!...feel alittle at ease now!


Well-Known Member
for sure, totally overreacting!!... LAUGHED MY ASS OFF AT THIS THREAD CAUSE TODAY i had to move 54 plants from the bed of a truck to a garage , by a 2 story building, WITH construction workers the next block up... lol... i think we were clear pretty sure noone saw us =) today...