Will Cops Show up at my House??!!! Help


New Member
Dude, Plant some tomatoes. If the doggies come barking, offer them a salad. Don't worry about having soil or grow shit around. There are alot of people doing very un-illegal things with indoor growing. Probably almost as much as what the rest of us are doing. At least don't worry until they have obtained a search warrant and see it in your house. Then they may put you on survelliance, for future evidence.

I would be much more concerned about what Kidney Stoner420 was saying. Room mates that are smokers who know you are growing, but don't grow their own...not a great idea unless you trust these people with your entire life. Just sayin'


Well-Known Member
eeeeh i think hell have to grow somethin before the rippers come lookin for crops to steal bk... shouldnt bother with a grow w/ roommates anyways in my opinion i need their room =)


Active Member
Dude, Plant some tomatoes. If the doggies come barking, offer them a salad. Don't worry about having soil or grow shit around. There are alot of people doing very un-illegal things with indoor growing. Probably almost as much as what the rest of us are doing. At least don't worry until they have obtained a search warrant and see it in your house. Then they may put you on survelliance, for future evidence.

I would be much more concerned about what Kidney Stoner420 was saying. Room mates that are smokers who know you are growing, but don't grow their own...not a great idea unless you trust these people with your entire life. Just sayin'
well considering one of my roomates is growing shrooms in his closet....im pretty sure its all good lol. but yea i know what u guys are saying. i trust them.....plus..my door is always locked when im not home....door to my room is always locked when im not there....and i have a padlock on my closet where i will be growing that will always be locked...im not to worried about it.


New Member
for sure, totally overreacting!!... LAUGHED MY ASS OFF AT THIS THREAD CAUSE TODAY i had to move 54 plants from the bed of a truck to a garage , by a 2 story building, WITH construction workers the next block up... lol... i think we were clear pretty sure noone saw us =) today...
I hear what you're sayin bro...but CA and IN are 2 very different arenas. Not sayin it ain't mad dangerous to do move that much around in broad daylight. But in IN, they would put a guy under the jail for that. In CA hell if you got a card, you might even get off with a warning.


Active Member
I hear what you're sayin bro...but CA and IN are 2 very different arenas. Not sayin it ain't mad dangerous to do move that much around in broad daylight. But in IN, they would put a guy under the jail for that. In CA hell if you got a card, you might even get off with a warning.
are you from indiana man?


New Member
well considering one of my roomates is growing shrooms in his closet....im pretty sure its all good lol. but yea i know what u guys are saying. i trust them.....plus..my door is always locked when im not home....door to my room is always locked when im not there....and i have a padlock on my closet where i will be growing that will always be locked...im not to worried about it.
Security is all well and good within the home dude. But I find that most people define a secret as something you tell only one person. If you have 2 room mates that you are not completely sure of, they have told 2 people and depending on how big your circle of friends in common you have each of them has told someone as well and so on.

I don't mean to imply that this is actually happening, I just am pointing out the need to have complete faith in them.:peace:


Well-Known Member

just fuckin with you bro your good im 100% sure seeds are legal to posses germination is where you start to break the law even if you had a full growroom setup nothing would happen if you have no plants no proof you could just be a indoor gardener its more common then you think believe me. the oz is in his posession so he would be fucked first they would need to get a warrant and they're not gonna waste a judges time over a few little seeds
You'd be 100% wrong on the first thing.

To correct this common misconception, viable cannabis seeds are illegal to possess EVERYWHERE in the USA, by Federal law. Of course to secure a conviction, a Federal prosecutor would have to prove they're viable, but that's as easy as planting them. In practice, the Feds have bigger fish to fry than trying to convict people over a few seeds, but make no mistake, SEEDS ARE ILLEGAL, and that's why you can't buy them over the counter, the way you can in countries where mere seed possession is legal (eg England)!

Seeds are also explicitly prohibited separately by most STATE law.

Even in CA, where there is legal MMJ, I think its still against State law to possess seeds, just that if you have a prescription that acts as a legal defense. Again, just because the law isn't enforced, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Next issue, you can only be convicted of possessing cannabis seeds if you actually possess them! If they're confiscated by customs YOU DON'T POSSESS THEM, DO YOU?

Now in terms of having a fully set up grow room with no plants, that's tricky. You could, at least in theory be charged with intent to manufacture or intent to cultivate, IF there were evidence that you've ordered seeds, or possess them and have a setup that clearly seems to be designed to grow MJ. In practice, it would be pretty hard to make a charge like that stick especially if you kept your mouth shut. I've never heard of anyone busted for an EMPTY grow room!

Bottom line is, your seeds will probably arrive OK. If customs does find them, they'll probably just be destroyed. In the unlikely situation where customs decided to report a few seeds to Indiana State Police, that doesn't mean its going to be worth THEIR time to try and conduct an investigation or secure a warrant. They don't have the resources or inclination to chase every possible lead over every possible crime, and they "should" be directing their resources to things that are real threats to the State and community. They'll use their judgment to decide how big a threat/bust this represents and act accordingly.

