Martin Luther King Day

"despair and chaos"


it's the USA. there is NO despair and chaos. simply lazy people, otherwise not a single black person would be successful.

explain snoop dogg. ;)

Explain Hermain Cain, Colin Powell, Barak Obama, Oprah, Bill Cosby, etc...
well, because i live here and i see black people working fully successful lives. on the daily. as amazing as it may seem.

imagine that, i've seen the same.

yet i still don't pretend to deny that there exists a much bleaker situation in many places.
yep, i never lived in Oakland either. and MOVED. :dunce:

any more ASSumptions you want to lay out.


It doesn't matter where the hell you lived..are you able to change your race and suddenly understand our people?
or is it because you see a few us around, have a few black friends and listen to some rap songs that make you feel like you know us so well?
do you have white ladies switch what side their purse is on when you walk by them? or make extra sure they lock their car doors when you walk past it?
do people assume you play basketball or some type of sport, listen to hip-hop, been to jail etc.??
nah i doubt it.
not due to SLAVERY.

you lost the topic amongst your own rantings. try to stay focused. ;)

that's funny, you said there is NO despair and chaos.

now you are saying that it is not due to slavery.

and you're telling me to stay focused?

i am watching the GOP debate while doing all of this. maybe i should try to stay focused.
who is portraying racism as so bad that it is equivalent to slavery?

i haven't noticed that, perhaps you can point it out to me.

"My family was enslaved and denied rights and opportunity for hundreds of years and then I was born into a situation where I had no chance of every doing anything but working at McDonalds" is a pretty solid excuse as far as excuses go.

this guy did, for starters. ;)
so i joined a gang so i can justifiably kill all "my own people" and be a savage. :clap:

wish i was black. :(

i hope you aren't serious. :neutral:

Yeah, that's exactly how it goes. :roll:

More like "so I joined a gang because I live in an extremely unsafe neighborhood and have no other means of protecting myself and no means of economic advancement and this group offered me both"

That's why we have gangs. It's not because black people are predisposed to crime and violence.

If you look at most situations where a minority is concentrated in a neighborhood with no economic opportunity and very little public safety, the result is almost always the development of a gang or something like it. There were Irish and Italian gangs before there were black gangs. Now that those communities have largely been assimilated into the general American population, it isn't a problem anymore.

The biggest problem right now as I see it is that ghettos filled with poor black people exist in most major American cities. That's where these problems come from. And no, I don't necessarily think white people today are the cause of that problem. It's more like our history is to blame for it. But the problem is real and undeniable. As long as ghetto projects exist, there will always be racism, racial problems, gangs, violence, etc.

It's the economic conditions of these neighborhoods which is the main cause of these problems, not the people themselves.