Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!

i like that attitude adjustment

that fukn g13 is king kong
to bad you did not have her for christmas would have made a great christmas tree
that beotch looks like the eiffel tower

Yeh it was a beast, looks bigger then it was tho mate was only 3ft from pot to the top!

Pukka are you vegginf and flowering in the same space?

I did my 1st 2 grows bill, i vegged in the room then flipped to flower, now the room stays as flower an i got my small veg cab for the little uns, cos i didnt have nothin over lappin this run i chucked the blues, psycho an exo cheese in the flower room an veged them for a week under my 600w.
Im gunna have to close the veg cab down for a while mate due to the new baby in the bedroom so no space for my mothers any more, been fairy droppin out so hopefully peeps will repay when i need, so it will be seed runs after that, i got some stuff D gave me i wanna pop, plus some other stuff i got, theres loads mate i dont no where to strart, but ill be back to veggin an flowerin in the room so ill be doin probs 4 plants max in there at a time, until the little fella moves in to his own room and ill be shuttin down everything for a month or 2 when hes born just till it quietens down at my place. so not sure im a bit up in the air about whats gunna happen next bro!
puk you must be good all around
good gardener
good husband
good father
a good person

cause as a family man wife - fam - responcibilites gotta come first before gardening unless
you paying the rent and the bills wit it

choices and decisions have to include other then yourself
Whats ur contenders fir ur seed run matey?

Shit mate i dont no, i gotta pull them outta the fridge an make a list, ive got some nice genetics from across the pond, some of donnys gear, ttt's, some stuff off rob theres loads of different stuff but not many of each mate, ill get a list nocked up an post it when i do my update mate, theres a few which my boy is growin now what he sent me that im lookin foward to doin. but with no veg cab its gunna be better to do fems.

puk you must be good all around
good gardener
good husband
good father
a good person

cause as a family man wife - fam - responcibilites gotta come first before gardening unless
you paying the rent and the bills wit it

choices and decisions have to include other then yourself

Yeh i no mate its a tricky 1, wish my op was away from the house then id be sound, its just to close an dont feel right, the mrs says once its quiet i can start up again just in the room like i used to which is defo better then nothin, im hopin to get a bigger place with a basement or garage so i can get the op outa reach from every 1 apart me! lol
A no what u mean m8 ma veg cab is no more also decided would be easier cos of the glazing. Thinking bout getting the dog kush fae bb but 50 bangers is a lot when you've no got it tae spare
[h=2]My 1st Year of Growing December 2010 - January 2012[/h]
G13-Haze. December 2010 - March 2011


Blue Cheese. Aprill 2011 - July 2011


Blues/livers, Blue cheese and SLH. August 2011 - December 2011 ( 2 grows over lapping )


Livers/Blues, Psychosis and Exodus Cheese. December 2011 - Now 2012

A no what u mean m8 ma veg cab is no more also decided would be easier cos of the glazing. Thinking bout getting the dog kush fae bb but 50 bangers is a lot when you've no got it tae spare

Ive got a couple of dogs bro, there on the list to do soon lol
Haha al bet they r lol. Think it'l b some of tip tops 4 me. Got a m8 gonnae grow out the exo n pyscho if u get a chamce to send so a wnt.b completely out the game lol.

Peace out matey take it easy
Haha al bet they r lol. Think it'l b some of tip tops 4 me. Got a m8 gonnae grow out the exo n pyscho if u get a chamce to send so a wnt.b completely out the game lol.

Peace out matey take it easy

Yeh mate they are there for you no danger, just might have to sort me them back when needed thats all :)
I see lots of people taking breaks, I am too. I am shutting down till the end of Summer. I am going to be saving some cheese to upgrade everything for my next winter grow, plus I am moving from a 1 bedroom to a 3 bedroom place.

Those are some beautiful grows Pukka, very nice work!:leaf:


bkb - you got enough material to last through shut down
if not it will be good that you got friends near

puk -it was a very good year you will never beat that g13
an in life we have to do whut makes the boss happy
Of course m8 dnt even need to ask. Al need to brush up on my cloning skills lol

Haha theres nothin to it mate :)

I see lots of people taking breaks, I am too. I am shutting down till the end of Summer. I am going to be saving some cheese to upgrade everything for my next winter grow, plus I am moving from a 1 bedroom to a 3 bedroom place.

Those are some beautiful grows Pukka, very nice work!:leaf:



I plan on doin a few upgrades while i shut down if i get the time aswell mate, thanks a lot bro!

puk -it was a very good year you will never beat that g13
an in life we have to do whut makes the boss happy

Yeh a not bad year atall bro!..i think i can beat that g13, will have to be from a seed tho, them cuts just dont grow as nice ;)
You got it mate, defo gotta keep them happy for the easy life lol
Here's to another successful year Pukka man! you'll top that G13 easy. how many watts to plants you running?

Thanks Donny boy i chuffin hope so mate lol..........I run just my 600w dual spec in the flower room mate an i veg under blue cfls, dont think i could ever hit the g per W tho in my space way to small dont think it would be possible it would have to be cola after cola, its only 70cm x 100cm.

Update comin peeps sorry its late had the pics since tues just no time lol
great grow buddy, heres to another succesfull year shall i get in line to lick ya arse lool

black label found it in sainsburys 15quid not quite as good as 12.50 but its a vod n half, hows ya day been neway ya northan monkey.
oooh few black vods and he's gone all jelly hahaha. been donkeys since we've seen any of your trees sambo, cant broon nose ya if we cant see :lol:

am grand mate, had some good news about the new gaff the lass has been told she's a shoe in for her uni course and ive got me grow in the design stages at a secret location away from the house. am waiting for something to jump up and sting me. shit never goes this right for me.

yaself? ya shandy drinking southern fairy?