Well-Known Member
Sorry about that. I had no idea you were allergic (and sick). Next time they stay in their rooms and I vacuum the fuck out of the place before you show.
Again, putting this site together will be like "pulling a string" for me. It's been in the planning stages for some years now, kicking around in the ol' noggin. I was always delayed by lack of proper resources, though.
But the thing is, I wasn't even thinking about showcasing my cannabis growing ability for the longest time. I was just meandering from one naked chick photo shoot to the next --really having fun and gaining valuable experience, but without the crystallized direction so essential for any kind of product marketing. So shoot, shoot, shoot, grow, grow grow. Then I figured I'd start contributing to Rollitup where I got most of my grow info. Then I figured I'd start spicing up my grow journal with the sexy girl photos I took. Then I figured I'd get bonkers high and viola! FemCult. It's crazy how you were one of the first users to start commenting on my first journal. I thought you were a pretty decent grower, but I didn't think much more... Wow. And now look. I feel like I've known you all my life.
As I was telling you during our meeting, this is very, very unique even in the crazy world of the internet. How many media empires were created on an online user forum recorded for all time? ...or as long as Rollitup stays solvent? None. I can't help but feel that we're making history here, bro.
The overarching message of FemCult is just as you characterized it... "The stoner is not always the dumb, smelly, long-haired, unemployed guy on the skateboard. The stoner is sometimes a bad-ass." That's it. That's FemCult's message! ...or at least a big part of it. We're doctors, we're lawyers, scientists, engineers, artists, we're entrepreneurs, we're the people that make this society go round. THAT'S who pot-smokers are. The image of the passed-out hippy is old, faded, and no longer relevant. Cannabis is moving into a new age of awareness and FemCult will be right there, steering the ship to a better tomorrow for all of us.
Sleezy1, you're a fucking Godsend. And I have chills up my spine thinking about the amazing content we're gonna bring to all these fine folks here on RIU and elsewhere. All my abilities as an artist, a writer, an editor, a grower, a designer, a manager... they're all in the pot all the way, no holds barred. So I raise my bowl to you. I sure wish it was that heavy 1200.00 wonder you call a bong, but it's just my dirty little bonger for now. Lol.
FemCult is coming.
Oh, and FemCult is gonna do well in Europe because of the name. I purposefully named it to sound like something European or Scandinavian.
Bravo Bravo! Well said! You should run for president Jin! lol. I am your brother from another mother! I am happy that I am helping you make your dream come true. As an investor, grower, smoker I am 100% behind your vision for Fem Cult. We are going to show the whole world that young and old professionals smoke weed. Hehe, you'll have many $1200 Illadelph bongs soon brother. We will get there... Just make sure you come to me when you buy that Lamborghini...haha
Ok im going to go back to trying to breathe. Don't worry about your cats. When Im sick Ill just stay away from them, otherwise Im all good usually unless Im petting them and rubbing my eyes. Peace out brother