LED Companies w/ LINKS

I really want to try a California light works or Haight Solid state LED panel....

They use 5-6w LED's....

Take a look, you'll be interested!
Those are garbage. They look like 14w panels...

I have 2 of these, bought them 1 year ago for 25 for 2. Tryed them and this is what made me fall in love with LED. They wont produce near any bud for you. But they will Veg the shit out your plant. I had these on 2 5 gallon bubble buckets, my 6 mother plants. I was able to take 12-20 Healthy cuts for clones off each plant way faster then my MH. LED is all about penetration. I stopped using my mh 600w conversion bulb to veg my mothers, was a super waste of power. I still use my 600w hps for flowering my scrog though. Dont have money for the LED flowering set-up I have in mind yet. Oh yeah their great for rooting your clones also.
I have 2 of these, bought them 1 year ago for 25 for 2. Tryed them and this is what made me fall in love with LED. They wont produce near any bud for you. But they will Veg the shit out your plant. I had these on 2 5 gallon bubble buckets, my 6 mother plants. I was able to take 12-20 Healthy cuts for clones off each plant way faster then my MH. LED is all about penetration. I stopped using my mh 600w conversion bulb to veg my mothers, was a super waste of power. I still use my 600w hps for flowering my scrog though. Dont have money for the LED flowering set-up I have in mind yet. Oh yeah their great for rooting your clones also.
Mind posting sOme pics
How was the growth compared to MH
Does the HSS light even have a heatsink??? Running 5w leds with no cooling fans or heatsink would be a big con.... I could be wrong but going by the specs(weight and thinness) it appears most of their models have no cooling other than vent holes. Anyone know more???

  • no cooling system at all, they use heavy duty diodes, rated as high as the one you may have on your car. On the top of the light, there is a few hot spots almost hard to keep my hand on but the light doest seem to generate much heat overall... its very light weight.​

I have a few statements for you;

Who says no one is doing research? This is a thread for LED companies, not HPS companies. Not once, anywhere has it ever been stated that all of the companies listed make separate, LED units; but I'm sure not all of them are made in the same place.

I'd really love to know how you know all this, where's your emails that you sent to get in contact with the factory's in China to verify your rambling? Yes, rambling, you silly fuck.

This is in the LED section, not the HPS/MH section, people are aware of the high price of LED's without you whining like a little baby about them.

You might be a broke joke, but there are people who make enough money to buy LED's and have environment control.

Bravo and well said!
Mr. BlueGoo on youtube is testing it, (type bluegoo fero in youtube.com) I am waiting for his next update any day now. I can't speak for the light yet... I did a journal with it but I had many problems with the plants even before they were put under the light, the plants recovered slowly anyway but I will not know for a while though, I am planning on putting it in my flower room beside the HIDs for my last crop of the season and see how the plant under it will flower. I am currently vegging a few seedlings under 12/12 with it now, but it's a small ass dresser and I think this light needs to be put further away for better growth, no bleach though.

you can see the FERO in action a little bit over seedlings in this video : http://www.youtube.com/user/MrBlueGoo420#p/a/u/1/bZGkCMxgplc

like I said he should update a new video soon, looking forward to it
Looks like AdvancedLED will be putting out a model of 5w leds in the near future. Doesn't say when, but I'm thinking late this this year or early 2013. They linked to CREE and Luxeon (Philips) pages so I'm thinking they'll probably be using those in their designs. Can't wait! You can be sure I'll be picking one up when they are out.

after years of buying diffrent leds, theres one main essential on purchasing a led, buy from led companies that advertise or tell you directly what kind of diodes are used and who makes them, by getting this information you know that their product should be backed up by another company that is willing to put their name on the line.
Magnum357 haves bridgelux and Epistar & Edison Diodes

there is other led lights out there that do give out that information and that is a huge PLUS. the other sketchy ones stay away from, do your research before purchase
I'm planing to spend 800_1000 on some leds to flower with.most likely 3_4 smaller lights. Really had my eye on the eshines.wish there was a thread or 2.maybe gonna get 3 diamond series.or pro grows.our hell there seems to be alot of lights to choose from.are 5 watt diodes wherr its at?i have zero experience with leds.coming off a 1.5 year hiatus from growing but pretty successful before.what would yall do?
P.s. bad ass thread
I'm planing to spend 800_1000 on some leds to flower with.most likely 3_4 smaller lights. Really had my eye on the eshines.wish there was a thread or 2.maybe gonna get 3 diamond series.or pro grows.our hell there seems to be alot of lights to choose from.are 5 watt diodes wherr its at?i have zero experience with leds.coming off a 1.5 year hiatus from growing but pretty successful before.what would yall do?
P.s. bad ass thread

E.shine systems was looking great until they asked me to do a grow journal for a $30 refund once it's completed! LOL!
if you had 900 to spend on lights.wanted the best coverage abd quality buds.what light it lights would you get?
if you had 900 to spend on lights.wanted the best coverage abd quality buds.what light it lights would you get?

(2) Pro Grow 260 lights over a 2'x4' area ($778 for 360W's of LED)
(1) Pro Grow 550 over a 3'x3' area ($819 for 470W's of LED)

Either way you have some good lights over a reasonably sized grow area, with around $100 still in your pocket.
I've been growing with LED's for 2 years now and stay up to date on what's going on with each company.
There are a lot of grow journals documenting these lights in action, all with good results.
If I was setting up my garden now, instead of 2 years ago, the Pro Grow LED's from Hydroponics Hut are what I'd be buying.
I hope that helps, good luck.
(2) Pro Grow 260 lights over a 2'x4' area ($778 for 360W's of LED)
(1) Pro Grow 550 over a 3'x3' area ($819 for 470W's of LED)

Either way you have some good lights over a reasonably sized grow area, with around $100 still in your pocket.
I've been growing with LED's for 2 years now and stay up to date on what's going on with each company.
There are a lot of grow journals documenting these lights in action, all with good results.
If I was setting up my garden now, instead of 2 years ago, the Pro Grow LED's from Hydroponics Hut are what I'd be buying.
I hope that helps, good luck.

Amen brotha, preach the word! :D
just had a chat with peter from eshine systems. they're chinese, with terrible english skills. but i some how managed to convince them to sell me a 126x3watt for wholesale pricing of 289.00, AND I ONLY NEED TO ORDER 1. Crazy right? then the dude tells me that it uses 240 watts, and that sounds right with 126 3 watt leds. to bad china is on holiday until february or i would have ordered today.