My Lazy Arsed Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
im all good man , hows you , fall colors ;) good one , thats my new excuse and im sticking to it , like a true asshole :)


Well-Known Member
Yo rob when did u fluff the slh? you said you got 2week left an choppin at 60 so your on about day 46ish? was just wonderin cos i herd ya ment to fluff at around 3 week when you got plenty of pistals an seeds take 6weekish to be mature, was wonderin how you squeezed it in allready? if u fluffed at 3 there only 25 days old you sure there ready?


Well-Known Member
Yo rob when did u fluff the slh? you said you got 2week left an choppin at 60 so your on about day 46ish? was just wonderin cos i herd ya ment to fluff at around 3 week when you got plenty of pistals an seeds take 6weekish to be mature, was wonderin how you squeezed it in allready? if u fluffed at 3 there only 18 days old you sure there ready?
dont mean to distrubt the thread with my drunkeness and i apologise but pukka should really be in bed at this time lmao


Well-Known Member
pukka im on day 49 of 12/12 , im not sure when i gave the male pollen it was near the beginning ... there deffo ready anyway the reason i chopped that pollinated branch was because there was that many seeds in it they where popping out and falling on the floor, there all ready anyway nice and tiger striped ...


Well-Known Member
Sweet as mate remember where you got that cut from ;)
You get any pics of the seeds an branch an shit on ya new cam?


Well-Known Member
Lol no not at all mate on my 1ST run as you no so just wanna see, i was told a load of stuff an just tryin to find out for myself.


Well-Known Member
i dont have any pics of the seeded bud , ill take some of the seedslater for you though mate , best people to ask about seed production imo would be Highlander or Dizzle , ask here if you want im sure they wont mind helping you ....

i was thinking and if what you say was right (pollonate on 3rd week, 6 weeks to mature) that would be 9 weeks what about these 6 - 8 week strains then lol .... i thought it took 4 weeks for seeds to mature ... could be wrong though and it obviously could depend on strain.