Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

Sorry about that. I had no idea you were allergic (and sick). Next time they stay in their rooms and I vacuum the fuck out of the place before you show.

Again, putting this site together will be like "pulling a string" for me. It's been in the planning stages for some years now, kicking around in the ol' noggin. I was always delayed by lack of proper resources, though.

But the thing is, I wasn't even thinking about showcasing my cannabis growing ability for the longest time. I was just meandering from one naked chick photo shoot to the next --really having fun and gaining valuable experience, but without the crystallized direction so essential for any kind of product marketing. So shoot, shoot, shoot, grow, grow grow. Then I figured I'd start contributing to Rollitup where I got most of my grow info. Then I figured I'd start spicing up my grow journal with the sexy girl photos I took. Then I figured I'd get bonkers high and viola! FemCult. It's crazy how you were one of the first users to start commenting on my first journal. I thought you were a pretty decent grower, but I didn't think much more... Wow. And now look. I feel like I've known you all my life.

As I was telling you during our meeting, this is very, very unique even in the crazy world of the internet. How many media empires were created on an online user forum recorded for all time? ...or as long as Rollitup stays solvent? None. I can't help but feel that we're making history here, bro.

The overarching message of FemCult is just as you characterized it... "The stoner is not always the dumb, smelly, long-haired, unemployed guy on the skateboard. The stoner is sometimes a bad-ass." That's it. That's FemCult's message! ...or at least a big part of it. We're doctors, we're lawyers, scientists, engineers, artists, we're entrepreneurs, we're the people that make this society go round. THAT'S who pot-smokers are. The image of the passed-out hippy is old, faded, and no longer relevant. Cannabis is moving into a new age of awareness and FemCult will be right there, steering the ship to a better tomorrow for all of us.

Sleezy1, you're a fucking Godsend. And I have chills up my spine thinking about the amazing content we're gonna bring to all these fine folks here on RIU and elsewhere. All my abilities as an artist, a writer, an editor, a grower, a designer, a manager... they're all in the pot all the way, no holds barred. So I raise my bowl to you. I sure wish it was that heavy 1200.00 wonder you call a bong, but it's just my dirty little bonger for now. Lol.

FemCult is coming.
Oh, and FemCult is gonna do well in Europe because of the name. I purposefully named it to sound like something European or Scandinavian.

Bravo Bravo! Well said! You should run for president Jin! lol. I am your brother from another mother! I am happy that I am helping you make your dream come true. As an investor, grower, smoker I am 100% behind your vision for Fem Cult. We are going to show the whole world that young and old professionals smoke weed. Hehe, you'll have many $1200 Illadelph bongs soon brother. We will get there... Just make sure you come to me when you buy that Lamborghini...haha

Ok im going to go back to trying to breathe. Don't worry about your cats. When Im sick Ill just stay away from them, otherwise Im all good usually unless Im petting them and rubbing my eyes. Peace out brother
Bravo Bravo! Well said! You should run for president Jin! lol. I am your brother from another mother! I am happy that I am helping you make your dream come true. As an investor, grower, smoker I am 100% behind your vision for Fem Cult. We are going to show the whole world that young and old professionals smoke weed. Hehe, you'll have many $1200 Illadelph bongs soon brother. We will get there... Just make sure you come to me when you buy that Lamborghini...haha

Ok im going to go back to trying to breathe. Don't worry about your cats. When Im sick Ill just stay away from them, otherwise Im all good usually unless Im petting them and rubbing my eyes. Peace out brother

Don't worry, I'll dust and vacuum the place out before I know you're coming.

I develop ideas while I'm doing anything, but mostly it's when I'm walking and showering. Man, this thing is writing itself. I need to lay the groundwork contacts for some of the arts/entertainment content. I'll be doing that with my director friend and his gang of crazy pornstars. Will keep you up on that, of course.

Take care of your cold. Talk soon.
I honestly don't just come on the thread to disagree and tell you to do other things Jin, lol. But I do disagree on the rubber smell in weed. And especially relating to kush type smells. The only reason I say this is that my wife, god bless her, who doesn't touch weed and can't stand the smell of the stuff (thinks I should be making strains that actually smell of Blueberry's, not Blueberry weed. lol) but has one of the keenest and most accurate noses and often comments of rubber smells.

It is often the case that she comments on this and then when I take a whiff of my hands then sometimes that smell is there. But I would perhaps associate that smell more with weed that is growing, or just been chopped.......

Funny thing is, rubber smells seem to come out in nature a lot it. One of the things associated with a lot of South African red wines for example (something I learned on a wine course I attended), is a slight rubbery smell to them.

I often find it interesting to see what smell people associate with weed. People often say, it has a real Grape Considering the amount of grape varieties in the world, that is actually quite amazing to say that. Did you know the only wine that actually tastes and smells anything like grapes is the Muskadet variety (sp). I feel a very close relationship with the smells our lovely MJ produce and the intrinsic make up of grapes and their combinations of tastes and smells (grape varieties contain similar elements that their subsequent smells and taste bring out (I believe around 2000 plus).