Believe it or not, many cops really don't care if you want to grow a small amount of weed and smoke it at home. Their concern starts if you want to sell or distribute it.

Now, even assuming the Indiana police did investigate, if you aren't holding, and you aren't growing, there really isn't anything that you *could* be busted for.


New Member
You'd be 100% wrong on the first thing.

To correct this common misconception, viable cannabis seeds are illegal to possess EVERYWHERE in the USA, by Federal law. Of course to secure a conviction, a Federal prosecutor would have to prove they're viable, but that's as easy as planting them. In practice, the Feds have bigger fish to fry than trying to convict people over a few seeds, but make no mistake, SEEDS ARE ILLEGAL, and that's why you can't buy them over the counter, the way you can in countries where mere seed possession is legal (eg England)!

Seeds are also explicitly prohibited separately by most STATE law.

Even in CA, where there is legal MMJ, I think its still against State law to possess seeds, just that if you have a prescription that acts as a legal defense. Again, just because the law isn't enforced, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Next issue, you can only be convicted of possessing cannabis seeds if you actually possess them! If they're confiscated by customs YOU DON'T POSSESS THEM, DO YOU?

Now in terms of having a fully set up grow room with no plants, that's tricky. You could, at least in theory be charged with intent to manufacture or intent to cultivate, IF there were evidence that you've ordered seeds, or possess them and have a setup that clearly seems to be designed to grow MJ. In practice, it would be pretty hard to make a charge like that stick especially if you kept your mouth shut. I've never heard of anyone busted for an EMPTY grow room!

Bottom line is, your seeds will probably arrive OK. If customs does find them, they'll probably just be destroyed. In the unlikely situation where customs decided to report a few seeds to Indiana State Police, that doesn't mean its going to be worth THEIR time to try and conduct an investigation or secure a warrant. They don't have the resources or inclination to chase every possible lead over every possible crime, and they "should" be directing their resources to things that are real threats to the State and community. They'll use their judgment to decide how big a threat/bust this represents and act accordingly.

Believe it or not, many cops really don't care if you want to grow a small amount of weed and smoke it at home. Their concern starts if you want to sell or distribute it.

Now, even assuming the Indiana police did investigate, if you aren't holding, and you aren't growing, there really isn't anything that you *could* be busted for.
Are you Brick Top in disguise? LOL! JK dude. Lot of good info.


Active Member
If customs had the resources to track down and arresst everyone that had confiscated mail going thru customs prisons would be busting thru walls with over crowding.

Customs not only look for seeds, they look for drugs, counterfiet items, other contraband i rather not even type but mostly they have 100's of thousands of counterfiet goods to worry about not to mention the hundreds of thousands pounds of actual drugs they look for................your seeds amount to nothing to them not even worthy of the paperwork involved to start the conviction process. If they get found they get tossed into some box to be stored in some warehouse or destroyed.

They would most likely think you used a fake name. Face it your a small small fry in a large ass frying pan of real criminal activity.


Active Member
Maybe he's the one who outrageously ordered those despicable and illegal cannabis seeds in your name.

Can it be proven otherwise in a court of law?
haha you just made my morning... i actually dont even have my grow room set up at all....all i have is a bag of fox farm soil sitting in my room...the rest is still coming in the mail....thanks for takin the time to post man...rep


Active Member
If customs had the resources to track down and arresst everyone that had confiscated mail going thru customs prisons would be busting thru walls with over crowding.

Customs not only look for seeds, they look for drugs, counterfiet items, other contraband i rather not even type but mostly they have 100's of thousands of counterfiet goods to worry about not to mention the hundreds of thousands pounds of actual drugs they look for................your seeds amount to nothing to them not even worthy of the paperwork involved to start the conviction process. If they get found they get tossed into some box to be stored in some warehouse or destroyed.

They would most likely think you used a fake name. Face it your a small small fry in a large ass frying pan of real criminal activity.
good info ! thank u


New Member
If customs had the resources to track down and arresst everyone that had confiscated mail going thru customs prisons would be busting thru walls with over crowding.

Customs not only look for seeds, they look for drugs, counterfiet items, other contraband i rather not even type but mostly they have 100's of thousands of counterfiet goods to worry about not to mention the hundreds of thousands pounds of actual drugs they look for................your seeds amount to nothing to them not even worthy of the paperwork involved to start the conviction process. If they get found they get tossed into some box to be stored in some warehouse or destroyed.

They would most likely think you used a fake name. Face it your a small small fry in a large ass frying pan of real criminal activity.
I would like to visit a Customs agent at home and see their gardens! Bet they get the top selection of seeds!


Well-Known Member
I would like to visit a Customs agent at home and see their gardens! Bet they get the top selection of seeds!
seeds haha they prolly have tons of weed that comes thru customs everyday you can ups weed too :)

edit: as long as its not airs


Well-Known Member
Omar, Listing your location on a forum = Not Smart. And sending PM's requesting other peoples location = uncool.
I'm leaving RIU for good because i don't trust you and i don't like people snooping around my personal info. i enjoyed being on riu with all the fellow minded growers but safety and security of my family come first.