Anyway, if you have not already, check out Zinfadels Aroma Wheel, should help you get to the bottom of even your weed varieties.

Take it easy you LA-ittes.

Peace, DST

It doesn't turn to shit after months of proper curing of course... it turns to gold. But I'm talking about fermentation as a result of not curing properly... I left the Diablo sealed in jars for months without ever burping because I didn't care too much about that batch. That bit of negligence caused the bud to break down and ferment. No mold or any kind of spore destruction, just old weed. No potency lost, just didn't taste good.

It's funny, there's an elaborate bud review from a Denver Journal that I mock in an earlier post of mine. In the article, the reviewer keeps going on and on about a 'rubber' smell that is so good in association with OG. Rubber smell? That was the first time I heard "rubber smell" to describe OG and it had me quite puzzled. Rubber is the last thing that comes to mind when I smell the OG's around my neck of the woods (including my own). But then it hit me. That Diablo I never let breathe and just kept sealed up for months and months, allowing it to ferment, guess what it smelled like? Old burnt tires. So there you go. I guess they don't know how to cure the so-called OG they sell in Colorado.

But if you properly cure a bud for months? Yeah, different story. I was talking about fermentation as a result of laziness.

Thanks for calling me on my comment like that. It keeps me honest and the information clear.
I honestly don't just come on the thread to disagree and tell you to do other things Jin, lol. But I do disagree on the rubber smell in weed. And especially relating to kush type smells. The only reason I say this is that my wife, god bless her, who doesn't touch weed and can't stand the smell of the stuff (thinks I should be making strains that actually smell of Blueberry's, not Blueberry weed. lol) but has one of the keenest and most accurate noses and often comments of rubber smells.

It is often the case that she comments on this and then when I take a whiff of my hands then sometimes that smell is there. But I would perhaps associate that smell more with weed that is growing, or just been chopped.......

Funny thing is, rubber smells seem to come out in nature a lot it. One of the things associated with a lot of South African red wines for example (something I learned on a wine course I attended), is a slight rubbery smell to them.

I often find it interesting to see what smell people associate with weed. People often say, it has a real Grape Considering the amount of grape varieties in the world, that is actually quite amazing to say that. Did you know the only wine that actually tastes and smells anything like grapes is the Muskadet variety (sp). I feel a very close relationship with the smells our lovely MJ produce and the intrinsic make up of grapes and their combinations of tastes and smells (grape varieties contain similar elements that their subsequent smells and taste bring out (I believe around 2000 plus).

Anyway, if you have not already, check out Zinfadels Aroma Wheel, should help you get to the bottom of even your weed varieties.

Take it easy you LA-ittes.

Peace, DST

Damn, I hate being scolded in my own journal... But I enjoy it from you, DST. Lol.

Everyone smells something different. Okay. I admit it, I can see what they mean by 'rubber smell.' I just think it's an odd way of putting it. Heh heh...

I'm putting you in charge of "Keeping Jin from becoming a Know-it-all Ass-head."

Edit 2:
And you never know...Once the FemCult Machine is running, Sleezy1 and lordjin just might have to fly out and check out them coffee shops with DST guiding the way.
Yes! Congrats on finishing the Tahoe grow, what an amazing journal and what a fun time that was. And now onto your new and exciting grow already! Settling in a wee bit earlier this time, good luck Jin! I know you're gonna knock this one outta the park
See now, this is what I signed up for - beautiful buds, boobs and butts. I'll be signed up to FemCult even if it's that lesbian dominance site at the top of google search results! I don't thinks that one's yours though jin... no budshots, I looked. Just for research purposes, y'know?
I was thinking about first article for FemCult and I reckon I should do a little tour of some coffeeshops (oh it's such hard work, lol) and go on a Kush hunt. See which shops are really selling legit stuff, that should be fun and a nice write up....if any of them are actually selling legit kush, haha.

Re the above, do you think the CFO Sleezy1 will let me send Femcult receipts and claim back for weed expenses, bwahahahaha:shock::weed: hohohehe.

Damn, I hate being scolded in my own journal... But I enjoy it from you, DST. Lol.

Everyone smells something different. Okay. I admit it, I can see what they mean by 'rubber smell.' I just think it's an odd way of putting it. Heh heh...

I'm putting you in charge of "Keeping Jin from becoming a Know-it-all Ass-head."

Edit 2:
And you never know...Once the FemCult Machine is running, Sleezy1 and lordjin just might have to fly out and check out them coffee shops with DST guiding the way.
OGKLA LLC. filed right now!

I can guess what OG and LA stand for, but can't figure out the 'K'.

What is this, your stock market symbol? Personally, I believe that corporations and the stock market are inherently evil, at least now that the tax system is friendly to speculators. And you don't ever want your company to be bought out by someone like Mitt Romney.
No worries and it not a stock market symbol he just formed a Limited Liability Corporation instead of the business being under a sole prop. its under a corp that limits the liability to the CEO and VP of the company. For instance if for some reason the content is offensive or for whatever reason someone wants to sue "X" company it goes after the corporation not the individual. Also its great for tax write off purposes your allowed to right off more than normal individual that just started a business would. When opening a company never open it prior to establishing a corp whether it be C or S or LLC just cover your ass especially if you have valuable assets, but most of your valuable assets should be in a trust anyway... Sorry Jin... ill stop rambling now..
I can guess what OG and LA stand for, but can't figure out the 'K'.

What is this, your stock market symbol? Personally, I believe that corporations and the stock market are inherently evil, at least now that the tax system is friendly to speculators. And you don't ever want your company to be bought out by someone like Mitt Romney.

I think someone else answered your 'K' question? Our outfit is owned and controlled by Sleezy1 and me. I will utilize every ounce of my moral, liberal judgment when moving forward with the growth of the entity.

I was thinking about first article for FemCult and I reckon I should do a little tour of some coffeeshops (oh it's such hard work, lol) and go on a Kush hunt. See which shops are really selling legit stuff, that should be fun and a nice write up....if any of them are actually selling legit kush, haha.

Re the above, do you think the CFO Sleezy1 will let me send Femcult receipts and claim back for weed expenses, bwahahahaha:shock::weed: hohohehe.

Brilliant, DST. That subject will definitely make our readers' ears prick. Our man in the Dam tests the Kush legitimacy in the Amsterdam Coffee Shop scene. Shit, even I want to read that one.

Yes! Congrats on finishing the Tahoe grow, what an amazing journal and what a fun time that was. And now onto your new and exciting grow already! Settling in a wee bit earlier this time, good luck Jin! I know you're gonna knock this one outta the park

I hope so too. Thank you for your support. It means everything to me.

See now, this is what I signed up for - beautiful buds, boobs and butts. I'll be signed up to FemCult even if it's that lesbian dominance site at the top of google search results! I don't thinks that one's yours though jin... no budshots, I looked. Just for research purposes, y'know?

OMG, I just googled "Femcult" too. You're right! How bout that? It's a Lesbo Domination site! Wow. I have nothing against Lesbo Domination, but yeah, that's not us.

Long live Lesbian Domination! But remember, FemCult is a catchy abbreviaton of Feminized Culture. That should give you a clue. I've secured our domain as FeminizedCulture dot com. Keep an eye out for it. It's gonna knock your THC/CBD addled brain out through your ears.
No worries and it not a stock market symbol he just formed a Limited Liability Corporation instead of the business being under a sole prop. its under a corp that limits the liability to the CEO and VP of the company. For instance if for some reason the content is offensive or for whatever reason someone wants to sue "X" company it goes after the corporation not the individual. Also its great for tax write off purposes your allowed to right off more than normal individual that just started a business would. When opening a company never open it prior to establishing a corp whether it be C or S or LLC just cover your ass especially if you have valuable assets, but most of your valuable assets should be in a trust anyway... Sorry Jin... ill stop rambling now..

Look at this, Sleeze! This guy knows a thing or two as well.

Hey Jin, Have you thought about having a casting call on RIU itself for women? Im sure there is plenty of gorgeous women on RIU? just a thought...
Hey Jin, Have you thought about having a casting call on RIU itself for women? Im sure there is plenty of gorgeous women on RIU? just a thought...

Actually no. I'm having enough difficulty finding models who meet my standards at modeling sites. I don't expect growers by and large to look like Megan Fox. Lol.

But sure, why not? If you're reading this and think you're hot enough to be an Emerald Goddess, show me your portfolio. PM me your info and we'll take a look.

There. Done.
In my grows the Larry produced quicker... more and had a higher THC content than the Tahoe

Mine where clones from the original strains




hope there be a buds n babes section :lol: i know some boobs that would look great on your site :-P

Buds and Babes section? Buds and Babes underpin the entire site concept.

The site will be filled with the most penetrating Canna content on the web...including real-time grows, tutorials, product reviews, technology comparisons, strain and shop reviews, grow techniques, theories, plant genetics. But you will be guided through these wondrous halls by two new Emerald Goddesses every month. The site will be launched with a trio of Goddesses, but two fresh faces and bodies will be gracing our main Emerald Goddess feature each month.

More about our Emerald Goddesses:
Their presence will be strong on the main free site. They'll appear as scantily dressed spokesmodels to accomopany our SFW content, but for a small donation of just about $10 US, you'll be able to enter our 'Secret Garden,' where you can get more intimately acquainted with our lovely Goddesses of the month. Leave your imagination at the door.